fpsclasico teams and clans news

fpsclassico community based events and fights.
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Re: fpsclasico teams and clans news

Post by adminless »

yes, received and posted now on the appropriate thread, thank you about that. yes, unfortunately it felt too late and wrong to me, to be honest with you, I have the feeling that had not been because of the ban and you probably wouldn't have postponed it, it wouldn't have happened which is not a good thing. anyways, at least this time you answered/showed and carried on your word of providing the demos today which is what really mattered here at the end of the day. no bullshit so fair enough. ok, considering that I believe that I can probably shorten the ban to three months instead of four (i.e until the Sunday 10 of April of 2022 19:31:20 CET [UTC+01]) at the ranked server as it was still a incident for you and get rid of the one (organized) event ban here which is what I understand that really matters to you (i.e. I'll unban/allow you on such known dates just as I did with the wtf guys for example). and please I hope this experience helps you to better communicate/follow on future events.
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Re: fpsclasico teams and clans news

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ok, in tune with blaze to be fair after evaluation added now ban exemption for players WhoAmI and ang3lfish for individual and community events like community fights or teams for example. I believe that even after all the mess ami showed at the recent ALL-Stars game and played a good game nevertheless, no bullshit. I see no reason and I believe that it probably wouldn't even serve any real purpose to ban him (or ang3lfish) from similar events if he (they) wants to participate. the ban for the clan they belong to will obviously remain though (as well as that of their teammates, miro, viper, berkut, porsche, frag_masin) so for anything else they would need to belong to a clan that is not banned.
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Re: fpsclasico teams and clans news

Post by adminless »

registrered now a new clan, OfC.
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Re: fpsclasico teams and clans news

Post by PacMan »

adminless wrote: Wed Jan 12, 2022 22:48 registrered now a new clan, OfC.
Ofc powerrrr
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Re: fpsclasico teams and clans news

Post by oKo*CTHULHU »

nice !
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Re: fpsclasico teams and clans news

Post by imprecise »

thank you Adminless for registering -OfC-

thank you Pacman and CTHULHU for the favorable and cheerful welcome
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Re: fpsclasico teams and clans news

Post by uZu »

Cool, now you all officially know that some old farts players are around ;D
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Re: fpsclasico teams and clans news

Post by i_cezar »

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Re: fpsclasico teams and clans news

Post by oKo*Magister »

I welcomed OfC in game, but I will do so here. Welcome, glad to see that you're forming well!
OfC - Of Course or maybe other meaning? 8-)
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Re: fpsclasico teams and clans news

Post by adminless »

announcing now a WhoAmI and rotten (Bl!nd) transfer from wtf to oKo. the transfer doesn't seem to affect the overall balance as ami pretty much just comes to replace original former oko member, lolic, which was of similar skill and rotten is basically just a reinforcement besides it wouldn't make much sense appeal to balance coming from the team with the lowest rating at the moment (1425.68) hence the transfer is approved. this now completes the oko clan and it won't be allowed any more changes at least on several months or a season.

additionally I believe this move finally settles the wtf situation as then I believe there should be no further balance issues with the roasters (which was as well a core issue) so I enforced the no banned/chat banned players allowed clan rule and removed berkut/porsche from wtf and that should make it. this means that the clan ban for wtf and their (current) members, miro, ang3lfish, viper and frag_masin has been lifted and they will be allowed to participate on events here although to form a clan they will obviously still need to recruit other two people (i.e. the minimum is six). in my opinion this is the best solution for everybody involved here and finally should settle all this situation.

as a bonus with the wtf situation settled the chance of yet another endless complain over the blaze demos incident fades away which I believe this opens the door also for a blaze ban reduction in the short term.
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Re: fpsclasico teams and clans news

Post by i_cezar »

Interesting outcome for this whole situation. Glad things sorted themselves out.
Congratulations to oko!
adminless wrote: Thu Jan 13, 2022 21:45 as a bonus with the wtf situation settled the chance of yet another endless complain over the blaze demos incident fades away which I believe this opens the door also for a blaze ban reduction in the short term.
Yes open wide that door please!😄 And thank you, i appreciate it!
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Re: fpsclasico teams and clans news

Post by fernandinho1337 »

hi there,

please remove viper and me from the official roster.

it would be appreciated if lifting vipers ban from the forums would be considered to enable him a clean start overall in this community.

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Re: fpsclasico teams and clans news

Post by adminless »

??? and how it comes that? so you went all these lengths to legit get on wtf and now all of the sudden you just want out, just like that? I mean, if you want out I have no problems with that but know this as stated on the rules team switching is not allowed. you won't be allowed later on another team nor on any team later on that features a mvp caliber player (i.e. ami, nastia, ixsy, blaze, fau, facehugger, hssnd etc). in my opinion this is the best solution for everybody involved, you included, are you sure you still want out?
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Re: fpsclasico teams and clans news

Post by fernandinho1337 »

Hey adminless, let‘s just finally end the whole wtf drama and close this episode. Bans are lifted for the remaining wtf members which is also nice. It is about having a good time on the servers.

Please consider what I wrote about viper.

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Re: fpsclasico teams and clans news

Post by uZu »

Rotten has always be nice and friendly in game so I'm glad for this move