new 2020 winter/spring challenge opened

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new 2020 winter/spring challenge opened

Post by adminless »

ok, it was a while without writing anything at this tournaments category so people recently requested me a new fight. as I expressed last time by now I'll drop the idea of setting up a new tournament. the idea so far is just to have some eventual top ranked fights here and then. basically then I just open this thread to see if some of the top ranked players (i.e. +1900 ranking points approx excluding miroslav by now as he is clearly no match at the moment) is interested in participate on one of this ranked duels here, let me know.

statically speaking the most interesting fight of all it would between the both servers hall of fame award winners, i.e. "WTF!WhoAmI?!" vs "The Undead", though other fights are possible like for example "WTF!WhoAmI?!" vs "matacristos" or anything else then let me know. as usual remember that you need a registered account to participate (necessary in order to contact you for the fight details as well as just normal communication) and to prevent future disputes I just announce now two random fifth tie-breaker maps in case two fights come out, qxtourney1 and q3dm2 in that order of fight (though don't stress about that that they are even negotiable between both parts to some extend).

as a reminder remember that the map pool is as written down bellow and that you have proper download links for each custom map on the files tab of this forum and that the server is already properly listed at the master of this site too. matches are typically played at weekends or week days nights.

bloodcovenant hektik_b3 hub3aeroq3 hub3tourney1 phantq3dm1_rev pro-q3dm13 pro-q3dm6 pro-q3tourney2 pro-q3tourney4 pro-q3tourney7 pukka3tourney2 q3dm2 q3dm5 q3tourney3 qxtourney1 ztn3tourney1

as usual for anyone interested that has further questions or want to know/discuss anything else just post it here.
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Re: new 2020 winter/spring challenge opened

Post by cBs KRA7OS »

so I will also throw an idea, add 2v2 and 4v4, with live stream, throw announcement, information when the player connects to the game
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Re: new 2020 winter/spring challenge opened

Post by ...jutuli... »

If I will be available, I am in.
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Re: new 2020 winter/spring challenge opened

Post by adminless »

lol turned out I had lost server connectivity for last 24 hours and haven't even noticed (I don't check this, usually, I get notified instead) :o sorry about the late response then. mmmmm well may be you two (jutuli-kratos) wanna play some re-match between you both next Sunday 8 of March at 18:00 CET for example is a possibility so far, let me know. if another fight comes out then may be we could turn it into a small tournament or something similar.

about team fights I don't see it happening, I mean, there's almost no people to play small duels imagine how it would be to arrange six or so people to play at the same time, (virtually) impossible. I'm definitively not gonna deal with all that. but anyways thanks for suggestion if some are interested and it comes out from this thread it could be arranged at the glacius server for example.
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Re: new 2020 winter/spring challenge opened

Post by cBs KRA7OS »

possible, to set a deadline one month in advance, give information about the tournament in the game when the player connects to the server, I think that there will be a few teams to 1v1 and 2v2, so it takes time to encourage the good and the weak, I am also for this that as you gather more people, stream: D
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Re: new 2020 winter/spring challenge opened

Post by cBs KRA7OS »

will send info to some people that something is going on unfreeze :) I hope that wtf xxxxxxx will appear: D: D

best regards all; p

but it's important that you include information in the game because hardly anyone enters here and encourages you to play in 1v1 and 2v2
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Re: new 2020 winter/spring challenge opened

Post by adminless »

like I said, do as you please, I don't intend to lock/close this thread or anything, so if six or so people show up by themselves here calling for a small organized team fight I have no problems in doing that but I'm definitively not gonna be looking into that. as for the game servers, as I stated other times, they are just that, game servers. under no circumstance it would be ever remotely acceptable that they serve as a file distribution and/or, in this case, advertisement platform, I mean, ever. and as for the forum, well it currently has over a hundred registered users and plenty of other guests which precisely coincide that most of them are those top players that we're talking about to participate here so your impressions aren't entirely true. the reality once again is simpler, people (the relevant ones, we're not gonna run this with one day noobs, are we?) know but they are not interested.

so anyways, first things first, coming to the real topic at hand now, initially are you in to play jutuli next Sunday 8 of March of 2020 at 18:00 CET for a champion belt? after think about this, I finally came to the idea that probably the best format that suits this "tournaments" here is that of a "commission" like on combat sports so rather than have "cups"/"tournaments" I'm gonna opt more by the "belt" kind of format by now. so there will be a champion and aspirants and the champion will have to defend the "belt" regularly or it will become vacant. I'll arrange fights and tittles as it suits depending on demand/schedules. I think this should be more entertaining and engaging.
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Re: new 2020 winter/spring challenge opened

Post by cBs KRA7OS »

I will wait for more people to attend because so far I am "me and tomorrow", best regards
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Re: new 2020 winter/spring challenge opened

Post by aimer »

I could play too this upcoing weekend :)
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Re: new 2020 winter/spring challenge opened

Post by adminless »

@Kra7oS ok, no problem, then you will be sided in favor of aimer1 in this case and will be left for other future possible fights (in case another fight comes out from this).

@aimer1 ok, great then welcome to the "tournaments" fights here. cool, as I've just said you'll take Kra7oS spot to fight for a champion belt against jutuli then. let's see if jutuli can confirm in next days if he can play this Sunday 8 evening, initially around 18:00 CET, if not we will just arrange another date.
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Re: new 2020 winter/spring challenge opened

Post by aimer »

Sounds good, thanks.
I was looking in the ftp server ( to make sure i have all the correct maps for 1v1 but some of them are missing i think.
Is there a 1v1 pack with all the maps somewhere else maybe?

EDIT: nevermind, found them here:
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Re: new 2020 winter/spring challenge opened

Post by adminless »

sure on the files tab of this forum you have pretty much everything, in particular the requested mapppack. you have the server ips at the master too ( or though I'm looking forward to move it for better performance/settings to the new server/ips asap. I hope I make it in time for the fight, I'll let you all know don't worry. you can give it a try it's actually starting to get usually populated and you can vote there the maps you wanna try for the fight.
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Re: new 2020 winter/spring challenge opened

Post by ...jutuli... »

Hi, so far I know, I should be available on Sunday. But situation can change, kids are cold and they should be with me on Saturday as usual, but my ex can change it. Until Thursday evening I should know it for sure, so I will confirm it here then.
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Re: new 2020 winter/spring challenge opened

Post by adminless »

ok, no problem, we'll close this by Friday then if not we'll just arrange another date.
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Re: new 2020 winter/spring challenge opened

Post by adminless »

btw then we making the aimer1-jutuli tittle fight this weekend? in my opinion Sunday 18:00 CET should be fine but if not we can arrange another date within this weekend or simply postpone it for another date. let me know so we arrange the details.

last, as expected, no more people showed up so then this fight will be it for this tournaments thread at least by now.