fpsclasico masters summer 21 cup

fpsclassico masters 21 - fau champion, Miroslav undisputed
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Re: fpsclasico masters summer 21 cup

Post by orgi69 »

Semisek48 wrote: Wed Jun 16, 2021 18:48
adminless wrote: Wed Jun 16, 2021 14:28 remember to make your map choices public here
What concerns my and Orgi, I know already that I would like to play Ztn3tourney1 and pro-q3tourney7.
For me it's: pro-q3tourney4 and q3tourney2
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Re: fpsclasico masters summer 21 cup

Post by fau »

One question to my opponents, do you guys play with fps 125 masters server or somehow make it higher? Asking because it bothers me, I'm used to 250. But if everyone is on the same boat then I'll float along.
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Re: fpsclasico masters summer 21 cup

Post by adminless »

@cthulhu that has been discussed other times, I know but unfortunately that's what the most elitist of the elitist players demand even till this day and as even the server name points (masters) it just happens that that's the audience that server targets and even after extensive testing I even come to agree that for that particular use (competitive duels) is probably the right setup. anyways, hopefully I'm fully aware of that and precisely that (target the general public) is one of the reasons of existency of UnFreeZe and hence the results. as you bring the topic may be on the future I could add another duel server with more "mainstream" settings to appeal a more broader group of people but at the moment that's not a priority, so we'll see, may be one day something like that materializes, I'm not commiting to something with that.

@orgi thank you about that because I was about to overrule you. ok then I'll make pro-q3dm6 as tie-breaker for your fight and I'll PM you the fight card next after this. have fun and good luck to both see you the Monday 21 of June of 2021 21:30 CEST (UTC+02).

@fau 125 is the standard for the masters server though I can tell you that you can perfectly do 250 fps if you prefer instead, there's no problems with that.
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Re: fpsclasico masters summer 21 cup

Post by fau »

There is a problem with setting com_maxfps to 250 - I think osp clientside mod forces it to 125. I just checked that there is a serverside "capfps" cvar in osp that controls this behaviour. I understand it's to make everyone's jump height the same.

But nowadays some players (including me) have 240hz monitors and even 320hz panels are out there, so it seems a bit outdated. Up to you, if you decide to leave it on as an equalizing factor - I'll just play with 125. I wanted to hear what other players think about it too.

If there is no sv_pure on the server (is there?) then maybe there is no point enforcing it.
Last edited by fau on Sat Jun 19, 2021 23:37, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: fpsclasico masters summer 21 cup

Post by adminless »

I know but it's shit for the very same reasons you're writting (among others like every time your frame drops/shutter the game completely fuck ups) so it's disabled/not enforced. as I said, feel free to do 250 if it's more convinient/works better for you, I mean, at least that's my take on that. fair enough to me.
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Re: fpsclasico masters summer 21 cup

Post by fau »

But I can't, the mod won't allow me. Can you change "capfps" cvar in server config to 0? Then everyone with osp clientside will be able to use any fps.
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Re: fpsclasico masters summer 21 cup

Post by adminless »

yes you rigth, apparently there was still even another extra client fps clamp more for osp clients, just as I said, total garbage. try now please.
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Re: fpsclasico masters summer 21 cup

Post by LeopolD »

the OSP Docs say this (osp/Docs Folder):
com_maxfps must be between 1 and 125 (not bound for listen server)
---> Can be disabled with a callvote of capfps 0

** General votable parameters **
... capfps <0|1> Toggles the clamp on com_maxfps.

- Add: vote_allow_capfps <0|1>: Admin control for capfps callvote
- Add: flag 0x20 (32) on server_customclient (enables no client fps capping)

I had a problem setting com_maxfps 250 on Moscow FT because I had older pk3s from earlier OSP-releases lying around. Things should be fine with 1.03.
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Re: fpsclasico masters summer 21 cup

Post by fau »

Thanks, it works for me now.
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Re: fpsclasico masters summer 21 cup

Post by aimer »

Will there be GTV available for the fights? 👀
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Re: fpsclasico masters summer 21 cup

Post by adminless »

ok, I think so, I'll attach the usual gtv ( like five minutes before the fights.
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Re: fpsclasico masters summer 21 cup

Post by ^ironmonkey »

hey adminless, can u check gtv? we just can watch walls:D
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Re: fpsclasico masters summer 21 cup

Post by adminless »

:( the camera is off then. I'll try to work out something.
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Re: fpsclasico masters summer 21 cup

Post by ^ironmonkey »

the connection is broken
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Re: fpsclasico masters summer 21 cup

Post by adminless »

the gtv crashed the entire box. it's gonna be too hard to repair at the moment while I admin this. this mod is total pure raw uncooked garbage. sorry about that.