best of five 5vs5 fights without off-the-record playing played on a-b-a-b-c order where a is the (perceived/determined) stronger team.
the commission (i.e. me) determines the initial team status (i.e. a/b), the rest are given through the charts outcomes.
the commission (i.e. me) determines the tie-breaker (c) map (with room for some negotiation/input) of each fight.
all the maps in a fight must be different and the team "a" choices have preference over the team "b" choices (the "c" choice is last obviously).
the pro-q3dm6/6++/bloodcovenant, q3dm7/7++ and pro-q3dm13/pro-nodm9 all count as same map (the respective group of course).
all the map choices must be announced at least 24 hours before the fight date, failing to do so will result in the commission (i.e. me) choosing the fight maps.
every player that participates on a fight must ensure to have installed at least any maps announced to be played prior connecting to the server.
needless to say normal UnFreeZe rulesets at play and as usual, exploitative gaming and/or just ruining the game in some way can be subject to some kind of penalization to evaluate depending on the offense.
unnecessary talking during the fights is not allowed.
no in-game spectators are allowed, extra players must wait/spec on the gtv server.
given the calendar dates then it will become responsibility of the teams to either meet them or come back with another date within a week term, failing to do so and/or to communicate clearly during this period of time will result on the respective team/s being ko'ed.
the only accepted way of communication when it concerns the commission (i.e. me) it will be exclusively this fpsclasico forum.