small summer ctf event
- User lv5
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Re: small summer ctf event
if teams stayed like that i would be happy. spend quite some time with adrenaline and filthypirate on voice in discord and they are chill ^^
- User lv4
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Re: small summer ctf event
I will have my running shoes on. More caps than points is my goal.
- User lv1
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Re: small summer ctf event
Sounds good to me, I'll be there 

- User lv4
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Re: small summer ctf event
cOoL yes i go defend the flag
glory to this server
yes funy event nice quake3 rulesS
glory to this server
yes funy event nice quake3 rulesS
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Re: small summer ctf event
ok ok I see that team red is ready and hyped already.
- User lv5
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Re: small summer ctf event
mmm yes that's right she updated that just as I was making my post and then later I overlooked it (typically I don't re-read responses) so thanks for pointing it out. anyways I don't think that should really change anything, the fight/teams will pretty much carry on only that given the case it would be played 4vs4 instead (which is a perfectly fine target for the event btw) if nobody else shows. ok, until Thursday there's probably still time to sign up for this then that means that there's still 3 (not 2) more available slots for this, anybody else interested?
- User lv4
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Re: small summer ctf event
Oh sorry, could just make a new post. Unfortunately got remember that I won't be able to attend on 4th.
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Re: small summer ctf event
no problem it's all good, hopefully miro noticed it. btw as mentioned earlier, the deadline to sign up finishes in 48 hours approx and although we're good to go, ideally 3, but at least one more people to complete the 5vs5 would be welcome. any volunteers around?
- User lv4
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Re: small summer ctf event
something unexpected came up today unfortunately and i won't be able to attend the game this sunday, sorry.
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Re: small summer ctf event
unlucky, ok, no problem, I'll take it into account and thus I'll adjust the teams respectively later or if not given the case it could also be possible to reschedule it if necessary. thanks for reach out.
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Re: small summer ctf event
ok as for this I see two possible solutions. one could be go with new adjusted teams as posted bellow this Sunday 4 as initially planned. the other could be simply to reschedule for the next Sunday 11 21:15 CEST (UTC+02). the current new teams I see for this could be:
- date: Sunday 4 of September of 2022 21:15 CEST (UTC+02)
- team red: miro, semi, frag_masin, filthypirate
- team blue: viper, nick, @('_')@, serbo
- date: Sunday 11 of September of 2022 21:15 CEST (UTC+02)
- team red: miro, viper, mwhq3, frag_masin, filthypirate, serbo
- team blue: kf, aimer, semi, nick, @('_')@, agi
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Re: small summer ctf event
ok PM sent now to every one involved (regardless of the interest/availability, 12 people) so please let me know if somebody haven't received it. as mentioned on the PM since nobody commented so far about it I guess that probably the best on this is to give a try to both dates if possible so unless stated otherwise the event will carry on this Sunday 4 with that people and in case if ultimately doesn't happen and/or it does and the interest is high for one more time it will be attempted as well the next Sunday 11. well and I think that that's it by now, have fun and thanks for participate.
- User lv4
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Re: small summer ctf event
I should be able to play both dates... well, if my internet allows me of course.
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Re: small summer ctf event
sounds good, as said I guess that given the circumstances I will just set the server and show up at both dates (initially unless stated otherwise here and/or people clearly cancel of course) and then we'll see how it finally turns out. btw that I forgot to explicitly mention it but I assume it's understood, if both dates fail then the event will be just done and cancelled as such. there will be no further reschedules and/or adjustments, the eleventh was just grace option already.