Rules sumary upon startup/unclean client detected

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Rules sumary upon startup/unclean client detected

Post by uZu »

Hello there,
it would be nice if, instead of the message about an "unclean client detected", there is a short summary of the unfreeze rules.

To sum up my thouhgts: Q3 being released under the terms of the GPL, there is plenty of clients and, unless only one client is to be allowed, it's both void and false to make this warning. Void because, when you use a custom client, you obviously do know that your client is probably not the one expected and false because, it's not because the client isn't the one expected that it is unclean. I guess I do understand, the logic behind this warning, but I don't think it has something to add. As anyone can build its own engine or use a different engine than ioq3 or the custom build made here, I don't think this warning is of any use.

In the same time, a message stating something like "help your team, stay near a frozen teammate for 5 sec to unfreeze him" could help noobs and random players to understand that this is a freezetag gameplay. As it's not uncommon to play with such players, who just don't realize that they are playing a FT game, such kind of message could help them to know that this game is not just ffa or tdm.

Any thought about this is ofc welcome
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Re: Rules sumary upon startup/unclean client detected

Post by adminless »

well it may be void for you/someone who do know about coding and all that stuff you talking about not for someone that does know nothing (or very little) about computing/installments and that just downloaded some random files from the internet and can't figure out why things are so broken (i.e. the average/regular user, that's it, the majority group for which I target these services not developers, sysadmins, network engineers etc etc). so it does serve a very clear purpose (notify the user that he's using files who haven't been tested to work here and that therefor may not work as expected here and that's just if it's not that they are cheats, I mean you do not know, they potentially can as they are indeed files which haven't been verified to be clean, hence the unclean terminology) and it definitively it's not a false statement by any means in the context of the trust chain at fpsclasico. other than that if I were to offer the choice between giving you the freedom to use whatever files you want here just at the expense of displaying a in-game warning when the server encounter stuff that isn't know to it or just don't print any warnings but take away any freedoms you have to run any files you want here and force everybody to use the very same files even if they don't even work for them instead I guess that you probably don't even need to answer that, we all know 93-95% of the people or even more would go with the former all day.

as for the thaw notice, well, my thoughts are that the less stuff you print on the client screen the better (as can even clearly be seen here btw), so have that (obvious thing) displayed any time and every time would probably upset most and it wouldn't even really be of much help as those kind of guys rarely ever read those messages let alone figure it out what it means.
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Re: Rules sumary upon startup/unclean client detected

Post by PacMan »

uZu wrote: Thu Feb 11, 2021 14:14 Hello there,
it would be nice if, instead of the message about an "unclean client detected", there is a short summary of the unfreeze rules.

To sum up my thouhgts: Q3 being released under the terms of the GPL, there is plenty of clients and, unless only one client is to be allowed, it's both void and false to make this warning. Void because, when you use a custom client, you obviously do know that your client is probably not the one expected and false because, it's not because the client isn't the one expected that it is unclean. I guess I do understand, the logic behind this warning, but I don't think it has something to add. As anyone can build its own engine or use a different engine than ioq3 or the custom build made here, I don't think this warning is of any use.

In the same time, a message stating something like "help your team, stay near a frozen teammate for 5 sec to unfreeze him" could help noobs and random players to understand that this is a freezetag gameplay. As it's not uncommon to play with such players, who just don't realize that they are playing a FT game, such kind of message could help them to know that this game is not just ffa or tdm.

Any thought about this is ofc welcome
Best we just freeze u
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Re: Rules sumary upon startup/unclean client detected

Post by uZu »

@adminless: I do understand your pov, this is more or less what I thought you had in mind with this notice.
So anyway, it was just a thought, especially targetted at finding a way to help random players understanding what a FT game is.
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Re: Rules sumary upon startup/unclean client detected

Post by Dr.GreenThumb »

uZu sometimes the easiest thing to do is to tell them how to unfreeze in the chat. I have done that many times, and I would say it's about 70%-80% successful. The remaining 20%-30% would not care about the MoTD either, so those are a loss regardless :mrgreen:
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Re: Rules sumary upon startup/unclean client detected

Post by uZu »

Hey Dr GreenThumb, you're right. Although I reckon it barely reach the same success rate as the one you wrote, I usually keep on trying to explain by chat.
I've to confess that some time, when you had a long work day and have about only 30/45 mn to spare before having to struggle with your kids, I wish I could just enjoy a few games and avoid of having to explain them, desesperately watching them going by my frozen body and fading away ^^
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Re: Rules sumary upon startup/unclean client detected

Post by ...jutuli... »

uZu wrote: Fri Feb 12, 2021 9:46 desesperately watching them going by my frozen body and fading away ^^
Exactly know how you feel ;) Unfortunately, most of these random players did not read the chat or react on any words or even dont know english at all...
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Re: Rules sumary upon startup/unclean client detected

Post by PacMan »

uZu wrote: Fri Feb 12, 2021 9:46 Hey Dr GreenThumb, you're right. Although I reckon it barely reach the same success rate as the one you wrote, I usually keep on trying to explain by chat.
I've to confess that some time, when you had a long work day and have about only 30/45 mn to spare before having to struggle with your kids, I wish I could just enjoy a few games and avoid of having to explain them, desesperately watching them going by my frozen body and fading away ^^

On a sidenote as.jit said some dont understand English , but how come you use that word "I reckon" it's a bit of a UK thing ?
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Re: Rules sumary upon startup/unclean client detected

Post by uZu »

@alyeti: dunno, probably because my teachers were from Oxford ;)
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Re: Rules sumary upon startup/unclean client detected

Post by PacMan »

uZu wrote: Fri Feb 12, 2021 15:38 @alyeti: dunno, probably because my teachers were from Oxford ;)
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Re: Rules sumary upon startup/unclean client detected

Post by NoobKilla »

Hi. I'm new here. Sorry for resurrecting old thread, but I updated to your latest community patch 1.36 Quake 3 Arena, but there's message files are unclean. I have proof of it as a screenshot:
ioquake3.x86_64 2023-06-06 18-25-11-749.jpg
You can see that the link inside the game towards your forum is all wrong, it's which doesn't exist, it's all quite a mess over there.
I'm downloading full unfreeze client from your download section, but not sure if that will help anything. Can you help?
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Re: Rules sumary upon startup/unclean client detected

Post by adminless »

ah yes I forgot to update that unclean client link forum message thanks for the input. what package did you download? that one I just updated it today with a new patch for the duel server it should give clean status tomorrow provided that you did not install other things that broke it and thus gave unclean status. anyways, that's just a warning kind of message mostly for informative/debugging purposes (it just informs that your files haven't been tested and therefore might or might not work properly at these servers) in most cases it's safe to ignore if you chooses to.
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Re: Rules sumary upon startup/unclean client detected

Post by NoobKilla »

Thanks for getting back to me so fast. If that's the case then there's no problem, I was worried perhaps that I might be kicked out of the server or unable to play the game properly, but now that you explained it to me all is well. I downloaded just the 1.36 patch but now downloading that one, not sure which exe to run, there are just too many exes in the base folder. I ran 1.36 community patch 64 bit one and that was the error on screen.
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Re: Rules sumary upon startup/unclean client detected

Post by adminless »

from the zip I posted you probably can just run (double click) the ioq3v6.exe file to launch the game after you put your pak0.pk3 file inside the baseq3 folder to install the game obviously.
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Re: Rules sumary upon startup/unclean client detected

Post by NoobKilla »

It doesn't work, it actually broke the game:

Code: Select all

compressed textures: disabled
Initializing Shaders
----- finished R_Init -----
Loading vm file vm/ui.qvm...
VM file ui compiled to 609081 bytes of code
ui loaded in 1374688 bytes on the hunk
142 arenas parsed
58 bots parsed
Loading vm file vm/cgame.qvm...
VM file cgame compiled to 845352 bytes of code
cgame loaded in 4621792 bytes on the hunk
voice chat memory size = 0
----- CL_Shutdown -----
RE_Shutdown( 1 )
Shutting down OpenGL subsystem
...wglMakeCurrent( NULL, NULL ): success
...deleting GL context: success
...releasing DC: success
...destroying window
...resetting display
...shutting down QGL
...unloading OpenGL DLL
Z_Malloc: failed on allocation of 12582936 bytes from the main zone