UnFreeZe 2022 community competition (220315)

UnFreeZe tourney 22 (Winter) History - oKo Clan Champions
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UnFreeZe 2022 community competition (220315)

Post by adminless »

-events -format and rules
  • best of five 5vs5 fights without off-the-record playing played on a-b-a-b-c order where a is the (perceived/determined) stronger team.
  • the commission (i.e. me) determines the initial team status (i.e. a/b), the rest are given through the charts outcomes.
  • the commission (i.e. me) determines the tie-breaker (c) map (with room for some negotiation/input) of each fight.
  • all the maps in a fight must be different and the team "a" choices have preference over the team "b" choices (the "c" choice is last obviously).
  • the pro-q3dm6/6++/bloodcovenant, q3dm7/7++ and pro-q3dm13/pro-nodm9 all count as same map (the respective group of course).
  • all the map choices must be announced at least 24 hours before the fight date, failing to do so will result in the commission (i.e. me) choosing the fight maps.
  • every player that participates on a fight must ensure to have installed at least any maps announced to be played prior connecting to the server.
  • needless to say normal UnFreeZe rulesets at play and as usual, exploitative gaming and/or just ruining the game in some way can be subject to some kind of penalization to evaluate depending on the offense.
  • unnecessary talking during the fights is not allowed.
  • no in-game spectators are allowed, extra players must wait/spec on the gtv server.
  • given the calendar dates then it will become responsibility of the teams to either meet them or come back with another date within a week term, failing to do so and/or to communicate clearly during this period of time will result on the respective team/s being ko'ed.
  • the only accepted way of communication when it concerns the commission (i.e. me) it will be exclusively this fpsclasico forum.
-map pool -tie-breakers
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Re: UnFreeZe 2022 community competition (220315)

Post by adminless »

groups stage (February 2022)
  • Group A
    1. ILM Clan
      • wins: 2 | score: +5 | away wins: 1 | matches: 2 | rating: 1771.29
    2. Team Community
      • wins: 1 | score: +1 | away wins: 0 | matches: 2 | rating: 1595.63
    3. Команда Сообщество
      • wins: 0 | score: -6 | away wins: 0 | matches: 2 | rating: 1446.43
  • Group B
    1. Сборная России
      • wins: 2 | score: +3 | away wins: 1 | matches: 2 | rating: 1734.69
    2. oKo clan
      • wins: 1 | score: +1 | away wins: 0 | matches: 2 | rating: 1525.25
    3. ASS Clan
      • wins: 0 | score: -4 | away wins: 0 | matches: 2 | rating: 1494.05
notes: the ranking goes fights won first then overall maps won difference then team "b" (i.e. away) games won then direct fight outcome then rating.

-fair play/sportsmanship award: Команда Сообщество
-fifth place: Команда Сообщество
-best fifth: [ILM]^Blaze (mvp) , oKo*WhoAmI?! , -=ASS=-RICKY!! , ^{BLACK}NASTIA , ixsy

calendar Week 4/undercard events YouTube Playlist: PLWxHcvmFvESKKpzl46ARAGSrqVovRvnZ6
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Re: UnFreeZe 2022 community competition (220315)

Post by adminless »

final phase (March 2022) -best fifth: oKo*WhoAmI?! (mvp) , [ILM]^Blaze , fau , ixsy , aimer

YouTube Playlist: PLWxHcvmFvESJCcchqbFBFEW31sRzVvnwY