fpsclassico masters vs UnFreeZe All Stars super fight

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Re: fpsclassico masters vs UnFreeZe All Stars super fight

Post by ang3lfish »


Thank you for the invitation, I’m going on a hike this weekend and I don't know yet when I’ll get home.I have to get home by evening, but I get up early in the morning for work (so i won't be able to play until 1 at night) . I want to play, but I can’t 100% promise I can be there on time.
I’m sorry for my insecurity, but almost every weekend is busy and evenings can be insecure. #summer

I'll be available on Discord. :)
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Re: fpsclassico masters vs UnFreeZe All Stars super fight

Post by Semisek48 »

Ricky just confirmed that he can play this sunday 12.06 21:00 CEST.
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Re: fpsclassico masters vs UnFreeZe All Stars super fight

Post by adminless »

@ang3l no worries mate and that sounds a lot better than the people that haven't even reached back in weeks or even tried in the first place, trust me. ok, that sounds good to me, then I'll note you in, I mean I assume that you should be home by let's say 21:00 (we can even wait you up if necessary) and also let's make this clear the fight is setup 21:00, by the profile of the players involved and the maps that are scheduled to be played I wouldn't expect it to last anymore than probably around a hour and whatever the case is I can guarantee you almost for a fact 100% that almost with total certainty the fight should be all done by 22:30 CEST (UTC+02) not even close to 23:00 let alone x in the morning. you can be safe about that. good then it looks like finally, almost on last minute, team UnFreeZe starts to move with aimer, ricky (I'll count him in even without a forum account given the circumstances), ang3lfish and cacahuete (that joined as reserve btw) and on the other end waiting for cthulhu that apparently today joined the popular group of UnFreeZe people that don't know what they do a Sunday night as well as blaze/ami that were doubt and have failed to get a single word about their final availability at least since this Tuesday if they're finally going to show up the Sunday or not. just by having one more of them confirmed or somebody else of the probably around two dozens people I invited join in place of any of them (at this point any of the invited people that will show up will take any of the doubt places) it would mean that the fight will happen then so those around with a invitation that might be interested don't miss this great opportunity of having a great game and set the community on a high standard.
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Re: fpsclassico masters vs UnFreeZe All Stars super fight

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ok, prominent 2022 team community newcomer ribx joined now for team UnFreeZe which should finally confirm the fight with miro, fau, sn1, zord, mike, kf and mwhq3 for team masters and ricky, aimer, ang3lfish, ribx and cacahute at least confirmed for team UnFreeZe and waiting for another two extra/change players to potentially join in the next 24 hours at most. as said, at this point the procedure to join team UnFreeZe for the invited/involved guys with the exception of cacahuete that requested to be assigned as backup is first in first served so don't wait until is too late and join/confirm now.
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Re: fpsclassico masters vs UnFreeZe All Stars super fight

Post by adminless »

ok, cthulhu is out, he says now that he goes the weekend on holidays with the friends in place of his previous commitment/plan to join us. well at least this time he had the decency to reach out and just say no instead of leaving everybody hanging. that means that all that is left for team UnFreeZe is to resolve whether or not blaze and/or ami are gonna play the Sunday or if some other of the invited members shows up for team UnFreeZe before and take their spots as well. in any case as said team UnFreeZe finally got five solid members confirmed so the fight will go on with them and if so I'll just note ami and blaze anyways whether they later show up or not in case nothing else changes on the next 24 hours.
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Re: fpsclassico masters vs UnFreeZe All Stars super fight

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btw just as a small reminder please remember that the deadline to sign up for those invited/interested in team UnFreeZe ends this night so don't miss this opportunity to be part of a great team and a exciting event in case you changed your mind or anything else changed. just to make it clear the fight is scheduled for this Sunday 12 at 21:00 CEST (UTC+02) and it typically should be done within 1/1.5 hours at most, that's it, it should be all done no later than 22:30 CEST (UTC+02) approx at most.
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Re: fpsclassico masters vs UnFreeZe All Stars super fight

Post by i_cezar »

i will be there on sunday 12 jun
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Re: fpsclassico masters vs UnFreeZe All Stars super fight

Post by adminless »

sounds good noted in then for the Sunday and just waiting for ami as well to hear if he will show up the Sunday or not as I directly asked him the Tuesday, thanks for the update. ok, anybody else? there's probably still 1-2 spots left for team UnFreeZe depending on the circumstances otherwise the team will be set as is now.
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Re: fpsclassico masters vs UnFreeZe All Stars super fight

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ok guys sorry for the delay but I was finishing with the contacts/teams almost till the last minute. basically at the last instance cthulhu changed plans and he rejoined team UnFreeZe which means that ami after have showed interest but failed in almost two weeks to either clearly commit or decline to play (i.e. pretty much failed to meaningfully communicate altogether over the course of this) is out then the final teams will be as follow:
  • team masters: miro, fau, sn1, zord, mike, kf, mwhq3
  • team UnFreeZe: blaze, ricky, aimer, cthulhu, ribx, ang3lfish, cacahuete
so pretty much I believe that hopefully we are finally all set (both teams) to dispute the UnFreeZe undisputed team tittle this Sunday 21:00 CEST (UTC+02) on this special super fight and I'll procced to PM now to everyone involved the fight PM as usual.
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Re: fpsclassico masters vs UnFreeZe All Stars super fight

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just as a reminder for those around today in about three hours will be played this super team fight event between team masters collecting all the best individual players on the classic Quake III Arena duel mode around and the community elite team UnFreeZe consisting in no other than two season mvp tier players, two players of the reigning champion team, two players of the reigning runner-up team and arguably the best railer of the second pub at the moment to decide what team will become the ultimate force and take home the tittle of UnFreeZe undisputed champions, top notch stuff. remember that those interested can watch this event live at the established time at the gtv server with addresses or just by connecting to those addresses from your local Quake III Arena installation (note, provided you have as well installed the maps that are gonna be played). ok, enough said, have fun and catch you all in-game later on this night.
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Re: fpsclassico masters vs UnFreeZe All Stars super fight

Post by fernandinho1337 »

adminless wrote: Sun Jun 12, 2022 17:54 just as a reminder for those around today in about three hours will be played this super team fight event between team masters collecting all the best individual players on the classic Quake III Arena duel mode around and the community elite team UnFreeZe consisting in no other than two season mvp tier players, two players of the reigning champion team, two players of the reigning runner-up team and arguably the best railer of the second pub at the moment to decide what team will become the ultimate force and take home the tittle of UnFreeZe undisputed champions, top notch stuff.
who is who? and who am i (pun intended) of those mentioned?
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Re: fpsclassico masters vs UnFreeZe All Stars super fight

Post by adminless »

hey WhoAmI finally answered me this morning (that it did not even matter anyways as he was out already after have missed the deadline to sign up for the fight btw) and said that he was indeed still partying. anyways as said, obviously better have three mvp caliber players (or even five with ixsy and nastia as well, all mvp caliber team) than two but still I believe that as broken on the fight presentation team UnFreeZe finally gathered enough talent, skill and experience on its rank (blaze/ricky 2022 mvp tier, cthulhu/cacahuete 2022 champions with oKo, aimer/ribx 2022 runner-ups with team community and ang3l arguably best railer at UnFreeZe2 right now) as to pull off at least a good fight this night so a big shout out to the UnFreeZe guys that did showed face and joined this. now all that is left is just to see how all this finally plays out.
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Re: fpsclassico masters vs UnFreeZe All Stars super fight

Post by adminless »

laptop crashed reconnecting now. sorry hehe, please wait me up :)
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Re: fpsclassico masters vs UnFreeZe All Stars super fight

Post by oKo*CTHULHU »

Thanks for playing it was fun, teammasters played really cool!
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Re: fpsclassico masters vs UnFreeZe All Stars super fight

Post by adminless »

yes all good, games so hot they literally melted down my travel laptop hahaha finally team masters prevailed to become undisputed champions on a toe to toe fight that went the distance but team UnFreeZe did not fail to deliver either and went down as a true team of legends themselves. terrific games, I think probably the best fight so far. videos coming tomorrow though, insane.