february community event

Quake III Arena classic game servers forum.

what do you want to do with the potential ctf event?

Poll ended at Fri Mar 03, 2023 9:29

play it this Sunday 5 21:00 CET (UTC+01)
play it this Wednesday 8 21:00 CET (UTC+01)
nothing, better let it be by now and may be give it another try on the future
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Re: february community event

Post by adminless »

I know, it doesn't even make sense, I mean, there was more teams allegedly voting for a ctf tournament than people ultimately showed but anyways as said, makes no sense to start bitching now, it's what it's and to be honest I don't even think that finally took anything away from the event. I believe that it played great nevertheless and it definitively felt like a good improvement over the previous ctf games that were a lot more messy, ggs. ok, let's see how it turns out for another occasion then, I assume that even with this small tiny turnout I'll probably keep giving a shot to this ctf thing from time to time. by now, YouTube vids online since this morning on its separate thread at the ctf events sub forum and hopefully on the afternoon I'll update this with the event results that for this thing I have to compute manually to finish this off. other than that, I post here as well for reference the full list of dropable items with the "drop" command at the ctf server (considering you have them of course and with the important caveat that you can not pick up later on the same item you dropped yourself):

Code: Select all

Armor Shard
Heavy Armor
5 Health
25 Health
50 Health
Mega Health
Grenade Launcher
Rocket Launcher
Lightning Gun
Plasma Gun
Grappling Hook
Bfg Ammo
Personal Teleporter
Quad Damage
Battle Suit
Red Flag
Blue Flag
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Re: february community event

Post by aimer »

I think the confusion is that with other mods a simple "drop flag" is enough since the teams you are in gives the context of what flag to drop but it's good to know for next time.

The issue i raised is that generally when the flag carrier kills itself the flag stays in place unless you are in void. I used that here:

to try to pass the flag to a team mate while i was low on health but it seems like the flag instead reset to the original position in base which led to another enemies' cap.
It would be good if that behaviour was restored for future events :-)
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Re: february community event

Post by adminless »

yeah, I noticed that too, I guess that was probably some "exploit" patch/prevention on vq3 or something that "changed" that as I believe that you can understand/known unfortunately that server hasn't really been played that much as to dig those details. anyways, I'll just "patch" (i.e. add) that later today, no big deal at all, thanks for the feedback and well played :twisted:

ok, so here are the manually compiled stats for this ctf side event:
  • teams:
    1. blue: 3 wins - 32 captures - 1552 points - 48.5 p/c
    2. red: 2 wins - 26 captures - 1368 points - 52.6 p/c
  • players:
    1. shantu (4): 115.3 p/g - 2.75 c/g - 41.2 p/c
    2. semi (4:1): 110.6 p/g - 2.40 c/g - 46.1 p/c
    3. fau (5): 106.4 p/g - 1.20 c/g - 88.7 p/c
    4. miro (5): 102.0 p/g - 2.00 c/g - 51.0 p/c
    5. cth (1): 90.0 p/g - 1.00 c/g - 90.0 p/c
    6. aimer (5): 78.8 p/g - 2.40 c/g - 32.8 p/c
    7. masin (1:4): 76.0 p/g - 1.20 c/g - 63.3 p/c
  • average: 97.3 p/g&p - 1.93 c/g&p - 51.2 p/c
as can be seen I believe that it was fairly balanced overall, on the individual side big shout out to shantu as clearly the mvp and decisive player of the event, congrats.
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Re: february community event

Post by FraG_MasiN »

gg nice game nice event nice server was super cool :D like same events like this :D gg all the low skill masin !!!!!!3.Unfreze SERVER rulesS!!AM THE BALANCE :D :twisted:
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Re: february community event

Post by Semisek48 »

Haha, i got second place only becouse i was farming defend frags most of the time :D Anyways ggs, i really enjoyed it. Btw as small feedback from me, would it be possible to have some discussion about the maps the next time? I like the maps you picked, they are fun and not difficult to understand, but some new maps might spice things up and bring more experienced players to the events. And since there are some experienced CTF players around i think they might help to find some suitable competetive maps and lets see how they will turn out compared to the ones we've played so far.
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Re: february community event

Post by adminless »

hey I think the final advertised maps supposedly to be played (mkbase, q3ctf2, japanctf, 13death_xt_b1, q3wctf2) were all top notch A+++ ctf hardcore tier yet nobody showed all the same so I can tell you for a fact that your reasoning that with hardcore maps you'll get more players is simply wrong. it's just not happening, I presented a top tier game this time yet more than half the people that was even previously interested on this it was no more and that's a fact. hardcore maps is not the way you grow this, if not probably the contrary. presenting over complex never seen before maps that take 20+ hours just to understand the basic navigation alone is only the perfect way to alienate the regular player that could really grow this instead. the way you grow games and make things interesting it has always been by making the game accessible and friendly to anybody not just to a limited (elitist) group of players as it's the case between UnFreeZe and glacius or as it has clearly been the difference between these ffa and ctf events. as I wrote and as I explained previously, for those top tier maps to be considered to be played first some sort of regular ctf scene and serious turnout needs to be going/happen, otherwise is just killing the game before it even started and wasting people's time. if the turnout/interest is really gonna be like this there's nothing else to do but to stick to something like/similar to this, that's probably the best this can do.