[VIDEO] team UnFreeZe meeting

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[VIDEO] team UnFreeZe meeting

Post by adminless »

hello everybody

ok, after a tough fight for team UnFreeZe here we are with another hot training/meeting session with the community this time in a much more light and casual/fun way. then as usual whoever is interested in participate please sign up here. this time there won't be special conditions and/or restrictions, anyone can join and once we have enough people it will be ready to go. there's currently no "deadline" as there's no longer no such pressure to meet any fight date, that being said the intention is probably make this happen within this or the next weekend. the date may finally vary but probably initially it seemed that the Saturdays can be some better than the Sundays so we will see. ultimately if there's too many signed people some skill filter may be applied as usual and probably the intention can be do a potential pro-q3tourney2, 6++, q3dm7, overkill, q3dm11 rematch. other than that at the moment team UnFreeZe consist of miro, fau, klar, plumse, blaze and ouunp so you're all informed don't miss your chance to share some great frags and moments.
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Re: team UnFreeZe meeting

Post by fernandinho1337 »

hello everyone

it was a good and fun experience despite the loss :-) lets just keep playing and have fun.

btw i am really craving for a duel tournament recently ^^ maybe we can shuffle the map pool. id like to play some oldschool maps too (like dm13 and old q3tourney2). best regards,
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Re: team UnFreeZe meeting

Post by adminless »

that's cool, let's see if more people join us then and we'll see when we can make this. sure, as I said, give it a few weeks or so, first at least complete (or try to complete) this and then sure probably by mid/late April or so we can probably have that inside fpsclasico tournament spring 21 edition.
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Re: team UnFreeZe meeting

Post by fau »

Sounds good, let's play again. Talk over the match and see if we can improve as a team. Sooner the better (as long as there are enough players).
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Re: team UnFreeZe meeting

Post by adminless »

sure as said as long as we have 6/7 people or so we're ready to go this same weekend if possible for example. beyond who sing up I'll PM also a few extra guests as usual. I'm not gonna give names but pretty much the people of the previous session can probably repeat this time as well as obviously the whole entire UnFreeZe team this time. as said, the main point is having fun and enjoy the game, I think the previous training was really hot and worked good thus I think is a great activity for anybody involved.
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Re: team UnFreeZe meeting

Post by Semisek48 »

If my internet connection gives me permission for it, i can play again.
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Re: team UnFreeZe meeting

Post by adminless »

cool don't worry that this time it's no big deal if you lag and/or you have to change or something as I said so I'll count you in.
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Re: team UnFreeZe meeting

Post by MyWifeHatesQ3 »

I'm not really experienced in duels, but I can try.
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Re: team UnFreeZe meeting

Post by adminless »

this is regular UnFreeZe don't worry the duels tournament will come later in a month or so. ok, I'll count you in.
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Re: team UnFreeZe meeting

Post by adminless »

btw we need a few more players to make this happen this weekend. currently apparently for team unFreeZe we have miro, fau, klar and I guess blaze already signed up although probably plumse and ouunp should also be in given the moment. for team community so far we only have semi and mywifehatesq3, any more volunteers?
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Re: team UnFreeZe meeting

Post by i_cezar »

I will also attend to this training session.
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Re: team UnFreeZe meeting

Post by adminless »

good if all six of you attend (miro, fau, klar, plumse, blaze, ouunp) even if nobody else show (that I highly doubt it would be the case) you could probably do a 3vs3 as training for example, so what day would be good for you all? initially I was thinking on the Saturday 27 of March of 2021 at 19:00 CET (UTC+01). additionally if it ultimately doesn't work as expected we can just reschedule it the next weekend, as I said, no pressure. and needless to say don't worry that this time everybody will play.
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Re: team UnFreeZe meeting

Post by KlarDerAbsahner »

I am not 100% sure if i can play this weekend. But i will definitely try to be available.
The trainingseffect is greater if there are few players only. 2v2 or 3v3 are at first easier and teamplay is more efficient to learn in small numbers, I think.

-edit- just wanted to say, thats not bad if there are only few players. However many players are also great :thumbup:
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Re: team UnFreeZe meeting

Post by orgi69 »

I am back and ofc interested in playing. This saturday i will have to work at least till 9 pm, Sunday would fit much better. Last time you played also Sundays, right? Maybe its possible to keep that day?
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Re: team UnFreeZe meeting

Post by adminless »

@klar sure don't worry that as I said, it's not like it's a official match or anything so no stress and no pressure this time and besides I made team UnFreeZe six people for a reason so it becomes more feasible to schedule activities.

@orgi unlucky, unfortunately it seems that probably for some of our members (team UnFreeZe) Saturdays can be better (at least initially, it seems) so this time we'll give it a try to the Saturday. anyways, I'll count you in nevertheless and I'll send you invitation (by PM as usual) and I'll take it in consideration for future meetings/events. additionally if for some reason this Saturday finally doesn't work out (or there's a incident or something) there's still the possibility to make another attempt the Sunday which is probably a advantage of the Saturday date.

ok, I still haven't heard confirmation from everybody (i.e. plumse/ouunp for example) but I guess we'll just go for it anyways so probably by this night I'll send PM invitation/instructions here to the entire team UnFreeZe on one side and to everybody (of significance) that have been active at the forum during the last week on the other and then we'll evaluate what are the best options there. thank you for your interest and for participate guys.