New fpsclassico 2021 Servers

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New fpsclassico 2021 Servers

Post by adminless »

ok, with a bit of delay due all the issues/updates/maintenance that it took to finally get them done but at last here it's the long awaited report for this year new fpsclasico servers/services. first things first a little of context, as you know, this past September I migrated the previous servers (see) to some new hosts. this migration has been motivated primarily for two reasons, economical and also technical. unfortunately around the summer I received notice from previous provider that due IPv4 exhaustion they were obliged to increase the price of the ip addresses I had rented with them (up-to eight) which would result in a overcost of close to 10 euros a month. obviously that's something I couldn't (or better said that it made no sense to) afford so I had no option but to re-do the servers in one way or another taking into account that circumstance. obviously to get rid of the addresses I also had no other option but to migrate them as I just can't get rid of some servers addresses "live" just like that, it would have lead to significant down time and issues. one of the possibilities I had considered was simply purchase again the same servers there and set everything all again there just as it was but simply over just one IPv4. that could probably have worked but at the same time I thought this could have been a great opportunity to explore other options which is what led to these new offers. in addition to that the whole server system was nearing end-of-life (it was way +1 year old) and once again I wasn't comfortable updating a live server system just like that as there could be major issues thus in one way or another this was in need for a migration.

that being said without further re-do here are the specs for the new 2021 fpsclasico "main" (.de/interwerk route) server:

Code: Select all

 08:48:32 up  2:47,  2 users,  load average: 0.93, 0.89, 0.74
 core 0:
  thread 0:
   freq: 3490 MHz
  thread 1:
   freq: 3490 MHz
 core 1:
  thread 0:
   freq: 3491 MHz
  thread 1:
   freq: 3490 MHz
 core 2:
  thread 0:
   freq: 3492 MHz
  thread 1:
   freq: 3490 MHz
 core 3:
  thread 0:
   freq: 3490 MHz
  thread 1:
   freq: 3491 MHz
 temp: 40.1℃
  gpu: 99.0%
  ram: 90.3%
  gtt: 99.4%
  s: 1050 MHz
  soc: 520 MHz
  m: 1600 MHz
  dcef: 400 MHz
  f: 1600 MHz
 freq: 1050 MHz
 temp: 38.0℃
 vddgfx: 1.093 V
 vddnb: 0.974 V
 IRQ (video): 66 (08)
 IRQ (audio): 69 (80)
 temp (CPU): 40.0℃
 temp (FCH): 45.0℃
 temp (VRM): 46.0℃
 temp (PWM): 40.0℃
 temp (M/B): 29.0℃
 fan (CPU): 2667 rpms
 fan (M/B): 1363 rpms
 VCORE: 1.080 V
 VDDP: 0.996 V
 VSOC: 0.924 V
 VRAM: 1.224 V
 3VSB: 3.312 V
 IRQ (net): 67 (04)
 IRQ (disk): 35 (02)
 reserved: 1.25 GiB
 kernel: 3302.08 MiB
 temp: 31.0℃
 written: 6306.91 GiB
 read: 7919.35 GiB
 workload: 7.78%
 health: PASSED
 temp: 32.0℃
 written: 3859.64 GiB
 read: 1983.94 GiB
 workload: 3.19%
 health: PASSED
 multicast: 27879
 rx_bytes: 628877927
 rx_packets: 9170337
 tx_bytes: 315933778
 tx_packets: 895583
as can be seen there this is pretty much the same kind of mid-end zen 2 machine as on previous 2020 installment. probably the only difference of significance is that instead of coming with two matisse tri core complexes delivering twelve 3.6 GHz threads and 2667 MHz ddr4 memory it comes with just one renoir quad core complex delivering eight 3.5 GHz threads and 3200 MHz ddr4 memory (the max supported by that architecture) but it also bundles within the chip a decent mid-end fifth generation radeon vega gpu delivering six 384:24:8 core units rated at 1.7 GHz (max, real effective found around 1/1.1 Ghz, typically 1050 MHz stable) instead of just a pretty much crappy bulk vga card. at the end of the day the real world difference on the cpu/memory config (i.e. 3.6 GHz vs 3.5 GHz threads and 2667 MHz vs 3200 MHz ddr4 ram) is pretty much negligible at best if not favorable towards the new config (ex. the daily stats completes much faster now) due the 20% faster memory. the major improvement on the config comes from the graphics that now it turns the server into a fully featured FullHD+ remote workstation instead of the old basic (standard) HD mini-workstation. the difference on the memory sizes (4/32 MiB L3 cache 32/64 GiB Ram) are also irrelevant for the task being as the server is very far from any sort of memory pressure of any kind (matter of fact, anything beyond +16 GiB would be adequate) and with the 20% faster ram and the lower level caches sizes per core being the same the difference on the level three cache size becomes less relevant. for the storage this time I opted for regular magnetic disks instead of ssds/nvmes due costs as well as capacity since hosting/producing video (which ended up becoming pivotal) it obviously takes a good deal of storage capacity ssds/nvmes struggle to provide at a competitive price. as with the previous point with a solid 64 MiB cache per disk and lots of ram to spare (i.e. to cache) ultimately the real performance trade-off between these hdds and the previous nvmes becomes negligible for the task being. the only real difference on that regard lies at the server booting time with the previous server fully booting typically in less than thirty seconds while the boot time for the new one falls more into the above a minute mark. all the rest of the timings once the server has booted, even maintenance relatively disk intensive tasks, remains pretty much the same. as for the new hardware, I think that it also stands out the exclusive Realtek 8118 gaming network card. not much is known about it (i.e. is a exclusive product of that motherboard) other than it has been running flawlessly over these months so overall it feels like a great improvement over the previous "generic" network card.

so long story short about the server config basically this time the server is pretty much a 2020 mid-end gaming desktop or, in this case, a high-end 2020+ gaming server then I would like to make clear that as can be seen this is by no means any sort of downgrade over the previous setup. it doesn't matter how you look at it, the new main server is pretty much the same as the previous one if not better but at a even more adjusted price and at a even more competitive location. I mean, I believe that we all here agree that Frankfort is the gold standard for hosting game servers and at a final price of 39.99 Euros/Month given a situation of low funding/struggling I could close some of the other services and at least keep this over-the-top server running to keep providing this in the long run. in addition to that previous provider was more general hosting oriented while this one is in fact a gaming provider itself which greatly add to a more (gaming oriented) favorable ecosystem. basically it was really a deal you could not miss particularly considering the need for the migration, quite frankly, this time I'm 100% convinced there's pretty much nearly no room for improvement over this.

ok, as for the installment itself, this time I simplified it greatly from the previous one and I almost dropped altogether all the virtualization due the need to economize the network (i.e. no more spare addresses) which at the end of the day was why it was necessary to migrate it. basically this time I dropped also a (software) raid config which for brand new hardware seems realistic and I simply split that machine in two. one idle priority secondary thread (i.e. four threads) pinned 16 GiB/1 TB paravirtualized kvm machine with direct access to the secondary disk running all the related web services and a bare metal native host running everything else also with dedicated access to the primary disk. this means that now all the game servers as well as any non web service run on the host itself, no any single ifs, buts or anything other than the bare metal host. I could probably have also virtualized the workstation as on the previous setup but considering this time the gpu was integrated instead of discrete I ultimately opted not to as it would probably translate poorly into a virtual machine and it could even lead to server instability or even crash it completely. in any case, any workstation related processes run also pinned and on batch/low priorities, so once again, no any single ifs, buts or anything.

and pretty much I think that should be it about the "main" server report. ok, now one of the good things and main advantages of this new "main" server is that at that price, although obviously of lower characteristics, at least I could afford me to get another dedicated server instead of just a cheap virtual private server from another company for the "secondary" server at approximately the same overall budget. then without further re-do here are the specifications for the "secondary" (.eu/colofabrik route) server:

Code: Select all

 01:21:52 up 15:08,  1 user,  load average: 0.87, 1.04, 1.29
 core 1:
  usage: 0.035734%
  freq: 2000 MHz
  temp: 48.0℃
 core 2:
  usage: 0.019405%
  freq: 2000 MHz
  temp: 48.0℃
 core 3:
  usage: 0.021945%
  freq: 2000 MHz
  temp: 48.0℃
 core 4:
  usage: 0.023839%
  freq: 2000 MHz
  temp: 48.0℃
 temp (dts): 46.0℃
 freq (req): 687 MHz
 freq (act): 687 MHz
 IRQ (video): 95 (4)
 temp (CPU): 39.0℃
 temp (M/B): 34.0℃
 fan (CPU): 0 rpms
 fan (M/B): 0 rpms
 Vcore: 0.840 v
 3.30v: 3.392 v
 IRQ (net): 93 (1)
 IRQ (audio): 96 (8)
 reserved: 540.65 MiB
 kernel: 1717.93 MiB
 temp: 33.0℃
 health: PASSED
 IRQ (disk): 91 (2)
 multicast: 372
 rx_bytes: 20216806043
 rx_packets: 103183593
 tx_bytes: 27381406143
 tx_packets: 99654878
of course, I'm fully aware that this server falls sort compared to the "main" one and potentially of some people expectations nevertheless this is a major improvement over the previous virtual private server setup of the previous alternative route that was the source of most problems and now this addresses that weakness. I know it may look underpowered by 2020 standards but let me tell you this, there's plenty of mid/high-end 2015+ cisco routers running all on very similar chips but just with about half the power so this is actually a perfect match for a server which main task is precisely that, to route traffic into the main server. overall this is basically a entry-level 2015 embedded multi-purpose desktop ideal as a spare system or in this case pretty much a mid-end router and quality "secondary" server. I know it may not look like it but performance wise it's on par with the previous (virtualized) mini-workstation, that's it, a Standard Definition (SD) remote mini-workstation which to be honest is quite a feat and another great improvement over the previous installment (i.e. now I got two capable remote workstations, just in case and/or simply to speed the things up if necessary). in addition to the (dedicated) hardware where this host shines the most is at networking, being backed by another gaming provider and even by a internet exchange itself, connectivity at least on Germany and most of central Europe is simply unbeatable/perfect. matter of fact, during the early months of the migration when the main route was affected by some issues was this server handling most of the traffic which proved it to be almost as important as the main server. that's a feat that would never have been possible with the previous setup where the alternative route was sensibly inferior and only really reserved in the event of major problems. now with these new servers both routes are really on par for anybody to chose.

as for the installment there's no much to comment about, I set it along with the main one so it's the very same latest available only with no virtualization whatsoever involved. as with the main one everything run on the dedicated bare metal, no ifs, no buts, no absolutely anything. obviously due the excess of resources the server is now a perfect home to some of the (small) servers like the duel/ctf ones (which actually served to boost their popularity greatly btw) in addition to the rest of the other tasks that server ran. basically a great deal too, the only downside is that probably the price could be a bit more adjusted by 2020+ market value. I'd said that probably 25 Euros/Month is the absolute max I would spend in a server of those characteristics. I believe the price range for such server should go between 20-25 Euros/Month probably depending on the hardware status. I could have lowered a bit the price by committing to a year plan but preferred not to as I didn't feel comfortable pouring +250 Euros just like that for a untested product and provider. in any case as you can understand just for a couple of euros a month of difference (1 or 2 at most) I wasn't going to completely take down the whole operation so I got it. as usual if on the future I come across something else better, I'll simply move on, at the end of the day I didn't get the year plan for that reason, no big deal. in the meantime, this should just make it and as I said, it's nevertheless a fair/affordable deal.

ok, in addition to the main servers along the year I also got another spare, virtual this time, server to spread a bit the localization into the cis region at Lietuva. obviously being a virtual server I don't have the full specs as with the previous ones so here it's what I know so far about the host on where the baltic ( server runs:

Code: Select all

 00:18:05 up 17:17,  1 user,  load average: 0.80, 0.37, 0.13
 freq: 2593.906 MHz
 speed: 2624.68 MHz
 speed (read): 252.38 MB/s
 speed (write): 256.00 MB/s
 rx_bytes: 1611584251
 rx_packets: 892102
 tx_bytes: 2914377908
 tx_packets: 445017
this server was set to be cancelled but to be honest it proved to be pretty reliable and solid so as noted on the specs summary ultimately I ended up renewing it for a year at one of those crazy black friday deals this week. 7.25 Euros a month for this server is clearly overkill (this typically goes around 5 Euros/Month) but for just 30.98 Euros the year plan (or roughly 2.58 Euros/Month) I think is probably one of the best deals around for something like this. as expected there's no much to comment about it, for other than the baltic server it just run some spare services and it's mostly intended as a spare machine for testing and similar tasks. of course it has nothing to do with any of the previous near state-of-the-art setups but nevertheless is a great and useful machine to keep around at that price. the install is also once again a clone of that of the main servers so no ifs, no buts, no anything here either.

well and I think that then this should be it with this new 2021 fpsclasico servers report, as I said I believe that ultimately they turned out pretty good and even a good improvement overall over the previous 2020 servers. initially I would expect this setup to last at least for another couple years, at least the "main" one, the only problem I see here lies on the money to be honest. during the pandemic it far exceeded the expectations (something like 100 Euros/Month) but after the pandemic it fell dramatically to bellow expectation levels of around 20 or so euros a month which is great don't get me wrong but unfortunately is very far from the current around 70 Euros/Month cost as you can see. I'll probably address that properly at its appropriate thread next (once I add up all and so) but I would also like to use this thread to remind you that as you can see the costs of keep providing these services over the years are high (and not only of money btw, I spent like three months getting this new installment going overall) thus is important that people also keep up their support in order for this to be sustainable in the long run, other wise I'll obviously be obliged to cut them or reduce them in some way. let's speak the truth here, I could easily run this on a bunch of 3 Euros/Month servers myself that would probably lose more packets than they deliver and that would lag like hell but I understand nobody wants that.

for those may be new and that don't know, know that you can directly send money for these services here or here, wherever you prefer/works better for you. the first link doesn't have any fees (for me) while the second has regular paypal seller fees (for me). the catch of the first link is that it requires a paypal account to operate while the second accepts pretty much any payment method independent of paypal (i.e. a debt card). additionally if you prefer you can also transfer money directly from your paypal account to fees free.
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Re: New fpsclassico 2021 Servers

Post by imprecise »

Thank you for this report and all these explanations as well as for all the work you have provided to allow us to play on the fps clasico servers

Your personal investment and your generosity as well as the seriousness of your work honor you

I don't know if this is possible and if you would be in favor of it, but it would be possible for you to mention an IBAN number to be able to make bank transfers in order to participate in the operating costs without going through paypal
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Re: New fpsclassico 2021 Servers

Post by adminless »

hey sorry for have missed to answer you before but I was taking my time to consider some options before getting back to you. unfortunately paypal does not accept bank transfers (matter of fact that's really the reason of existence of paypal to facilitate secure/anonymous bank/money transfers on the internet so you don't have to share your bank/card information over it, you only exchange email accounts) and as you can understand making my bank account public and/or sharing it with people over the internet just like that is not gonna work out for me for obvious reasons as I guess that you can understand. if there would be major demand for it, I could probably setup a separate secure business bank account for that but obviously that would result in even more costs, paperwork, obligations and overall work/effort that I'm comfortable doing. in that sense paypal is pretty much the standard when it comes to internet payments and I believe that is even what would work out the best for both of us as I think that you've can see so thank you very much. ok, I sent you a confirmation now to your email before, let me know if you haven't received it and/or if you have any other question or problem about the platform.
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Re: New fpsclassico 2021 Servers

Post by imprecise »

hi Adminless

no worries I understand your reasons for the payment method you have chosen, I will do with paypal and I will try to support again soon ...

thank you for everything you do for us gamers addicted to this game
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Re: New fpsclassico 2021 Servers

Post by adminless »

ok as a small 2022 update on this I (re)purchased again the same secondary server but this time at a 2022 adjusted sale price of 21.25 Euros per month instead of 25 that pretty much was the only "issue" with that machine (just exactly the margin I was talking about). this obviously resulted on another small (this time) server migration this weekend so for those that care and do use the IP's directly they changed from to (IPv4) and from 2a00:12d8:210b::3f to 2a00:12d8:210b::3c (IPv6) for the secondary server. all the rest (i.e. "main" server, dns's etc) remained the same and as can even be seen from the IP's (i.e. 2a00:12d8:210b::3f/2a00:12d8:210b::3c) this is exactly the very same machine from the very same provider on essentially the same condition at the same location and pretty much exactly the same everything (beside the new, now adjusted, price) so once again no ifs, no buts, no anything. matter of fact the previous one came with a "random" memory module (i.e. team elite) while this one comes from a relatively known quality provider (although a budged office tier obviously), Corsair. that's probably about the only difference so basically I believe that now this should finally completely settle all the servers related stuff at least for well over a year. now I totally feel like the margin for improvement over this both in quality and economical terms would be meaningless in the order of microseconds for the latency and of cents of euro for the price probably.
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Re: New fpsclassico 2021 Servers

Post by adminless »

in addition to that following this year revision of the servers just reporting that this weekend I finally finished rolling out up-to-date Fedora 35 across all the servers (info already updated on the servers cards/reports above for reference) as well as updating all the rest (of the software) related components till latest available versions like this forum or the workstation/s for example. hopefully everything went smooth without any major errors/problems and as I could have tested so far beside a few reboots there was no data/service loss whatsoever (I mean, I guess you probably didn't even notice). overall as measured this new installment is probably around a two percent faster besides bringing all the very latest available code (i.e. performance, stability, features, compatibility, security etc) for the provided services and available hardware of course. as a important milestone for the project I also made some clean local physical backup copies of them in a desktop usb hard drive (WD3200C032-002 WD3200AAJS-65RYA0) I've kept around for some time and that I don't really use for any other task.

basically this just means that as long as you keep up the funding as you've been doing so far this should ensure that the servers keep running in optimal standing at least until the next year.
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Re: New fpsclassico 2021 Servers

Post by imprecise »


I noticed that you had not changed the address of the forum on "server info" which appears in the header of the chat of the game when you connect to one of the servers


I imagine it's just an oversight on your part or a lack of time or that you deemed this change unnecessary since the url is automatically redirected to

but I'll let you know anyway in case you want to correct the url

thank you very much Adminless for all the time you spend and all the work you do to satisfy our pleasure to join us and play on the fps.classico servers :clap: :thumbup: ;)
Last edited by imprecise on Mon Apr 25, 2022 1:40, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: New fpsclassico 2021 Servers

Post by adminless »

true I know I missed to update (I just didn't bother as you said) some of the urls around. ok, probably I will update that as well in the short term. thanks for the input.
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Re: New fpsclassico 2021 Servers

Post by adminless »

ok, as a small summer update following this report that since the expiration date of the the baltic server was getting closer and as it ended becoming part of the rest of the services here (at least of the web part) and as obviously just for a few euros I'm not gonna be pending to migrate it in time, finally these days I migrated it into a new more "definitive" and adequate small dedicated server I managed to deal around. as usual, for those around interested without further redo this is basically the technical description of this new server:

Code: Select all

 11:05:56 up 42 min,  4 users,  load average: 2.38, 2.94, 2.93
 core 0
  thread 0:
   usage: 0.002199%
   freq: 1866 MHz
  thread 1:
   usage: 0.000889%
   freq: 1866 MHz
  temp: 49.0℃
 core 1
  thread 0:
   usage: 0.001683%
   freq: 1866 MHz
  thread 1:
   usage: 0.001106%
   freq: 1866 MHz
  temp: 42.0℃
 IRQ (video): 28 (2)
 temp (CPU): 38.0℃
 temp (M/B): 29.0℃
 fan (M/B): 0 rpms
 Vcpu: 1.048 v
 Vgpu: 1.064 v
 Vpch: 1.000 v
 Vram: 1.504 v
 3.30v: 3.312 v
 3.30sb: 3.328 v
 IRQ (net): 25 (1) 26 (4) 27 (1)
 IRQ (disk): 24 (2)
 reserved: 175.01 MiB
 kernel: 324.76 MiB
 temp: 40.0℃
 written: 39.538 TiB
 read: 277.535 TiB
 workload: 44.171 TB/y
 health: PASSED
 multicast: 405
 rx_bytes: 2475412
 rx_packets: 32538
 tx_bytes: 969113
 tx_packets: 7317
I know that for many around here this server would probably belong more in a junkyard that in production by 2020+ and probably those were even my own thoughts about it when I first purchased it (I just did so to test it out, i.e., no commitment/small risk/loss) and that would even be the case if it wouldn't be just for one thing, legacy/wasted hardware but top of the line hardware. that but makes a huge difference, probably any other similar setup but of lower tier hardware would be totally broken by now however as one start to dig that config it finds only top tier hardware. I mean, the board notes a mean time between failures of 319009 hours (or basically more than 36 years) which is quite bizarre. the hard disk is another top of the line, state of the art, 24/7 enterprise grade device with a cited mean time between failures of 1.2 million hours (i.e. more than 100 years) which is ridiculous. just the fact that after more than seven years of fair workload continues to work as "brand new" with no apparent issues whatsoever so far I believe should speak volumes about the caliber of that device. same goes for the memory that typically comes with a "limited" lifetime warranty but even in this case those single side so-dimms kingston modules are gold so much that even till this day many similar legacy computers won't accept any other ones and they would even cost you a significant amount of money today.

ok, so basically as can be seen this is a micro legacy dedicated server, pretty much kind of a embedded solution. the hardware is Windows 7 generation although in reality this is more just that, sort of a general purpose embedded system solution, more suited for Windows Fundamentals for Legacy PCs systems or even for legacy DOS based systems than for full size Windows 7 systems. matter of facts, pretty much this exact config was the base for the first generation of pc based chromebooks back in the day, this is so till the extreme that the server itself even features laptop panel headers and is pin/regular external dc adapter powered (rated 8-19 V 8-10 A i.e. ~200 Watt max) rather than some of the usual ATX variants. simply put this is essentially the predecessor of the current secondary server however if the secondary server is really more of a low-end general purpose fully capable system this is in effect just a limited legacy netbook. when it comes to the hardware probably the only downside is that the gpu is just one of those mobile based gpus (PowerVR rather than really a "intel" inside one) which outside of basic 2d desktop rendering is not even really supported but anyways given those specifications clearly it wouldn't even matter if it would anyways as with those specs is obvious that for other than a legacy 1024x576 desktop/sdtv media play it would be incapable of running anything let alone to produce anything.

the difference in hardware generation definitively shows up however that being said once all customized and set up it's a perfectly capable solution at least for the use being (spare web services) and a excellent more permanent replacement for the baltic server. I mean, I just wrote this whole post from it and conducted all the standard regular tests without any problems/issues whatsoever and as seen on the fpsclasico smokeping page it even looks ultra stable. as said, overall a great replacement for the baltic server at a similar price/performance only that dedicated (i.e. guaranteed) and at a permanent cost without all the trouble to having to be pending at deals and schedules. finally for the system this time I rolled out the very same inside legacy fpsclassico 32 bits system image you have on the site as base plus later some red hat and fedora based customizations as well as a fully 64 bit custom embedded kernel which from what I saw is the typical setup google itself roll out in these kind of netbooks even till this day to maximize them.

as for the network the server nic is gigabit capable however the provider port is only a full duplex 100 mbps one. same as with the gpu and even as seen on some of the tests it wouldn't even matter if it would be a gigabit port anyways as with those specs there's no way it could ever hit that bandwidth so the 100 mbps is just the right value for that hardware generation and even for the real use being of the server. the rest of the network is the same kind of top of the line/state of the art rivaling even the top names on the hosting scene like google or amazon. obviously at that price tag the location is a bit less optimum (regional gaming wise, because world wide wise it can even really be superior) than that of the other servers still it should be more than suitable for the use being and definitively a major improvement over the baltic one which wasn't even really doing it for the cis region it was supposed to be optimizer for.

well and I think that should be it by now for the rest I've also been checking other potential summer deals around to renew the other servers but found nothing solid so from what I could dig I still believe that by now those should still be about the best deals around and I don't really see any need to replace them. for the rest as a bonus and as trivia mention that it was on a early iteration of this very same line up of servers/provider where I started hosting these kind of Quake III Arena based servers back in the day (only that then these costed +20 Euros/month not what they cost today) so I know for a fact they are a capable solution. little did I know that something like more than ten years later I would come back to them so in light of that and since not so long was requested probably I think I'll try to remake some rail only based servers there to put the server resources to good use (if possible of course, I'm not really committing to anything with that and that will probably take some time, no deadlines, no anything, just saying).

at last just as a reminder remember that as you can see keep providing, maintaining and improving these services over the years to you have a significant cost and the funding has been running low lately so if you enjoy them and want them to continue running like this remember that is important to keep the funding up as well.
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Re: New fpsclassico 2021 Servers

Post by imprecise »

adminless wrote: Tue Aug 23, 2022 23:52 I think I'll try to remake some rail only based servers there to put the server resources to good use (if possible of course, I'm not really committing to anything with that and that will probably take some time, no deadlines, no anything, just saying).
8-) cooooooool this is good news (taking into account your reservations and moderations) :)

congratulations and thank you for all the work done and to come... :thumbup: :clap:
"My ability to concentrate is so short that ... Oh a butterfly !"
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Re: New fpsclassico 2021 Servers

Post by adminless »

unfortunately I got dragged with various other tasks around here and I couldn't deliver such servers so far, I hope may be in the next months of the season I will be able to put them together at least in a basic functional form to get started with that as well. sorry about that. anyways hopefully what I did was updating the main servers these days to latest installments and finished with all the testing and benchmarks/threads updates here so I rolled out another up-do-date Fedora 36 installment on the main server and finally opted to convert the secondary one to a enterprise grade CentOS Stream 9 installment that probably as that server surprisingly stuck and aged is more fitting and a lot more optimum for it as it was definitively starting to struggle to manage (not to use) the more edgy systems. the virtual web services server I left as it's since it's not as critical and the installment there has a lot of cross dependencies I don't fell (and don't really need to) deal with at the moment that could really break it. so as said hopefully this now should ensure that the current servers continue to perform and function in optimal standing at least for another year more (~2024) and ensure that there should be no (foreseeable) issues during the upcoming fall/winter season whatsoever with them. for the rest I conducted various tests/benchmarks/check ups and the servers still continue to be in perfect condition and be about the currently best available options in the market right now. as said the secondary one could probably still go for a little less (or get a little more for about that budget) and there could always be some room for adjustment here and there but in any case we would be talking about under 5 Euros differences overall in everything combined at most. definitively not worth the effort and the risk particularly considering the current setup greatly excess the quality and needs required and that the current market situations are greatly unfavorable at the time besides from what I saw there should really be no need to adjust such marginal (one-two euros) margins as you all happily had no problems paying for this. ok, that should be it with this then by now.