UnFreeZe 2022 community competition, interest?

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Re: UnFreeZe 2022 community competition, interest?

Post by PacMan »

adminless wrote: Mon Feb 28, 2022 23:44 I understand that but you should have communicated the incident early on instead of pretty much leaving this hanging just like that. forum PM's are disabled until level four due security reasons (ex. spam, scams, abuse etc). you can however directly reach me on the contact form at my signature if you prefer as you have done other times btw.
Suggestion, allow competition clan members to have DM before.level four is reached, not like they fall into the reasons above from what I see............
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Re: UnFreeZe 2022 community competition, interest?

Post by adminless »

btw just as a announcement for those interested tomorrow semi final has been finally scheduled 20:30 CET instead of 21:00 CET and it will go 6++, pro-q3dm13, overkill, phantq3dm1_rev and q3dm7. ok, PM sent now to both teams, good luck and have fun. see you tomorrow in-game as usual.
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Re: UnFreeZe 2022 community competition, interest?

Post by adminless »

man that was as good as it gets, oKo becomes the first finalist of the tournament after a crazy 2:3 victory over ILM disputed until the last point, literally. little did ILM know of the fight they awaited this night. clearly previous experiences as well as previous showdown with top contender the Sbornaya step up oKo game a big time to end up coming of top this night. probably ILM was kind of a slow starter at first map where it was outplayed overall by oKo that this time it really looked laser focus on the game and definitely worked as a team not just a group of skilled players. second map q3dm11 was once again probably the deciding moment of the night with the feeling that whoever won that would likely end up making it to the final. similarly with the first game the balance seemed in favor of oKo although ILM never gave up till the point that it ended up forcing oKo to have to play the whole nineteen rounds to win a very disputed map. at this point the fight entered make or break territory so none of the teams speculated one bit and played both their top formations for the rest of the night. second ILM map q3dm7 was a total aggressive defensive showdown that once again it looked decided in favor oKo just for ILM to turn around no other than three match rounds (if I don't recall wrong the number) to materialize a titanic come back. pro-q3tourney2 with the momentum starting to build up was definitively ILM best moment where overall managed to secure the game to force the fifth and decisive game of the night against a oKo that clearly accused the previous loss as well as all the accumulated stress during the night both physical and mental. in that context the fight went the distance and pro-q3dm6 showed to settle the scores probably things were looking in favor of ILM to complete a comeback from a adverse 0:2 that would have been historical but just when oKo looked pretty much knocked down out of nowhere played their top form to force another nineteen game at a tie-breaker finish that anybody could have took.

as said, overall one of the best fights ever, worth of a final, so congrats to oKo on the hard earned victory and thank you to both teams for participate and carry the night without any kind of incidents whatsoever. just as a reminder remember than the tournament includes a third place final that has to be played as well. in that sense the initial dates are the next Friday 11 of March of 2022 21:00 CET (UTC+01) and the next Sunday 13 of March of 2022 21:00 CET (UTC+01) for the third place final and the grand final respectively. ok and with this I believe than then everything is set for the tomorrow semifinal that ultimately will decide the final match ups, make sure to not miss that as it promises to doesn't fail to deliver either. needless to say, videos/demos for this coming tomorrow on a separate thread and I'll update now stats/ranks and so on.

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Re: UnFreeZe 2022 community competition, interest?

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breaking Team Community has stopped the previous edition runner up and head of group on the second semi final on a terrific performance and therefor it ended the chances of the Sbornaya for a potential undisputed bout against team UnFreeZe. clearly the Sbornaya is the number one undisputed team on overkill but unfortunately it looks like their repertoire beyond that specific map is definitely limited. matter of facts, previously they have struggled just with a tie-breaker caliber map (i.e. top popular), hub3tourney1, to have it installed and this time the situation repeated with well-known pro esports caliber map, phantq3dm1_rev. obviously on that light the fight was clearly sided with one map in favor of the Sbornaya, overkill, and three other in favor of Team Community. the most interesting map was probably the opening one, Sbornaya first home map, 6++, where although Sbornaya dominated on the scores both teams definitively exchanged chances here and made overall superb plays. phantq3dm1_rev was a total different story with a overall Team Community performance that the Sbornaya was simply unable to stop. again, things completely turned around on overkill where the Sbornaya showed that they are seconds to none when it comes to a overkill map they just master inside out. no chances for Team Community here despite trying hard everything in the book, they were simply unable to break Sbornaya defenses that looked flawless. as the match progressed on the late rounds the Sbornaya missed as well probably top player nastia to bring that extra on the standard maps. without him on the field probably the feeling is that Sbornaya couldn't do much against a stellar Team Community besides delay the unavoidable. that was the case with pro-q3dm13 second Team Community map that they managed to secure despite all the pressure of knowing that now they had no more margin for error. q3dm7 was probably a exhibition for Team Community where they accomplished to beat the Sbornaya at their own game, that's it, ultra defense, while at the same also integrating something else, like mobility and offense, when the situation called for it. this made things very difficult for a Sbornaya that probably never felt comfortable along the night and it ultimately ended succumbing against a Team Community that looked in good shape and focus to take on the Grand Final of the tournament against oKo.

overall, another superb fight, a great improvement for Team Community over their previous semifinal loss and probably kind of a disappointment for a Sbornaya that hinted as the edition clear favorites (again) but that probably as the competition progressed they lost momentum as the rest of the teams were gaining traction in similar fashion to the previous edition. in any case, as usual congrats to Team Community on the great victory and thank you very much to the Sbornaya for a clean and great fight as well and this time going down as a excellent team of players. good luck on the finals to both.

ok and that's it then that means that the finals will be:
  • third place final
    • Сборная России vs ILM Clan (the Friday 11 of March of 2022 20:30 CET [UTC+01])
  • Grand Final
    • oKo Clan vs Team Community (the Sunday 13 of March of 2022 21:00 CET [UTC+01])
so please there's still like ten days for that go thinking about that and when you know something about how you see those please let me know and do not wait until the last minute to settle that. I'd say that a realistic deadline to schedule them should be around the next Tuesday/Wednesday approx. on a side note is also interesting of this round that the supposed finals are kind of changed, I think it was kind of a surprise that both seconds beat the group heads on this round. that should speak volumes about how disputed things really are where literally any team can beat each other for a fact. overall a great tournament so far I believe it finally ended up working pretty good.

additionally remember that there's the intention to make a undercard rookies final the Thursday night between the fifth place of the tournament Soobshchestvo and guest team OfC if possible so stay tune for more.

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Re: UnFreeZe 2022 community competition, interest?

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Hi adminless,
Turns out neither us nor OKO can play on 13th, so we both agreed to play on Tuesday 15th at 21:00 CET. Does it suit you too?
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Re: UnFreeZe 2022 community competition, interest?

Post by adminless »

sure sounds good to me oKo had already told me that the Sunday was not good and that you were working around that time. ok, good then I'll note it down on the calendar, thanks for the update. btw what about the third place final between Sbornaya and ILM for the Friday 11 20:30 CET (UTC+01)? I haven't heard anything from any of them so far, please remember that you both are yellow carded already and that the deadline to schedule it, or in the event of a adversity to delay it/discuss it, ends this Wednesday 20:30 CET (UTC+01). in addition about the off the tournament rookies final I'm still waiting to hear from Soobshchestvo when they could play the community rookie guest team OfC. initially it appears like OfC could meet such date so it would good to know about that soon as well if possible of course.

additionally as a small for future editions, not this one obviously, after being working the baltic server and a quick review of the maps I announce here that on future editions I'll remove pro-dcmap7 from the pool and I'll add maps storm3tourney1 and req3dm5 from the masters and baltic pools respectively as best prospects. I believe that so far it's not just that nobody have played pro-dcmap7 is that probably nobody has even requested it for this so overall as I see it's probably not adding much and to be honest I don't even see it doing (that's probably a hardcore ffa map it would probably take serious tuning to set it for UnFreeZe particularly for competitive 5vs5). in the other hand I feel like storm3tourney1 and req3dm5 are probably about the best choices for this of those that weren't added already of course. in any case, I repeat is just a announcement for future editions so you already know, obviously the finals will be completed as established, there's no imperative need for any imminent changes as we speak, the tournament developed perfectly just like this so that's nothing but a small revision for a future edition/event.
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Re: UnFreeZe 2022 community competition, interest?

Post by adminless »

Sbornaya and ILM notified this morning that they agreed the third place final for this Thursday 10 of March of 2022 21:15 CET (UTC+01) instead of the Friday then that means we are all set for the decisive fights of the tournament that will determine the final positions to happen. thank you everybody for participate and make it good and big, good luck to anybody involved.

just as a reminder to all the teams involved remember to announce your map choices before the Wednesday 9 of March of 2022 21:15 CET (UTC+01) and the Monday 14 of March 21:00 CET (UTC+01) respectively (third/grand). I haven't never got there since as I commented before I don't believe that is necessary/such a big deal (i.e. there has never been a problem because of that) but just in case the official (I repeat not really necessary/enforced) procedure is that the home team (in these cases Sbornaya and oKo) announce their maps first no later 36 hours before (i.e. 9:15 and 9:00 CET times respectively to give some time) and then the away teams (in these cases ILM and Community) theirs no later than the announced deadlines although obviously just as usual picking four different maps for the away at any time should just work as well. the tie-breakers for the whole competition are all well known since before it even started, pro-q3dm6, q3dm7, hub3tourney1, overkill, and pro-q3tourney2 in that order (btw keep in mind the order in what you chose your maps as well).

ok, out of the tournament this change means the rookies final will have to be delayed if it's that is played. given the case, I believe the Sunday 13 20:00 CET for example that has een available after the changes can be a solid option so we'll see. so far I still haven't heard anything from Soobshchestvo about the guest fight. they already struggled hard to dispute the fifth place then I believe that I'll give it one or two days more at most to hear something from them and if not I'll just activate the plan d I guess and I'll try to see if it's at least possible to quickly assemble a team rookies for a exhibition fight against OfC at such date.

as usual stay tune cause the good stuff is just about to happen with a rematch of the previous year grand final between two teams with unfinished business for the third place and a grand final between probably the two best teams of the tournament lead by two elite champion class players in a clash that promises to transcend beyond time.
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Re: UnFreeZe 2022 community competition, interest?

Post by adminless »

ok, Soobschestvo reported yesterday that indeed this wasn't a good moment for them to make the guest fight so then that will mean that finally the fight will be cancelled and replaced by the team rookies fight if it's that that's finally happens (so far nobody singed). for the rest just as a reminder remember both the Sbornaya and ILM to announce or communicate your maps for the third place final within today or tomorrow at most. in fact as commented previously Sbornaya as home team probably shouldn't wait any more than today to do so although probably I guess that it shouldn't be a big deal anyways as almost with total certainty Sbornaya choices will be overkill and 6++ then there's still time until tomorrow night. as usual in case of not having received such communication by the established deadline (the Wednesday 9 of March of 2022 21:15 CET [UTC+01]) then I think the fight will go overkill, hub3tourney1, 6++, 7++ and pro-q3tourney2 or basically just another tie-brekers fight on extended (++) form this time.
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Re: UnFreeZe 2022 community competition, interest?

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ok, ILM picked q3dm7 and hub3tourney1 for tomorrow third place final this morning (just as expected btw except for the order and the stanadrad version instead of the ++ one) but I haven't heard anything from Sbornaya. well no big deal as said I think Sbornaya maps are clear overkill and 6++ then that means that the third place final will go overkill, q3dm7, 6++, hub3tourney1 and pro-q3tourney2 or basically another tie-breakers final. PM sent now to ixxaaa and ironmonkey if you haven't received it or there's something wrong or anything just let me know. otherwise fight hard, fight clean, have fun and good luck both on your dispute for the third place of the tournament. see you tomorrow 21:15 CET (UTC+01) in-game.
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Re: UnFreeZe 2022 community competition, interest?

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well unfortunately this night was a huge disappointment with the third place as well as the fight going for ILM with a official score of 0:3 due Sbornaya Rossi not showing (just showing three people). poor way to end the tournament for a team that was a serious aspirant (if not the favorite) to the final tittle of champions and that in addition to end up disqualified (i.e. not even four place) they go down with a red card (straight up red no second yellow both cards will stack and stick) that will carry penalization for future editions if not probably disqualification altogether (to begin with they will be last on priority to do anything here from now onward). to be honest I hope nobody take it personal or kind of a vendetta or anything but it was meant to be. time and time again the Sbornaya always kept incurring on violations, it just looked a matter of time they would end up this way. I don't really think this should come to surprise to anybody. anyways at least on a positive note a very competitive Команда Россия team spawned after the disqualification of the original Сборная России that challenged ILM to a very exciting off the record fight so at least give credit where credit is due and thank both ILM and the players, ixsy, ixxaaa, poo, korie (former team Moskva now added to the Sbornaya roster as well) and guest liza that did really show for completing the nigh and a terrific performance.

about the fight itself it will be posted tomorrow anyways but there's no much to comment about it, unfortunately with the official place and score resolved before it even got played it just felt more like a second tier event (i.e. a training/random game) than a competitive main event. probably for other than the first game where ILM really did pressed Komanda Rossiya on their top map overkill and that for the most part it even looked destined to win, the rest of the fight was mostly one sided in favor of a Komanda Rossiya that looked like a seriously top squad and dominated the games from start to end. in any case, the general feeling is that none of both teams put their best effort and it was more a friendly fight to end on a positive note than a competitive fight. in that sense the fight won't count for the official record for any of both teams so I guess that if the rookies undercard doesn't happen (as it seems like it's going to be the case) then I'll make this Команда Россия VS ILM the undercard event of the tournament.

to finish, due good behavior and properly complete/honor the tournament I cleared now ILM yellow card. ok, and that should be it, now I believe that all should be ready to crown the UnFreeZe 2022 champion team on the grand final of next Tuesday 21:00 CET (UTC+01) between top contenders oKo Clan and Team Communnity.
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Re: UnFreeZe 2022 community competition, interest?

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ok ladies and gentleman this UnFreeZe 2022 tournament edition has finished and we have a winner by a score of 3:1 oKo has claimed the championship on a very exciting fight so please everybody congratulate the champions on their victory as well as the runner-ups on a tremendous performance as well. when it comes about the fight overall the feeling is that it probably won the best team this night overall. after they had even pressed overkill masters Sbornaya the experience definitively helped pave the way for oKo to secure the opening game where they pretty much turned the map into a fortress despite once again tremendous efforts from Team Community. phanq3dm1_rev was definitively the stellar/decisive moment of the night with a hardcore nose bleeding toe to toe fight that ultimately oKo took on the very last point of a infernal finish. a absolute showdown between two elite teams that probably worth a championship. unfortunately the feeling is probably Team Community needed that point to hold on the fight, otherwise with a 2:0 things looked likely in favor of oKo. both following maps came just to realize the projection though on inverted order with the oKo pick, hub3tourney1, greatly favoring Team Community but the Team Community pick, pro-q3dm13, doing the same for oKo to finally settle the score 3:1 and taking their first championship home on a overall solid tournament where they probably were the best team after even have moved past previous edition champions on the semi finals. nevertheless very strong showing for Team Community that although this night things probably weren't they way they would have hope to they reached a final anyways on a stellar tournament where they even moved past the likes of former undisputed champions and arguably favorites Sbornaya Rossi. so again congrats to both teams on great fight and a great tournament overall.

on the individual side as tradition I name now my best fifth, WhoAmI, blaze, fau, ixsy and aimer in that order and with WhoAmI as mvp of the finals and per extension of the tournament. I know from that list is probably largely missing nastia arguably the top Sbornaya player but it's hard to list someone that played zero games on the finals and didn't even show for their team. additionally let's make a mention that things are very close and ultimately it was hard to give that list so there's probably some other guys that could have perfectly made it but unfortunately I just can name five there. in that regard I would like to congratulate anybody who participate on this phase for their great performance as well, really ggs eveyone.

ok and then I believe that with this finish the tournament, overall, I believe it turned up pretty good, much better that what I expected to be on January where the expectation was like nothing or almost nothing (i.e. one or two fights as much). ultimately I believe that it turned some serious tournament and in my opinion I think that although there will always be room for improvement things finally worked out pretty good and smooth. in that sense as mentioned early notice that as small revision for future edition/events it was replaced pro-dcmap7 with storm3tourney1 and req3dm5 from the map pool. for the rest needless to say videos being produced now to post them tomorrow and in the short term I guess in few weeks I'll poll people around here for that tournament ALL-Star game that was left unplayed to see if for example by the end of the month it's possible/there's interest to make it happen so stay tune and see you soon.
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Re: UnFreeZe 2022 community competition, interest?

Post by aimer »

Congrats to the winners, well deserved victory!

And thanks to adminless for organising the tournament, it made possible to play (and watch) lots of enjoyable games.
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Re: UnFreeZe 2022 community competition, interest?

Post by adminless »

hehe yes it was huge to be honest as I said, ggs. ok, Grand Final YouTube videos up now and I'll produce along this morning the fpsclassico embedded versions of them (which includes the off-the-record fifth). btw for those that may want to re-watch the whole thing there's as well a YouTube playlist here with the entire tournament from start to end.
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Re: UnFreeZe 2022 community competition, interest?

Post by oKo*CTHULHU »

Thanks to everyone who watched us, who participated in the tournament, the organizer and our opponents. As one of the founders of the clan, I am happy that we managed to win this year. over the last year we had so many changes in our structure and ambitions to win that the fact of participating in the final was satisfactory enough for us. we are glad that we could give an exciting fight. congratulations once again to the community team, it was a solid game. Thanks again to everyone who has contributed to the next great competition in our community. remember. we are not slowing down. we see each other on servers, pickups, sparring.
GGWP for everyone!
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Re: UnFreeZe 2022 community competition, interest?

Post by oKo*Magister »

Battle Forged was for sure the most emotional and exciting fight. In fact every map was stressful and emotional to me. Good game everyone. It was nice to meet Team Community in final. Thank you everyone for participating and Adminless for organizing this tournament. Without you all it wouldn't be possible. I hope we will see OfC and F$ in the next edition.

Good games! :D
It's all in the spirit of Aimbot. *Mankubus voice*