Upload video types

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User lv4
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Upload video types

Post by i_cezar »

What video types/extensions are allowed for upload when writing a post?
Mp4/avi and zip are not accepted.
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Re: Upload video types

Post by adminless »

you can't actually upload video to this site (historical resource/security limits) though if you want you can probably send it to me (via mail) and I can upload it here or if you prefer you can post a demo here and I render and upload it here if you want just as I do with the rest of the material (the server, a part of it, does that). other than that the "normal" way is just upload it on YouTube and then post it here.
User lv4
User lv4
Posts: 103
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in-game nick: Blaze

Re: Upload video types

Post by i_cezar »

Ok, i got it. Thanks again!