Hi, ...and thx for your fast & useful reply : -)
=>removing zzz-models.pk3 did the trick;
~yes, maybe the PM-color-config was cnq3-client or smth..... =>so that basically means we cannot change skin-colors atm, right? (which is ok, though, looking good : p))
~ . ~
//\\ on a side-note, there's another thought swarming my mind: You are running an Openarena server [ the one with oasago2 ctf 24/7 ] as well, right? ......how about changing that one into a freezeTag server

..with nice maps and all <3 the good stuff and configuration from your Q3-FT servers...
=>not sure if the mod is compatible to OA? ((or whether it requires much work))
=>also not sure at all whether the server would become populated or not
{backgroud is: The other day I was 'promoting' or rather inviting people on stupidctf to try FreezeTag... some didn't know about it at all, and were asking for an OA-server to try it on... =>i explained about this forum, the client, and pak0.pk3, ...but that seemed to be too much trouble to go through^^ (lol) .....=> so i thought about your (mostly unused?) ctf-server turn FreezeTag :~)
...afaik there isn't a single FT server available in OA..
: -)cheers..