Ban babar

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Ban babar

Post by Dvinci »

Hey I’d like to report someone. In the game just randomly started shooting me into the lava, rrocketing in the back constantly I’m sending a video of what this person was saying. I tried to scroll up above the convo so you can see I wasn’t talking to him.
He kept saying move shit noob and called me a cunt when I said i was reporting he said stfu. I think I’ve been doing my best to keep my play and coms clean I’ve never even seen this guy before on the server
Idk how to send a video here so I emailed you the video
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Re: Ban babar

Post by adminless »

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say: ^3Dvinci: hiii
say: babar: dvinci shit noob
say: babar: stay away
say: ^3Dvinci: from your friednly fire yeahj
say: babar: dvinci shit noob
say: babar: stay away
say: ^3Dvinci: dude ur shooting me
say: ^3Dvinci: im recordinhg and reporting
say: babar: reporting what? that u're a cunt?
say: ^3Dvinci: that you keep shooting me
say: ^3Dvinci: and what youre saying
say: babar: stfu plz
say: babar: :)
look, I'm sorry but it's not gonna happen, furthermore, if I were to ban anyone who said something other didn't like or was unpolite/rude just like that then you would have got probably banned once again time ago already. that's another regular player obviously upset with you and that probably also tells a lot about your behaviour (people isn't insane as to "randomly" pick/hate on others out of nowhere). anyways, yes, I concede that it's inappropriate behavior that shouldn't take place thus make sure this report has been heard and it will be taken in consideration in case of further complains against this player so thanks for report. besides that, as I told you, I'm not gonna ban him just because he called you noob and was rude with you, just like that it's not gonna happen.
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Re: Ban babar

Post by PacMan »

Babar normally seemed ok to me , and divinchi has behaved to , just add my pacasss comments as usual