No servers

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No servers

Post by Marton »


So I have a problem. After I launch the game and go to the multiplayer section, it doesn't load any servers. I have the game on steam, and I never had any problems like this before. I tried to reinstall the game, but didn't help. Any ideas?

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Re: No servers

Post by adminless »

yes, the official idsoftware Quake III Arena master server which handles the default in-game server list at the original installation is down at the time of writing. it happens from time to time (like a couple of times a year) and it generally doesn't last much (typically just a few days at most though there was also shortages in the order of weeks over the years). I'll try to notify them about that following this, at the moment you can probably use just one of the provided clients on this site ( 32-bits or 64-bits) which come with the fpsclasico master server embed which is guarantee to be up (as long as fpsclasico is up) for that reason. hope that helps and sorry for the inconvenience.
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Re: No servers

Post by Marton »

Thank you for the quick reply! It seems to be working now!