I have been at odds with decisions adminless has made regarding banning people with questionable evidence (a poll really??) and things like server settings or map pools, but i'll tell anyone he does a good job as an admin.
We should all be on the same page so far.
Not all server admins are of the same quality though. If you haven't kept up on the drama, there is a group of servers in america who framed me for cheating (very poorly) and banned me after I posted screenshot confessions and demo evidence of their admins cheating. This group of servers was q3retro.
The q3retro owner just threatened to have me banned on q3msk and fpsclasico for repeating this story and reposting all the screenshots and demos. Doubled down calling me a cheater saying I was lying despite the mountain of evidence I posted. I thought this was so hilarious that I had to screenshot it and share here. Maybe adminless will ban me if the guy who openly supported his friend cheating asked, but I kind of doubt it because adminless is very by the numbers.
To call them out by name, Zydanex and moster were caught cheating. Zydanex admitted to it. Proof was shown to K3lger the owner and he decided to support the actions of his friend, admin, and co-owner of retro. Shortly after proof was posted, they did the whole frame and ban routine with several other admins being involved in that such as pennywise and saulo, who I think honestly were just dumb enough to think I cheat.
Attached screenshot of the odd threat to have me banned from EU server groups because I was posting evidence of him cheating in front of a new audience