UnFreeZe Spring 2024 Tournament
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UnFreeZe Spring 2024 Tournament
well it looks like finally my new pc endured three months of extensive endless full system benchmarks and stress testing so I assume that means it should be fine to run another small UnFreeZe tournament and that gpu should not crash anymore. ok, then this spring along April/May (approx) I was thinking in probably organising another small(er) UnFreeZe tournament here so as usual I don't know who (either teams or individuals) would be interested in participate on that. as usual I'll go developing the format along these weeks as this unfolds but this time it shouldn't be a full blown league as it was during the winter. the plan is then to make a small tournament with two groups and then semi finals similar to the 2022 Winter edition for example as something like that that it's probably the expectation (i.e. 6-8 teams) plus then afterwards some sort of community and/or special event (i.e. a undisputed rematch, some sort of team UnFreeZe/all-star game etc etc).
as for the teams, as usual all the teams need to be announced and registered here before the start of the competition under all the usual norms (i.e. 6-8 players min/max, relatively balanced and not stupidly unbalanced etc etc) and whoever is not ok with any of that is invited to just do not come here/stay away from this or simply to wait for the aftermath to participate without so many regulations on some of the potential upcoming events. from what I saw at the finally successful ctf tournament past month the idea that was brought of making a tournament with sorted teams is clear that it was not going to work so the regular community teams will just stick under the usual norms as already commented. that said and as usual with any edition, I also want to invite those individual players that might want to participate in this but that might lack a team to sign up here anyways to build up a team to participate as it happened on the last ctf tournament with team forza for example so whatever the case is those interested in participate, either teams or individuals, do not hesitate to join here and/or drop any questions/concerns you might have.
about the rest of the format I don't think I'll change anything, or at least not significantly to a high degree. I think that probably the groups can be played at two legs and then the semifinals at classic best of five and the grand final also legged and I'll think about some map sorting and so on along the next days. the deadlines to begin with this I think that we can have two weeks to sign up and prepare for this here to then start playing by April and I think that should be it by now so who's ready for this?
as for the teams, as usual all the teams need to be announced and registered here before the start of the competition under all the usual norms (i.e. 6-8 players min/max, relatively balanced and not stupidly unbalanced etc etc) and whoever is not ok with any of that is invited to just do not come here/stay away from this or simply to wait for the aftermath to participate without so many regulations on some of the potential upcoming events. from what I saw at the finally successful ctf tournament past month the idea that was brought of making a tournament with sorted teams is clear that it was not going to work so the regular community teams will just stick under the usual norms as already commented. that said and as usual with any edition, I also want to invite those individual players that might want to participate in this but that might lack a team to sign up here anyways to build up a team to participate as it happened on the last ctf tournament with team forza for example so whatever the case is those interested in participate, either teams or individuals, do not hesitate to join here and/or drop any questions/concerns you might have.
about the rest of the format I don't think I'll change anything, or at least not significantly to a high degree. I think that probably the groups can be played at two legs and then the semifinals at classic best of five and the grand final also legged and I'll think about some map sorting and so on along the next days. the deadlines to begin with this I think that we can have two weeks to sign up and prepare for this here to then start playing by April and I think that should be it by now so who's ready for this?
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Re: UnFreeZe Spring 2024 Tournament
ok, with a bit of delay as I got dragged with the servers this weekend but finally here you have the maximum tournament sample so that should be it, check it out and let me know who's interested on that, if anyone, to make it happen. I believe that should be known within this week approx so basically if by the next week or so nothing has been established then this just won't happen. as usual obviously that's a sample assuming six participants, if there's more than that then the group phase will probably have to be shorted to one best of five leg for example instead of two and the same if there's less (i.e. it will finish earlier).
contact: https://contact.fpsclassico.com
- User lv4
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Re: UnFreeZe Spring 2024 Tournament
Hey there,
great, that sounds nice.
ILM checks in.
great, that sounds nice.
ILM checks in.
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Re: UnFreeZe Spring 2024 Tournament
awesome, let's see who else join. as I see it I believe that there's room for 4-8 teams approx. ideally 6 probably with the current sample. for other number of teams it would have to be adjusted accordingly. btw remember that if you want to make any changes to the team you have to announce them beforehand. ok, who else is interested? remember that there's also to make a "random" community team like on the ctf event in case someone wants to participate but has no team so do not hesitate to join anyway.
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Re: UnFreeZe Spring 2024 Tournament
great news, noted now then. let's hope it's not just another ilm vs ass showdown and more teams/people join. I believe it would be good to know that by this weekend the latest to then start with the schedules next week as usual.
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Re: UnFreeZe Spring 2024 Tournament
as a update on this team community just informed this morning that due different circumstances they won't be available to participate at this time however aimer at least would be interested in participate in a open community team (different from his regular team) for this edition so now looking forward for more players/teams for this to schedule this within the next days. from what I see I believe that probably the six teams mark is gonna be difficult to attain but I believe that at least four should be doable for a straight up cup instead (to be updated once it's known obviously). as said, if not with (all) the regular teams as-is then with changes and/or different teams, no big deal to mix the things up here as long as people is up for it.
contact: https://contact.fpsclassico.com
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Re: UnFreeZe Spring 2024 Tournament
pks just joined this afternoon to the community mixed team, aka forza, along with aimer in case someone is interested in team up. as said, I believe that there's room to have at least four solid teams along with ILM and ASS for this, otherwise they will just battle for a special one time event in the next week. the time to sign up pretty much ends this weekend (approx) so those around interested do not miss this chance to participate in a great event.
contact: https://contact.fpsclassico.com
- User lv4
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Re: UnFreeZe Spring 2024 Tournament
Hello, DT is in.
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Re: UnFreeZe Spring 2024 Tournament
fantastic, noted now, ami also told me he was working on some mixed community team so I hope that with him we should finally be five. I guess then I'll review later today/tomorrow the tournament sample to then start with the final schedules next week so stay tuned.
contact: https://contact.fpsclassico.com
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Re: UnFreeZe Spring 2024 Tournament
just as a reminder on this please remember that although there's still a few days of margin it would finally be good to know today the teams and players that will finally participate on this so remember to announce/communicate any changes otherwise what will stand is what I currently have noted.
- ILM: Blaze, Vortex, ironmonkey, Fus1on, orgi, Mike, Makaveli
- ASS: Infin!ty, Ricky, ang3lfish, Walnut, RiCo, Cliff, oab, Toxic
- DT: NoobsHunter, maczus, Tubylec, Edversion, Franni, reddrum, Rozp!erdol, Aboba
contact: https://contact.fpsclassico.com
- User lv4
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Re: UnFreeZe Spring 2024 Tournament
DT players list: Bl4h, Edversion, Maczus, Redrum, Rozp!erdol, Sakis, Tubylec
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Re: UnFreeZe Spring 2024 Tournament
fantastic noted now and I haven't heard anything else from ami efforts then I guess that I'll still give it one more day to wait just to be safe but I assume that most likely we'll be three. ok, I'll go updating the format and schedules then now.
contact: https://contact.fpsclassico.com
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Re: UnFreeZe Spring 2024 Tournament
ok, updated now the tournament summary accordingly with the teams then even if a fourth team would be to show up in the next days that should be it as it won't significantly alter the calendar. that's it, instead of having one team rest each week everyone will play. since we're just three (or up to four) instead of two there's obviously just one group and since the final match-up is basically a group rematch there's no much sense in legging it since it's just legged there then the group games will be regular classic best of five and the final a double four games match-up without tie-breakers. additionally in the case of three teams the way the calendar is setup then the third week might be not needed to be played if by that time the third place is already known (i.e. if dt loses both games). this means for this edition the currently posted tiers there will be dropped entirely since classic best of five goes with the full pool all the same as the final. and that should be it by now I guess do not forget to submit any changes and/or to sign up a fourth team in the next days not in the next week so that means that I believe that both ilm and dt can already start considering if the currently posted date there of the Thursday 11 of April of 2024 21:15 CEST (UTC+02) works for them along with their picks (i.e. three for each with order of preference in favour of ilm). as usual if someone has any questions or anything just let me know.
contact: https://contact.fpsclassico.com
- User lv4
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- Location: Fulda, Germany
Re: UnFreeZe Spring 2024 Tournament
Hey hello,
its not possible for us next week, but we can play on mon, 15th. Does that also suit to you guys from DT?
its not possible for us next week, but we can play on mon, 15th. Does that also suit to you guys from DT?