xonotic fpsclasico.de game server got globally client side banned

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xonotic fpsclasico.de game server got globally client side banned

Post by adminless »

hello guys

well just reporting here that recently (i.e. a month ago) the xonotic server hosted here at fpsclasico.de has been globally banned client side for no good reason at all other than just a arbitrary call from a arbitrary manager there as can be seen here. as can be read there the ban as well as the fair/good will and reputation of fpsclasico.de have already been contested and defended to no avail unfortunately.

then this basically is gonna mean the end of the xonotic venture here at fpsclasico.de in the long run, there's no way I'm gonna be putting up with this sort of bad and ugly management, I have better stuff to do. it's unlikely that I'm just gonna shut down the server right now, it's not that much of a deal, it doesn't really bother me at the moment, so it will probably still run for some time until it gets replaced by something else in the middle term.

in the mean time, any xonotic player please know that if you want to experience the game without this sort of arbitrary restrictions/promotions (there was also a overly arbitrary "recommended" servers category not so long ago) at the time of writing you can do so by simply launching the game with the "+set menu_updatecheck 0" command line argument as well as don't forget that the master at deathmask here shows you the whole thing without arbitrary restrictions/promotions and that then you just need to launch the game followed with the "+connect <server_ip>" command line argument (ex. ./xonotic-linux64-glx +connect 2a01:4f8:a0:5001:85:10:203:92 ) or simply issue the connect command directly once in-game on your console (shif+esc to open up the console) to get directly to the server you want.

in addition let me know if there's really interest in have a forked version of the xonotic binaries just with this sort of arbitrary management stuff removed as it's pretty much trivial. and that's all by now, thank you to everybody that visited the server during this time and sorry for the inconvenience.
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Re: xonotic fpsclasico.de game server got globally client side banned

Post by adminless »

ok in addition after some really profound disagreements with the Xonotic management I finally decided to push just some trivial fix (beyond launching the game with the "+set menu_updatecheck 0" command line argument) to take away from the developers the solely ability to decided for a whole community what servers should be promoted/removed from the in-game listing specially since they have been proven to act on arbitrary grounds and miss-use this functionality. so to get rid of that simply put the provided menu.dat file inside your data folder at your Xonotic installation path. tested as of August 2019 to work with the current Xonotic stock release 0.8.2 with stock settings.

client side menu: menu.dat
source code: https://github.com/adminless/free-xonot ... 73a6bdc536
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Re: xonotic fpsclasico.de game server got globally client side banned

Post by adminless »

ok report that as announced the time for this fpsclasico.de xonotic server to go for the reasons explained above has finally come and this has been recently replaced by another new UnFreeZe server running a custom maps only rotation. there was really a need for such a server there and this server here wasn't basically doing anything at all. for those of you here who may be interested ips for the server are the same (2a01:4f8:a0:5001:85:10:203:92/ just on port 27961 and obviously the server runs on the Quake III Arena game instead. I would strongly suggest you to check it out, the game is probably at least as good as and as fun as xonotic if not better and more and what's even more important, it doesn't suffer from all this sort of shitty and garbage management the xonotic community does.

sorry for the inconvenience and thanks to everybody that visited this server during this time.
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Re: xonotic fpsclasico.de game server got globally client side banned

Post by NoobKilla »

Don't fret about it, there's total of about 10 people playing xonotic and at peek times it's like 4 vs 4, so their main regular server is not ever full and it's empty during the day, other servers are either totally empty, all the time, or filled with bots which is equal to playing single player campaign or maps. And the game is way harder than Q3A, players are discouraged after playing for few minutes with veterans over there (the regulars who play every day in their 4 vs 4 usual groups, it's always those 8 regular players, rarely more). What they do is gang on you immediately and your teammates are just standing watching not helping at all. I played over there for a while, but the learning curve is just impossible and nobody can ever reach those players, plus I think they cheat, nobody can have such perfect aims as they do. And the game is constantly downloading something, even the maps I already played it re-downloads often, it's a nightmare, my dlcache contains literally over a gigabyte of various maps and unknown files, it's a total mess. I think the fact that your unfreeze Q3A servers are almost always full should be the testament that you're doing things the right way. Thanks!