- event: fpsclassico masters vs UnFreeZe All Stars super fight
- fpsclassico masters: miro, fau, sn1, zord, mike, kf, magi (potential backups orgi, wife)
- UnFreeZe All Stars: ami, blaze, ixsy, aimer, ricky, nastia, ironmonkey (potential backups cthulhu, fus1on)
- format: competitive 5vs5 best of five ftag scored at 10 points each map, no timelimit, no mid-game changes/spectators allowed, teams of 7 max
- server: ranked.fpsclasico.de:27970 | ranked.fpsclasico.eu:27970
- password: 1234 (public one)
- spectators room: gtv.fpsclasico.de:27972 | gtv.fpsclasico.eu:27972
- maps: hub3tourney1 , pro-q3dm6 , phantq3dm1_rev , pro-q3tourney2 , pro-q3tourney7
- date: the Sunday 5 or 12 of June of 2022 21:00 CEST (UTC+02)
fpsclassico masters vs UnFreeZe All Stars super fight
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fpsclassico masters vs UnFreeZe All Stars super fight
ok following the end of the fpsclassico masters tournament 22 as advertised there I start here another new UnFreeZe community superstar fight. basically as can be tell by the tittle the theme for this event is a fpsclassico masters against UnFreeZe All Stars super fight to determine who's the ultimate team UnFreeZe of the season. to make it simple I think the fight card (just a sample/draft do far) could go like this:
contact: https://contact.fpsclassico.com
- User lv4
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Re: fpsclassico masters vs UnFreeZe All Stars super fight
could be fun, i'm in!
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Re: fpsclassico masters vs UnFreeZe All Stars super fight
sounds good noted you in for team UnFreeZe then, thanks for joining in. ok, invitation PM's sent now for both teams (team masters invitations: miro, fau, sn1, zord, mike, kf, magi, orgi and wife and team UnFreeZe invitations: ami, blaze, ixsy, aimer, nastia, ironmonkey, cthulhu, fus1on and klar) to complete two up-to seven players teams (btw note the fight will go competitive 5vs5 meaning there could be up to two changes). if somebody haven't received it and is interested or anything just let me know. so far I invited klar in favor of ricky as the latter doesn't even have a forum account then if someone want to invite him fine but he probably will remain just that, a extra player, until he creates a account and voices himself as everyone else. ok, that's it for now, let's see who shows up and how this turns out then. as if necessary it will be adequated to the circumstances/other people will be invited later on and ultimately if by the next week as much doesn't happen then it simply won't happen.
contact: https://contact.fpsclassico.com
- User lv4
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Re: fpsclassico masters vs UnFreeZe All Stars super fight
What is the deadline to decide? I'm not sure yet if I want to play, came back to Quake after a break and I'd prefer to be in shape in this event.
It's all in the spirit of Aimbot. *Mankubus voice*
- User lv5
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Re: fpsclassico masters vs UnFreeZe All Stars super fight
Im not really feeling it to play so many maps. If the rest of the duelists join in and it is up to me to make it happen i will be in anyways.
Best regards
Ps recently im craving for ctf. Would others be interested in that? (Random question)
Best regards
Ps recently im craving for ctf. Would others be interested in that? (Random question)
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Re: fpsclassico masters vs UnFreeZe All Stars super fight
@magi that will obviously depend on how this unfolds, I mean, as soon as at least five of those guys for each team get in that will be it. basically I believe the realistic deadlines for this are this Friday night/Saturday morning for the first 5th date or if not ultimately the next Friday 10 for the final 12th date. if by that time this is not set in some shape or form then it just won't happen.
@miro ok, np, I won't count you in then but know that you might be putting at risk of letting down the prestige of the fpsclassico tournaments and therefor of your own fpsclassico undisputed champion tittle/status by staying out. I mean, you're just undisputed because you consistently defeated 65:1 the current reigning mvp and historic number 1 UnFreeZe player of all time WhoAmI on the evening of the Thursday 24 of November of 2019 and he has failed to challenge you all together afterwards on grounds of "defective" hardware waiting for a "prompt" upgrade since then (i.e. +2 years 7 months and 19 days so far). however as noted his UnFreeZe feats (he flipped the lowest rated team into a lineal champion to become the mvp of the 2022 UnFreeZe tournament on his debut) and synthetic historical stats has really surpassed those of your own here so now if you skipping this on grounds of not really feeling to play somewhere between three and five (at most) well known common maps, if for some reason team masters happens to fail to deliver a victory that night later on then I believe that then we would be talking more of a super champion limited strictly to the classic duels context than really of a undisputed champion on the absolute sense of the tittle within this site.
@miro ok, np, I won't count you in then but know that you might be putting at risk of letting down the prestige of the fpsclassico tournaments and therefor of your own fpsclassico undisputed champion tittle/status by staying out. I mean, you're just undisputed because you consistently defeated 65:1 the current reigning mvp and historic number 1 UnFreeZe player of all time WhoAmI on the evening of the Thursday 24 of November of 2019 and he has failed to challenge you all together afterwards on grounds of "defective" hardware waiting for a "prompt" upgrade since then (i.e. +2 years 7 months and 19 days so far). however as noted his UnFreeZe feats (he flipped the lowest rated team into a lineal champion to become the mvp of the 2022 UnFreeZe tournament on his debut) and synthetic historical stats has really surpassed those of your own here so now if you skipping this on grounds of not really feeling to play somewhere between three and five (at most) well known common maps, if for some reason team masters happens to fail to deliver a victory that night later on then I believe that then we would be talking more of a super champion limited strictly to the classic duels context than really of a undisputed champion on the absolute sense of the tittle within this site.
contact: https://contact.fpsclassico.com
- User lv5
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Re: fpsclassico masters vs UnFreeZe All Stars super fight
As I said, if it will be enough players I am in. I also wouldnt consider myself the best unfreeze player here anyways and would be in for the sake of having fun 

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Re: fpsclassico masters vs UnFreeZe All Stars super fight
no don't worry the number of maps (i.e. a best of five) that you consider absurdly large and that put you off that are going to be played isn't going to change so as I said, no problem, thanks for get back to me and I just won't count you in. I'm not interested in have you in for you to just "quit" (or basically just to remain your client connected to a server only out of courtesy to meet five players and not breaking the fight) on the second (or whatever map) on grounds that you're just not really feeling to play so "many" best of five maps when your team might need you at that point. people sign up or not for a event there's no such thing as conditional sign up for a event just like that, things doesn't work like that. as I've already told you various times I'm not gonna waste anybody else time (yours as well as mine and those of the rest involved) on people that just go around making statements that hold conflicting meanings virtually on the same sentence. I'm way done with that and I have better stuff to do that wasting my time arguing non sense. for the rest also as said, what you consider/say, what I consider/say or what anybody else consider/say doesn't matter what matters is what really happens at the events and the fact is that you beat the mvp here in such a way that even his own computer needed at least 2 years 7 months and (by today already) 20 days so far of intense reparations the evening of the Thursday 24 of November of 2019 therefor becoming the absolute fpsclassico undisputed champion within this entire site altogether. that being said if you now obviously skip this on grounds of not really feeling to play so "many" best of five maps and team UnFreeZe happens to assemble but team masters fails to deliver a victory that night then, of course, that won't make the UnFreeZe mvp/team UnFreeZe leader undisputed but it will definitively put a end to the absolute fpsclassico undisputed reign you earned in-game within this site here.
contact: https://contact.fpsclassico.com
- User lv5
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Re: fpsclassico masters vs UnFreeZe All Stars super fight
hi adminless
big misunderstanding here!
what i meant (and didnt write properly:):
if 4 other players from masters sign up and we will have an actual team ready, i will be ready to play 5 maps and i will be ready to play hard and if i commit to play i will be ready to do all 5 maps. i am waiting for the 9 other ppl to sign up!
best regards
*edit* i DM'ed kf and asked him to join
big misunderstanding here!
what i meant (and didnt write properly:):
if 4 other players from masters sign up and we will have an actual team ready, i will be ready to play 5 maps and i will be ready to play hard and if i commit to play i will be ready to do all 5 maps. i am waiting for the 9 other ppl to sign up!
best regards
*edit* i DM'ed kf and asked him to join
- User lv5
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Re: fpsclassico masters vs UnFreeZe All Stars super fight
On June 5 I will definitely not be there, on June 12 I can play
Camaradas Iks De
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Re: fpsclassico masters vs UnFreeZe All Stars super fight
@miro ok sounds good then I'll note you in for team masters and sure obviously needless to say (though I've been saying it right from the beginning anyways) the fight happening will ultimately depend on who shows/signs up for each team. none of you is gonna play "alone", otherwise the event just won't happen, nor at least on this shape and form.
@cthulhu sounds good thanks for the update then I'll note you in, I believe the 12 then can be a good option, although as said it will obviously depend on the majority opinion/availability so we'll see. also keep in mind that both teams are limited to 7 players max for a 5vs5 and the established order of preference although probably for team UnFreeZe players like isxy, nastia or ricky are not very much expected to participate so likely your chances to ultimately appear remain high then please stay around.
ok, great then so far I believe that we have miro for team masters and aimer and cthulhu for team UnFreeZe for the Sunday 12 of June of 2022 21:00 CEST (UTC+02) date with magi as potential member/doubt in preparation for team masters as well, anybody else of the invited people interested so far?
@cthulhu sounds good thanks for the update then I'll note you in, I believe the 12 then can be a good option, although as said it will obviously depend on the majority opinion/availability so we'll see. also keep in mind that both teams are limited to 7 players max for a 5vs5 and the established order of preference although probably for team UnFreeZe players like isxy, nastia or ricky are not very much expected to participate so likely your chances to ultimately appear remain high then please stay around.
ok, great then so far I believe that we have miro for team masters and aimer and cthulhu for team UnFreeZe for the Sunday 12 of June of 2022 21:00 CEST (UTC+02) date with magi as potential member/doubt in preparation for team masters as well, anybody else of the invited people interested so far?
contact: https://contact.fpsclassico.com
- User lv5
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Re: fpsclassico masters vs UnFreeZe All Stars super fight
if there is not one player to equalize the teams, I can play even on June 5, but I would prefer to avoid it due to my new job and overload of duties
Camaradas Iks De
- User lv4
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Re: fpsclassico masters vs UnFreeZe All Stars super fight
if my mate calls me, i am there. so count me in. 5th and 12th june should be ok for me. if i dont forgot any activity at those dates 
if i did, i will tell you.

if i did, i will tell you.

Prepare for fake .WTF!
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Re: fpsclassico masters vs UnFreeZe All Stars super fight
great news thanks for joining in. ok then the teams go miro and kf for team masters and aimer and cthulhu for team UnFreeZe so far. awesome just with three people more for each team (hopefully up to five more to have room for some changes/strategy/backups if needed) the fight will happen then. looking forward hearing from the rest.
contact: https://contact.fpsclassico.com
- User lv5
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