I wanted to share with you a little smartphone game that I discovered during my hospitalizations and which is called Skillz, downloadable from Google Play and App Store
Skillz is a fun logical game that gives a good test to your brain.

Want to test your memory skills or give your brain an exercise?

Try this fun memory game to improve your memory, speed, get better accuracy, distinguish between colors and much more.
there is a single player mode and you can challenge yourself with friends via a Google + account
You can find other applications on the site
This application and others were made by Laurentiu Popa, he's born in 12 December 1992, he live in Arad, Romania and he work as an Android Developer.

The applications that are presented in this site are his personal projects.
Site: https://rention.net/index.html
email: rentiondeveloper@gmail.com
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rentionp
Greetings, have fun and take care of yourself