[VIDEO] clanwar ILM vs WTF [1st of April. 21:30 CET]WON WTF 3-0

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Re: [VIDEO] clanwar ILM vs WTF [1st of April. 21:30 CET]WON WTF 3-0

Post by PacMan »

adminless wrote: Fri Apr 02, 2021 14:11 @viper "the role of an admin is keep objectively in any forum, managing the correct running without take part" and that's exactly what I did, I just stated facts, and the facts were that you started a war you didn't even took part in yourself and pretty much ripped off these guys with a team that nothing had to do with the original team/mood/setting they had agreed to just to spec it. they joined to fight you and your mates (the well know original ones) not someone else that came along the way out of nowhere so sure I'm not ok with any of that bullshit and that kind of shit doesn't reflect the good spirit of fpsclasico but what else can I say, I believe you called yourself a snake some posts ago. but hey look I'm very glad to hear that you also have better shit to do and you don't even care because, quite frankly, neither we do and as I think I told you I'm not here to take any commands from you and/or to hear what I should or should not do from you and as me anybody else then I don't know what you're gonna do but whatever it's is not gonna have anything to with fpsclasico anymore because you're pretty much done here. I'm not gonna waste anymore time on this/you as i said I wouldn't.
Did he insult you? I think it's ok to do basic comments no?

Why would he be done here? Why not with fpsclasico

Buy over the top everyone , although I understand admin can administer fair as possible no problem
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Re: [VIDEO] clanwar ILM vs WTF [1st of April. 21:30 CET]WON WTF 3-0

Post by PacMan »

nickaero wrote: Fri Apr 02, 2021 13:57
viper++ wrote: Fri Apr 02, 2021 13:22 Well, make me laught how a legit clanwar won 3-0 by WTF was converted in a post of frustrated complainers.
Anyway almost of us dont care. We dont have to give explanations to anybody.
Adminless, the role of an admin is keep objectively in any forum, managing the correct running without take part, but i can see this dont happens here.
Magister time to play Oko vs ILM for 2nd and 3rd. Dont be ashamed.
You have no business telling us who to play
I don't think it's that , I think someone mentioned no more clan wars maybe magi or Liza and it was just more of a support that clan wars can continue

Very odd comments from everyone
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Re: [VIDEO] clanwar ILM vs WTF [1st of April. 21:30 CET]WON WTF 3-0

Post by oKo*Magister »

@ironmonkey Wise words. GG to you all and no problem about our support :D
Happy Easter to you too!
It's all in the spirit of Aimbot. *Mankubus voice*
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Re: [VIDEO] clanwar ILM vs WTF [1st of April. 21:30 CET]WON WTF 3-0

Post by PacMan »

^ironmonkey wrote: Fri Apr 02, 2021 14:50 Hello everybody,

first of all, many thanks to adminless for your support, providing the server and also the production of the videos.

Many thanks to all players from WTF for the matches and GG.

And last but not least, thank you players from team Unfreeze, well played!

Below our statement:

1) You are free to add anyone into your team, that is surely legitimate. However, it is strange that both players Ouunp and Miro did not play a single minute on the Unfreeze servers with the WTF-tag before (according to the statistics on the three servers). After the Tournament Ouunp removed the WTF-tag and continued playing without “WTF” on the Unfreeze Server. Please feel free to design your clan the way you want.

2) BO5 was proposed by you and we agreed to it (which does not correspond to the usual format BO3). Regardless of whether the winner was determined, we played the two maps that were selected by WTF (DM6 and DM7), just one of ours (DM8). This was an advantage for WTF.

3) After WTF won 3 maps, we wanted to finish the tournament as agreed in advance and also play the other maps, that we selected. Porsche sabotaged this agreement and did not behave respectfully at the fouth map (DM13). We were waiting patiently for him to be "\ready" or that you guys will replace him in consequence. Even players renamed to "type READY porsche" (cause of his chat ban). We kicked him few times by callvote but without any success. Because of this trolling, it was not possible for us to finish the tournament by playing the fixed maps. In fact we were waiting about 20-30 min for the result of not giving us the chance to finish.

4) For us as a team, basic values count, solidarity and fairness in our clan are important to us. We assume that this is the same for our challenger, but at no point will we create a contract with our opponents about basic moral values. Under circumstances like yesterday, ILM will no longer contest clan wars.

At the end of our contribution, ILM would like to express very special thanks to oKo for the support and the training, glad have your honorable oKo-clan on Unfreeze!

We tribute respect to all Unfreeze Players and are happy to to keep the q3 community alive!

We wish you happy Easter

Was agreed with Miro and ouunp about the tag as they play unfreeze team otherwise they were asked sometime ago

I think you guys under estimate your selves as the matches he's were closer than it seems
Last edited by PacMan on Fri Apr 02, 2021 15:30, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [VIDEO] clanwar ILM vs WTF [1st of April. 21:30 CET]WON WTF 3-0

Post by ...jutuli... »

Nice words monk, you deserve more than one banana for this ;) WTF - just "nomen omen"... There are some fine people, but I also getting allergic to this clanmark.
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Re: [VIDEO] clanwar ILM vs WTF [1st of April. 21:30 CET]WON WTF 3-0

Post by nickaero »

As if we would care about Miro and ouunp wearing the tag while being part of team UnFreeze. Why would that matter anyway if they are part of the clan in the first place?
Don't play fool on us, you know exactly what you were doing
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Re: [VIDEO] clanwar ILM vs WTF [1st of April. 21:30 CET]WON WTF 3-0

Post by PacMan »

nickaero wrote: Fri Apr 02, 2021 15:28 As if we would care about Miro and ouunp wearing the tag while being part of team UnFreeze. Why would that matter anyway if they are part of the clan in the first place?
Don't play fool on us, you know exactly what you were doing
Appologies nick , but No such thing

Never mind eh just a game
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Re: [VIDEO] clanwar ILM vs WTF [1st of April. 21:30 CET]WON WTF 3-0

Post by nickaero »

Well too bad one side took this match with a bit more respect than we should have. At least PAC you have the decency to apologize so I'll remember that
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Re: [VIDEO] clanwar ILM vs WTF [1st of April. 21:30 CET]WON WTF 3-0

Post by PacMan »

nickaero wrote: Fri Apr 02, 2021 15:37 Well too bad one side took this match with a bit more respect than we should have. At least you have the decency to apologize so I'll remember that
You motivate me remember ? I see you for orgi powerrr as soon as possible lol
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Re: [VIDEO] clanwar ILM vs WTF [1st of April. 21:30 CET]WON WTF 3-0

Post by fernandinho1337 »


just some notes from my side:

1 Unfortunately, my mouse broke yesterday which is why I left after three maps and the war was won. Quite a shame the other maps did not happen despite WTF having enough players. I understand that ILM is unhappy that two of our maps and only of theirs was played.

2 I joined WTF a few weeks (a month or so) ago after pacman, whom I was already prior to my longer inactivity in touch with via email and discord before, approached me and asked me. Since I like being surrounded by players on a similiar skill level. (e.g. WhoAmI, oounp and other WTF players) I agreed and hung out in their discord and communicated with them on a regular daily/ almost daily basis. It is unfortunate that ILM was not aware of that eventhough some WTF players told others about it (I think some oKo players should actually be aware of it, so it is interesting likes of Magister and in consequence ILM players were not aware of that).

3 Even if I am associated with a clan I do not feel there is an obligation to use the tag at all times. In the good old quake 3 days I have already opted for a nick without clantag when not engaging in a clan war. As I communicate with my teammates daily/ almost daily I do not see a problem. I was not recruited for a one time clanwar or anything of that kind. From my understanding this also applies to oounp.

4 I was suprised that WTF won as cleary as we did for many reasons. 1. WhoAmI and I had technical difficulties which prevented us from performing better individually. 2. I noticed during the other events that individual skills do not play such a great role if the team works as one smoothly. As ILM has great individual skill (e.g. Mike, blaze) and also used teamspeak (as far as I know, feel free to correct me) they have the means to put up a great fight and will surely do in the future. 3. The game mechanics actually provide for close games (e.g. camping or moving in a big group is key since everyone is fully stacked ath the beginning with health armor and all weapons, no powerups are enabled that bring a certain dynamic to regular team deathmatches). 4. I think WTF showed great teamplay as the expected suspects (WhoAmI, oounp, me) did not provide for the best powerplays. It were actually also the other players of WTF. E.g. I was busy managing my mouse issues and protected bodies or covered my teammates backs while they went on the attack and WhoAmI struggled in many situations with LTE issues. In consequence, not the new joiners or the big names (oounp, me) provided for the win but the team as a whole.

Overall, I hope that the circumstances that lead to irritations from the side of adminless, ILM and others will not hamper the substantially good atmosphere in the community as this was defintely not intended when joining up with WTF and engaging in this clan war.

I hope you all have a happy Easter!

Best Regards,

*edit* Thanks to adminless and Magister for organizing and managing the event
*edit2* Thanks to ILM for great sportsmanship despite the unhappiness about circumstances.
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Re: [VIDEO] clanwar ILM vs WTF [1st of April. 21:30 CET]WON WTF 3-0

Post by i_cezar »

Much respect to ex clan member DrGreenThump who left recently WTF for undisclosed reasons..
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Re: [VIDEO] clanwar ILM vs WTF [1st of April. 21:30 CET]WON WTF 3-0

Post by adminless »


"I like being surrounded by players on a similar skill level" - sure you love being on a super team so you can win easy. as I said, for other than special events and similar I wouldn't use (and I didn't use) team UnFreeZe (the team regarded as the historic best) to compete at fpsclaiso nor I will allow such a similar team to take place here either. that's not the spirit of fpsclasico, the spirit of fpsclasico is having good fights where everybody is on the same page and everybody have fun.

"I was suprised that WTF won as cleary as we did" - are you for real? as I said on the server that wtf team looked pretty much rather like a team UnFreeZe community edition instead, that's it, a rip off of the team UnFreeZe that, with utmost respect, but basically beat those same players at a player disadvantage. my feelings are that both you and ouunp had no business to do on this and that this was a fight that didn't even concern you and you pretty much just ruined it so look as much as I appreciate you you should know first hand that I already banned you long time ago for throwing off the balance, make no mistake that I'll do it a second time if I have to.
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Re: [VIDEO] clanwar ILM vs WTF [1st of April. 21:30 CET]WON WTF 3-0

Post by PacMan »

i_cezar wrote: Fri Apr 02, 2021 17:56 Much respect to ex clan member DrGreenThump who left recently WTF for undisclosed reasons..
Not undisclosed

He has busy life stress and wants to play stress free and stress free was not with berkut and Porsche language in game forum and discord

So he left good for him , everyone is different , everyone is free to come and go from wherever they please

Strange people lol
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Re: [VIDEO] clanwar ILM vs WTF [1st of April. 21:30 CET]WON WTF 3-0

Post by PacMan »

adminless wrote: Fri Apr 02, 2021 18:08 @miro

"I like being surrounded by players on a similiar skill level" - sure you love being on a super team so you can win easy. as I said, for other than special events and similar I wouldn't use (and I didn't use) team UnFreeZe (the team regarded as the historic best) to compete at fpsclaiso nor I will allow such a similar team to take place here either. that's not the spirit of fpsclasico, the spirit of fpsclasico is having good fights where everybody is on the same page and everybody have fun.

"I was suprised that WTF won as cleary as we did" - are you for real? as I said on the server that wtf team looked pretty much rather like a team UnFreeZe community edition instead, that's it, a rip off of the team UnFreeZe that, with utmost respect, but basically beat those same players at a player disadvantadge. my feelings are that both you and ouunp had no bussiness to do on this and that this was a fight that didn't even concern you and you pretty much just ruined it so look as much as I appreciate you you should know first hand that I already banned you long time ago for throwing off the balance, make no mistake that I'll do it a second time if I have to.
Sorry admin as I told others people are allowed to comment

Why is it of a comment is made threats of bans and everything comes with it ?

Strange times , with no patience anywhere it seems
Last edited by PacMan on Fri Apr 02, 2021 19:33, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [VIDEO] clanwar ILM vs WTF [1st of April. 21:30 CET]WON WTF 3-0

Post by adminless »

I don't think so I'm just merely taking charge of the place and stating the rules so people can know them and the community can have a positive experience. I mean, that's exactly what's expected from me and not just let shit like this to take place.