UnFreeZe Tournament Fall 2024

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UnFreeZe Tournament Fall 2024

Post by adminless »

ok as recently commented and it's tradition during this season of the year I start this thread to start with a potential new UnFreeZe Tournament Fall 2024. I guess that if not later today along these days I will go posting a usual tournament sample for reference that said I believe there should be no surprises and people should already know how this goes for the most part. I think that initially the plan in case of 6-8 teams (the projection) is for a small group tournament with a final play-off stage afterwards as already setup in other previous editions. in case the turnout is lower than 6 teams then probably a small league could be setup instead (and needless to say as usual in case only a few players show up at random those will be named and honored as uncontested UnFreeZe Fall 2024 champions without even having to play so make sure to not miss that chance). all the (already known I think) details will be posted with the usual sample but as for changes I think the only remarkable change this season will be the replacement of cpm4a, that in this very specific mode is pretty much absolute boring trash, by poq3dm5 (which is about the same style of map) from the pool in the hope that it plays at least a bit less worse (despite clearly still playing poorly for this very specific mode all the same). in one way or another the timeline will be the usual start from early October 2024 to end by early December 2024 and in any case before the western Christmas holidays with then a potential special fight afterwards (ex. a ALL-Star game). the usual expected times for the games will be Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and/or Sunday nights starting from 20:30-21:30 central European times with other dates/times also potentially possible if necessary/agreed at some point. in case someone is interested as well I think that after this I might also try to setup a ctf cup in the winter so stay tuned but I guess that's a whole different story by now.

and I think that should be it by now until I put together the tournament sample so go thinking about it and let me know who's interested in participate in this edition, if anyone, to sign you up and start organizing the game. the sing up deadline should be about two weeks (as usual approx, things aren't black and white) from this message, that's it, to start by early October 2024 as already said. finally remember that this is a team tournament so in order to participate you need to join (or eventually create) a team to participate, you can not just participate in this individually. in case you do not have a team or do not feel like joining any of the current teams you're as well invited to sign up to participate here individually for a potential community/mix up team (ex. team forza) in case there's enough people in for that if you want. as usual all teams must consist in between 6 and 8 active players and have to be named and registered here before the start of the tournament with then no possibilities for changes afterwards unless stated otherwise. additionally the teams and the competition overall will be oversee and arbitrated if deemed necessary for meaningful balance in a effort to keep a competitive and healthy tournament that is fun and exciting to dispute at least for the majority of the people involved and that engages more people than just a handful of top elitist players so keep that in mind when building/registering your team and participating.
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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament Fall 2024

Post by adminless »

ok this week I just finished testing/setting up the new servers setup and, most importantly, backing everything up so I think that this is finally ready to go. as said, I just finished putting together the typical tournament sample for this edition here so those interested in this check it out and let me know how you see that. as usual that would be just the biggest tournament possible planned for this edition (i.e. the ideal) given eight teams would participate, obviously if less teams participate then it will have to be adjusted/changed accordingly. it's evident the seventh and eight teams there were rightfully both team over and Команда Сообщество respectively instead of forza (i.e. the potential forum mix up team) and "bobcat" (i.e. a potential "new"/unknown team around) but since those team leaders just ruined both those teams in a effort to exploit and ruin the competition as a whole here (and therefore are gone/kicked after succeeding at that task now) I simply added those to complete and illustrate the full tournament sample. that said, I still believe that the 6-8 teams target for this edition is realistic so I'll just send a few invitations now to all the well known teams around for this and we'll see how it turns out then.

as for the sample format, no surprises, just some regular best of five groups stage and then some entirely legged final phase to crown a 2024 Fall Champion. each round at the regular phase would consist in four matches that would have a two weeks deadline to be done so I assume that overall it should adequate to most schedules here and be comfortable to setup. although not noted so far, as usual depending in the turnout and interest then some potential undercard events could as well be arranged there (ex. a third place final, a undercard cup etc etc) so that's just the reference for the main event as base to get started.
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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament Fall 2024

Post by oKo*CTHULHU »

Hello, oKo clan is ready to play. We are waiting for more information related to the organization of the tournament.
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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament Fall 2024

Post by adminless »

great news noted now then. yes for the rest I still haven't received confirmation from any other teams but from what I heard so far it seems like people is already organising themselves then I guess we'll probably still have to wait until the middle of the next week or so to know what will be finally played. in any case as said just by signing up that currently makes you uncontested champions until other teams show up so thank you for participate and congrats. finally remember to announce your full roster for this edition in case you want to make any changes from your current registered line up (ami, magi, mango, cth, rotten, cachuete, yub) before the start of the event to post/announce them here.
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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament Fall 2024

Post by oKo*CTHULHU »

Our team roster has been updated in the appropriate thread. Current engagement has been included in a private message. We await information on the participation of other players and teams, and wish everyone good luck in the upcoming games and organization!
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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament Fall 2024

Post by ^Walnut* »

ASS would like to participate in this tournament! As roster changes, can you swap Oab with Ares?
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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament Fall 2024

Post by Edversion »

So does Dream Team aka Double Trouble aka Los Diablos.
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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament Fall 2024

Post by adminless »

@walnut great news, noted now then that makes your current line up for this tournament inifinity, ricky, angel, walnut, rico, cliff, denzo, ares. let me know if that's correct then.

@version awesome noted that too, also let me know what your line up for this tournament is as I already heard that you were going to have changes.

fantastic for the rest I also heard yesterday that unfortunately moskva is inactive at the time (i.e. unable to form a entire team for a entire season) so then it seems that it just comes down to ilm and team community if they make it to participate in this edition. team community already reported that they might be missing some players so in case someone around might be interested in participate may be try getting in touch with them as so far nobody joined for a community mix-up team forza. in any case, as said, let's give it time until the next week just in case some more teams eventually show up but I think that it seems that this will probably turn out to be a legged league instead. as usual once the final participants are known I'll just update the tournament sample accordingly so stay tuned for that around the next week.
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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament Fall 2024

Post by champi »

Maybe I'll put up a team and play , will see.
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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament Fall 2024

Post by adminless »

ok great, the deadline for that ends next week so let me know. remember that this is a regular UnFreeZe tournament (as seen in any of the videos around, not ctf. I might try to setup another ctf tournament after this in the winter but that's a different story/thread) and that you need to register between 6 and 8 players beforehand in order to be able to participate. if you later start changing players at random, or any other random shit (ex. overarguing, flame wars with other teams etc etc), I probably won't kick you like that but you'll get disqualified right away (meaning you'll probably be allowed to finish but won't be eligible to win due violation of the tournament rules). I hope that's understood so there's no problems with that later on in the event you finally participate.
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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament Fall 2024

Post by Edversion »

Hi Adminless
There is current DT lineup: Edversion, Tubylec, Redrum, Franni, Gladiator, KF, Miroslav.
As 8th player we want to include maczus but he is starting a new job in October and he is not sure if he will be able to participate. Can we delay this decission for a week or 2? He should receive more details at the beginning of October.
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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament Fall 2024

Post by adminless »

fantastic noted and updated that now so review it and if anything just let me know. as for the the eight player I can wait until the next Sunday 6 night for it. additionally if kf willingly joined your team for this then that frees him from immortal which means that then there might be a case for immortal to participate in this edition as that was one of the unmet/unanswered requirements for them to be able to normally continue to participate unless they come up with yet another ton of bullshit. I guess that then I'll probably send them a invitation after all later on and then we'll see what the response to that is, if any. awesome let's see then what the rest of the teams and potential participants say too along the next days and then, as said, by the next week I'll make the necessary adjustments so stay tuned.
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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament Fall 2024

Post by champi »

I know it's not CTF lol , the title says UNFREEZE
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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament Fall 2024

Post by adminless »

no problem, as said I just wanted to be clear to make sure that there's no misunderstandings later on as I remember that you used to get confused with all the forum info and categories/topics which can perfectly happen. great then once you have a team consisting in between 6 and 8 players let me know to register you here and add you for this tournament. for the rest as a summary this is the current situation I have noted from all the well known teams around:
  1. oKo Clan: the clan with the historic highest recorded rating signed up already with the ami, magi, mango, cth, cacahuete, yub and venum players roster.
  2. ASS Clan: the reigning champions signed up already with the inifinity, ricky, angel, walnut, rico, cliff, denzo and ares players roster.
  3. Теам Москва: former undisputed champions and all time greats declined to participate in this edition already reporting lack of real activity of their players therefor being unable to form a entire team to play regularly at the moment.
  4. Double Trouble: the current third place and sportsmanship signed up already with the miro, kf, gladiator, tuby, version, franni and redrum players roster so far still at the wait of a eight reinforcement.
  5. team community: the current top rated active team appears to be working toward building a team to also potentially join the tournament in the next days. it appears they are just missing one or two more players to make it so if someone around is interested do not hesitate to get in touch.
  6. aHu Clan/Champi Team: the reigning ctf champions seem to also be potentially interested in participate therefor just waiting now to hear a players list to register them in the next coming days.
  7. ILM Clan: the situation with the reigning runner-up and former lineal champion is currently unknown, therefor waiting to hear within the next days whether they are gonna participate in this edition or not.
  8. "Team Bobcat" (wildcard): no more teams has reached out so far to participate.
and unless I missed something I think that's the current situation with this. as said, we'll still have to wait until the next week to know for sure but it appears then the initial six teams target for the tournament can be finally meet if hopefully team community, ilm and ahu/champi make it to participate in the next days. in such case I assume that then the only difference with the current tournament sample would be to leg the group stage in two best of three rounds with carried over picks between the encounters just in the same format as the whole league was played the last year (only that with carried picks instead of map tiers). otherwise a regular league (i.e. one group) will be played. in any case I'll clear all that up once the participants are known as it can not be otherwise so stay tuned. the schedules and overall length should be all similar whatever the case is so that shouldn't be a problem (approx).
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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament Fall 2024

Post by aimer »

Hello, team community would like to sign up for the tournament with the following players:
- MyWifeHatesQ3
- pks
- fau
- aimer
- Heero-2b
- SuperPippa(.EZ)
- CybRa
- Semisek