issue with client gamemod 'unfreeze' - no clear visibility of frozen enemies/team-mates

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issue with client gamemod 'unfreeze' - no clear visibility of frozen enemies/team-mates

Post by pyron83 »


I played on the Unfreeze server until now without the unfreeze pk3.

I finally decided to give it a try, and I find it better than vanilla ioquake3, but I've trouble in seeing clearly frozen models.

In vanilla ioq3, frozen enemies and allies are surrounded by a golden aura.
With the mod, enemies are just stuck/still... And sometimes it makes really difficult to understand if the enemy/ally is frozen or not.

Shold I revert to vanilla q3 or is there a fix?
I tried some graphic settings, but to no avail.

thank you
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Re: issue with client gamemod 'unfreeze' - no clear visibility of frozen enemies/team-mates

Post by adminless »

hey there

I think that most likely you didn't properly install the client gamemod, I think that probably you just installed the unfreeze0-dev-client.pk3 file which is just a update and forgot about the base version file which is the one that actually contains the media including the custom frozen bodies shader which looks like on the image I attached you (the yellow traingle shows that is a teammate \cg_drawfriend) and that I believe that is a improvement over the default battle suit shader for frozen bodies.

is a very common mistake people make so please make sure that you installed both files and let me know if it still doesn't work.
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Re: issue with client gamemod 'unfreeze' - no clear visibility of frozen enemies/team-mates

Post by pyron83 »

you are right, it was my mistake.

I mistakenly saw the 2 pk3 as 2 files with the same name so I extracted just 1, but they are instead 2 different files:

Now that they are both in .q3a/unfreeze everything runs fine.

thank you

Q3 Unfreeze nickname: {Y1X1}