fpsclasico teams/clans list&rules

fpsclassico community based events and fights.
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fpsclasico teams/clans list&rules

Post by adminless »

ok, so as it seems that finally all this team/clan/events/competition thing is really kicking off and there's some real interest I'm gonna create a thread here with a list of teams/clans that will be recognized to participate, at least officially, at fpsclasico events&fights as well as some basic rules in a effort to keep this more or less sorted and that pretty much doesn't end up being a hot mess. first let me start saying that foreseeing/predicting this is beyond my ability (my expectation was that we weren't going to make it this far, I was proven wrong already) thus don't take this as the holy grail that will come up with every single answer at any single given point in time, either past or future. expect this to change from time to time and to adapt to the different circumstances that can come up.

then that being said, first basically make clear once again that the spirit with all this is that we all have fun and have the community to engage on positive activities that enhance the experience not that we kill each other, hate each other, divide/ruin the community and so on. then that being said at the time being I believe I'm gonna establish these basic rules to get started:
  • to avoid monopolies/"popularity" contests (and similar) and give a fair chance to everybody teams/clans will be limited to 8 members max
  • for sensible reasons teams/clans should consists at least of 6 members
  • the teams/clans members recognized at fpsclasico should be made public (i.e. published) on this thread for which the team representative should conatct me or PM me if available and at least one of them is required to have a account on this site
  • aggressive recruiting is not allowed as it's not blackmailing other members in a "effort" to recruit them or similar
  • a team/clan can not list players banned/chat banned at the fpsclasico servers for "good" and/or in "firm"
  • teams/clans that engage on activities should do so with the list officially published at the time the activity was raised and accepted being explicitly forbidden to recruit people for a particular activity therefor any active recruiting should take place when the team/clan is not participating in any activity
  • in tune with the previous a player is only allowed to change teams once a year and overall team changes should be generally limited to a monthly basis (few per year) at most
  • there's no explicit rule as to what a "super team" is though the general spirit is to have teams relatively balanced and that the top/over-the-top players more or less split their forces across the different teams/clans in a effort to have a more healthy competition and fun experience for everybody rather than they join altogether in one team (i.e. ala team UnFreeZe)
  • it's not like I pretend this to be Alice in wonderland, disagreements/tensions/conflicts are expected, that being said, plain non sense hating, endless death-end personal/flame wars and basically players/teams/clans that doesn't add anything good will not be tolerated
  • players/teams/clans that engage on activities should follow through as realistically/reasonably possible, consistent lack of communication, no showing, rage quitting, ruining the game and similar will not be tolerated
  • players/teams/clans names should be original and respectful and stay away from swearing/insults and/or political/social messages and be consistent across the time (i.e. fake nicking/changing names at random is explicitly disallowed)
  • ultimately I reserve the right to suspend any player and/or team/clan in its entirety that doesn't comply with any of the previous and/or that by any other means is found to disturb the competition/community
also for reference the list of maps installed at the private server and therefor selectable to some extend is as follows:

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Re: fpsclasico teams/clans list&rules

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teams/clans list: teams/players sanctioned/blocked/requiring special approval/procedure for transfers:
  • PaRoVoZ can not join pride/moskva
  • 1 Yellow Card for player *SoO*Devarezz*
  • 1 year ban from any events/teams for player bishop at 22 of May of 2023 due game forefeiting
  • permanent ban from any events/teams for player MAKAVELI due cheating
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Re: fpsclasico teams/clans list&rules

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team UnFreeZe (off-the-record)

description: team UnFreeZe is the admin personal team of players used to compete on external events in representation of the community (i.e. the top team/the elite force). for other than special events and community activities team UnFreeZe is not a fpsclasico competitor. the team has its roots on the fpsclasico inside duel tournaments though it obviously goes beyond just that. overall it's characterized by a aggressive offensive play style may be even to a fault so it ultimately may end up lacking on some powerful team play. depending on the circumstances changes are also expected (not bounded by the rules as it's not a competitor per-se).

current members:
  • WhoAmI (13 games | 17.38 ±4.81 avg score)
  • Infin!ty (8 games | 16.25 ±4.63 avg score)
  • aimer (8 games | 16.13 ±5.62 avg score)
  • ang3lfish (7 games | 16.57 ±3.33 avg score)
  • ironmonkey (6 games | 13.67 ±3.20 avg score)
  • RICKY (4 games | 15.25 ±3.34 avg score)
  • vrtx (2 games | 13.50 ±1.50 avg score)
former members:
  • Blaze (17 games | 18.12 ±5.45 avg score)
  • fau (14 games | 16.21 ±5.88 avg score)
  • Miroslav (12 games | 16.50 ±5.16 avg score)
  • Fus1on (9 games | 18.00 ±4.57 avg score)
  • MyWifeHatesQ3 (5 games | 15.80 ±2.56 avg score)
  • KlarDerAbsahnr (5 games | 11.40 ±4.03 avg score)
  • cacahuete (4 games | 20.25 ±2.77 avg score)
  • CTHULHU (4 games | 16.25 ±7.46 avg score)
  • ribx (4 games | 13.00 ±3.08 avg score)
  • Magister (3 games | 15.00 ±6.98 avg score)
  • Plumse (3 games | 14.67 ±4.78 avg score)
  • Sub-Zero (2 games | 10.50 ±2.50 avg score)
ranked stats:

Code: Select all

| team                | ppd  | ppg  | deff | acc  |
| Team UnFreeZe (avg) | 1.44 | 18.1 | 53.0 | 30.2 |
| Team UnFreeZe (std) | 0.23 |  1.8 |  2.2 |  2.8 |
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Re: fpsclasico teams/clans list&rules

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WTF clan (not assembled)

description: WTF was pretty much the initial "clan" of the community and at some point probably also regarded as the strongest one but that's the case no more. it all started with top player WhoAmI casually joining the server with a "WTF" tag that as usual with such events led to kind of a "fanbase" that ultimately rather ended up becoming more like the clan itself. unfortunately the clan suffered from poor organization, representation, communication, manners and probably for other than 'skill' poor everything. competitive virtually to a fault probably proved to be their downfall and after some serious disagreements and a messy fight ended up with the clan getting banned from competing altogether after the same situation and behavior pretty much repeated on a one of a time team UnFreeZe mega fight. such events ultimately led to the clan ending up disbanded afterwards and getting back together with a renewed roster a few years later for the 2022 fall UnFreeZe competition. now whether or not they'll can keep up the form of the past is something that still remains to be seen.

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Re: fpsclasico teams/clans list&rules

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oKo clan

description: oKo clan is more like a family of friends than a seriously competitive clan. that being said these guys can and do play strong and nevertheless they are capable of upsetting potentially any opponent. they really don't care, they just go for the fight and typically play great offensive open games without much regard for the outcome in a light friendly manner. definitively a competitor to consider on the rise and with still a lot of potential to unlock and this only proved to be the case after they signed top players WhoAmI and B!ind from the aftermath of the WTF disbanding.

members: ranked stats:

Code: Select all

| team           | ppd  | ppg  | deff | acc  |
| oKo Clan (avg) | 1.16 | 15.0 | 48.1 | 24.2 |
| oKo Clan (std) | 0.34 |  3.2 |  5.2 |  5.1 |
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Re: fpsclasico teams/clans list&rules

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ILM clan

description: a very serious and committed team of players led even by the likes of team UnFreeZe members like Blaze. these guys play strong and do very good at almost any aspect of the game. overall a very well balanced team and a great competitor that looks forward setting the standard.
this ultimately proved to be the case when they defeated former undisputed champions, Sbornaya Rossii, at the grand final of the UnFreeZe league 2021 to become no other than reigning lineal champions themselves. whether or not they remain as such in the long term is yet to be seen.

members: ranked stats:

Code: Select all

| team           | ppd  | ppg  | deff | acc  |
| ILM Clan (avg) | 1.30 | 16.5 | 52.1 | 24.0 |
| ILM Clan (std) | 0.09 |  2.0 |  1.7 |  4.7 |
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Re: fpsclasico teams/clans list&rules

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Team Pride (cyrillic Теам Приде, inactive)

description: team that joined fpsclassico to participate on the UnFreeZe league 21' edition headed by one of the historical most active and top players of the community, ^{BLACK}NASTIA. as it (former) name suggested (Team Russia) the team has its roots on Rossiya and these guys play a very strong defensive game. they dominate maps like 6++ and q3dm7 where they feel at home camping the red armor and waiting for the enemy team to ambush it although over the years they manage to develop the game beyond that showing fine mastership of maps like overkill as well. beside great individual skill they also excel at team play. overall a great competitor and a dangerous team not to take lightly and that even across the time has come to develop a better sense of playing and fought great games too. by 2022 they got (again) on the team odin from previous undisputed champion team Moskva to become pretty much a re-edition (if not even a upgrade) from such team and therefor the favorites when it comes to regular competitions. ultimately for the fall 2022 edition the team got renamed as Team Pride under a new renewed leadership looking for that crown that over the years have eluded them.

members: ranked stats:

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| team             | ppd  | ppg  | deff | acc  |
| Team Pride (avg) | 1.21 | 15.6 | 49.8 | 23.4 |
| Team Pride (std) | 0.27 |  3.5 |  5.0 |  6.3 |
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Re: fpsclasico teams/clans list&rules

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team community

description: community team that met to participate at the UnFreeZe league 21' edition and that pretty much ended up becoming another regular competitor more in the long run afterwards. the name team community was just given due the lack of actual official name and the team is basically tagless as well. its home and led by one of the best individual players on the community, fau, though the team goes well beyond that. these guys train hard and meet regularly in a effort to raise the standard. they typically play hub3tourney1 where fau feels more at home causing terrible damage to the enemy team. overall a well-balanced team and definitively a notable competitor that generally shows at the finals.

members: raked stats:

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| team                 | ppd  | ppg  | deff | acc  |
| Team Community (avg) | 1.28 | 17.3 | 49.4 | 26.9 |
| Team Community (std) | 0.13 |  1.1 |  3.4 |  6.3 |
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Re: fpsclasico teams/clans list&rules

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team forza (off-the-record, inactive)

description: another community team that was built to participate on the UnFreeZe league 21' edition. not really a official competitor as the team beyond such appearance is pretty much inactive. the name was given due the lack of a official name. being home of none other than two former top team UnFreeZe members, Plumse and ouunp, as well as a set of other similar experienced and skilled players, this is by any standards a very strong team though they may lack the overall dedication/commitment seen on the other more competitive teams. these guys don't mess around playing defensively and/or camping, they play a open offensive game mostly for the fans and the fun. as usual with such strategies this comes at the cost of probably a lesser team play in comparison. finally the team has been revived with another kind of top line up for the 2022 fall season and also ultimately given a proper name, team forza.

members: ranked stats:

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| team              | ppd  | ppg  | deff | acc  |
| Team Forza (avg)  | 1.17 | 16.7 | 47.9 | 24.5 |
| Team Forza (std)  | 0.14 |  1.7 |  3.9 |  5.7 |
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Re: fpsclasico teams/clans list&rules

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ASS clan

description: new competitive 2021 clan including the most prominent regular players that has been around for quite some time already. these guys look forward testing the waters here starting from the bottom trying to figure out where the limit is for them. overall a balanced team not to underestimate with good individual skill led even by the likes of mvp caliber players like ricky.

members: ranked stats:

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| team           | ppd  | ppg  | deff | acc  |
| ASS Clan (avg) | 1.26 | 15.4 | 50.2 | 31.3 |
| ASS Clan (std) | 0.17 |  2.2 |  2.9 |  2.5 |
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Re: fpsclasico teams/clans list&rules

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EZ clan (casual)

description: another 2021 new clan that broke out in the aftermath of the wtf 2021 April ban by its leader PacMan. this is pretty much the entry level community clan looking forward some light competition and have a good time around sharing good frags and moments with the rest of the community. overall good players and friendly people.

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Re: fpsclasico teams/clans list&rules

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OfC clan (casual)

description: the old farts clan is a new 2022 clan featuring some of the most old guys in the community (in all the senses). despite some of them probably being past their prime in competitive terms, these guys do not mess around and play really strong. some serious squad forged in countless battles that has even been at the heart of the rise of the online gaming we know today itself. experience and head is always something to be wary of and not to take lightly so it's yet to determine where's the limit for this squad.

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Re: fpsclasico teams/clans list&rules

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Команда Сообщество (read Komanda Soobshchestvo, death)

description: as its own name implies pretty much just the Russian version of the fpsclasico team community. very little, nothing at all to be honest, is known about this team other than is willing to take on the UnFreeZe 2022 community competition but being some ones introduced by the likes of the "Sbornaya" I'd bet these guys probably play strong and don't fall very short from their top partner team.

  • *SoO*Devarezz* (one yellow card)
  • *SoO*CCCP.l!ve
  • *SoO*Mill
ranked stats:

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| team                | ppd  | ppg  | deff | acc  |
| Soobshchestvo (avg) | 1.09 | 13.8 | 47.7 | 25.1 |
| Soobshchestvo (std) | 0.25 |  2.7 |  6.0 |  3.9 |
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Re: fpsclasico teams/clans list&rules

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Frozen $hots (death)

description: another new 2022 clan that broke out in the aftermath of the WTF disband but pretty much as the WTF continuation itself this time. full of top hardcore players this clan is clearly by any means a top clan that looks forwards becoming the new champion in the mid term. whether or not they can amend the off-game mistakes of the past team they supersede and move past that to materialize such expectation remains still yet to be seen. in any case one thing is clear these guys don't mess around and always play till the end with significant skill almost in all areas of the game.

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Re: fpsclasico teams/clans list&rules

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team masters (off-the-record, inactive)

description: team masters is the team UnFreeZe top competitor for special events playing the role of a external team built by the top force of the top rated inside fpsclassico masters tournaments. lead by the likes of fpsclassico undefeated/undisputed champion Miroslav and built by plenty of mvp/champion caliber players this team is literally a all star team. now whether they will fulfill their expectations of becoming undisputed champions or team UnFreeZe will stand on their way is something that still remains to be determined the Sunday 12 of June of 2022 21:00 CEST (UTC+02).

current players:
  1. Miroslav
  2. fau
  3. sn1
  4. noobzordofzords
  5. Mike
  6. kf
  7. Magister
backup players: ranked stats:

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| team               | ppd  | ppg  | deff | acc  |
| Team Masters (avg) | 1.28 | 17.2 | 50.8 | 24.8 |
| Team Masters (std) | 0.17 |  2.1 |  3.1 |  5.6 |