Don't know what's up with the Guy ?

Hey if I already knew the answer I wouldn't be posting this on here ! I know he is a good player ! but when I post WHY do you always come and protect the him ?Hi, I think you already know the answer, Angelfish is a very good player ranked 19th with a skill of 1570 while you have a skill of 1200 and you are ranked 137th, Angelfish has higher game quality requirements yours, I guess he expects you and other players to be more precise in shooting and that you avoid shooting your teammates by accident or by murderous frenzy...
In addition, I remind you that the knockback team has been re-activated on UnFreeZe 1 (it is deactivated on FreeFun/UnFreeZe 2 which avoids this kind of friendly fire problem) which creates more confusion and chaos when spamming, especially with 18 players, when your score of 34 (bravo & congratulations) it just indicates that you were very active and motivated to score points, but does not provide information on the number of errors made, your shooting accuracy, your spam, your shots at your teammates...
Don't take my words the wrong way, I'm not judging you, I'm explaining to you, I know that you're old, that you have difficulties, and that you have room for improvement if you apply yourself... there's two days ago as a teammate you shot me, probably by reflex, around a corner and I died... it doesn't matter I don't blame you, you're not not the only one to commit this kind of blunder...
Angelfish apparently has more difficulty accepting this, unfortunately for you, and yes he should calm down and put things into perspective because he plays on a public server, where the requirements are not the same as tournament or duel servers...
Friendly and respectful greetings
Adminless so when I make a post its a huge deal ? I go on the server to play OK I mind my own business play along Im NOT abusive to anybody like you have said its a public server Im sure and I know there are worse spammers on the server but when I report it it is Ignored@surfer I think that you need to calm down a bit man. I didn't even answer here because you just seem to me like you've been making huge deals out of small talk lately. I don't really think that there was something wrong on the imprecise answer for you to apparently get triggered and defensive. it was overall well put and respectful and honestly you lately giving a attitude to pretty much everything around here doesn't really bring nothing positive to the place either. take it easy and relax, there's no need to take everything so personal and to the heart cause it's not meant to be.
Well angelfish if you were waiting for the report ? I wonder why ? there you go so it was no big deal and its always SS that's making a BIG deal Every TimeHi. I have been waited the report from you,so im not suprised about the report.
I think your answers just prove me right rather than wrong, instead of approaching the discussion with openness and on a positive light, you're simply being overargumentative at best if not straight up inappropriate by pretending like you would be the only one with a saying here, no good. sure it wouldn't be a huge deal if you would just drop your complain and then take it easy as everyone else does around here. but unfortunately that's not the case and instead of dropping a complain in reality you just end up trying to start drama and a argument where there's none each time you post something around. that's why I'm mostly not taking you seriously and I'm not gonna engage you on any more non sense as I appreciate and welcome the former but I don't even tolerate the latter. don't get confused, you don't make reports, you try to force your issues/points of view and I don't accept any of that.
Would also help if angel concentrated on the game and stop complaining so muchadminless wrote: ↑Tue Apr 12, 2022 10:24 I think your answers just prove me right rather than wrong, instead of approaching the discussion with openness and on a positive light, you're simply being overargumentative at best if not straight up inappropriate by pretending like you would be the only one with a saying here, no good. sure it wouldn't be a huge deal if you would just drop your complain and then take it easy as everyone else does around here. but unfortunately that's not the case and instead of dropping a complain in reality you just end up trying to start drama and a argument where there's none each time you post something around. that's why I'm mostly not taking you seriously and I'm not gonna engage you on any more non sense as I appreciate and welcome the former but I don't even tolerate the latter. don't get confused, you don't make reports, you try to force your issues/points of view and I don't accept any of that.