ioq3v6-unfreeze-client-v20.5 >>enemy model config

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ioq3v6-unfreeze-client-v20.5 >>enemy model config

Post by yleri »


First of all: VERY nice package, the new client, ..with all the maps added in ! well as no more using the <home> folder of the OS for configs... :- )

The only thing i'm wondering about is how to configure enemy+team skins, with the new

=>with the older client (19.2) I could apply different PM-colors to head/chest/legs [if I'm not mistaken] ...that doesn't work anymore

Also how to remove the very full-bright-skin? (I like to see outlines in skins, ..not just a "green wall" :mrgreen: : -)

like this:

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Re: ioq3v6-unfreeze-client-v20.5 >>enemy model config

Post by adminless »

yleri wrote: Sat Oct 03, 2020 12:41The only thing i'm wondering about is how to configure enemy+team skin
\cg_forceskin 0
yleri wrote: Sat Oct 03, 2020 12:41=>with the older client (19.2) I could apply different PM-colors to head/chest/legs [if I'm not mistaken] ...that doesn't work anymore
no unfortunately that was never possible through official means.
yleri wrote: Sat Oct 03, 2020 12:41Also how to remove the very full-bright-skin? (I like to see outlines in skins, ..not just a "green wall" :mrgreen: : -)
remove/move away the provided zzz-models.pk3 file from the installation.

ok, hope that helps and I'm glad to hear that you like the provided client. yes, I also think that the custom maps definitively bring a lot of new fun to the game.

Re: ioq3v6-unfreeze-client-v20.5 >>enemy model config

Post by yleri »

Hi, ...and thx for your fast & useful reply : -) :D :P

=>removing zzz-models.pk3 did the trick;
~yes, maybe the PM-color-config was cnq3-client or smth..... =>so that basically means we cannot change skin-colors atm, right? (which is ok, though, looking good : p))

~ . ~

//\\ on a side-note, there's another thought swarming my mind: You are running an Openarena server [ the one with oasago2 ctf 24/7 ] as well, right? about changing that one into a freezeTag server :ugeek: ..with nice maps and all <3 the good stuff and configuration from your Q3-FT servers...

=>not sure if the mod is compatible to OA? ((or whether it requires much work))
=>also not sure at all whether the server would become populated or not

{backgroud is: The other day I was 'promoting' or rather inviting people on stupidctf to try FreezeTag... some didn't know about it at all, and were asking for an OA-server to try it on... =>i explained about this forum, the client, and pak0.pk3, ...but that seemed to be too much trouble to go through^^ (lol) .....=> so i thought about your (mostly unused?) ctf-server turn FreezeTag :~)
...afaik there isn't a single FT server available in OA.. :thumbup:

: -)cheers..
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Re: ioq3v6-unfreeze-client-v20.5 >>enemy model config

Post by adminless »

yes, it's not possible. yes, over the years I ran servers for several other games besides Quake III Arena, at the moment, I also run other quakelive, urbanterror and openarena servers. it just happened that due actual popularity/success, little by little I ended up focusing each time more and more into Quake III Arena. anyways, little know fact is that, in fact, when I started with this UnFreeZe thing around mid 2016 there was also a Open Arena version of the UnFreeZe mod. it was called OaFreeZe and you have its subforum here so you can probably read there how it went. yes, I think that it was great, specially because it was free, but unfortunately as I explained there it ran for well over a year and virtually nobody played there and think that was years ago when the ctf server was usually busy (6/10 players) regularly so I ended up replacing it by a UnFreeZe2/3 mix that ultimately also ended up splitting into FreeFUn and glacius.

for the most part as you noted the general feeling was that, the Open Arena community don't know about Freeze Tag modes so they didn't understand/know how to play the server. some of them even went as far as thinking that it was just a crappy buggy server and of the very few that hanged by there (playing bots almost 24/7) basically ended up moving into the main UnFreeZe thing so it really made no sense. if it didn't work back then (i.e. when the entire game was way more popular than what it's today), I can only imagine it doing it even much worse now.

Re: ioq3v6-unfreeze-client-v20.5 >>enemy model config

Post by yleri »

the Open Arena community don't know about Freeze Tag modes so they didn't understand/know how to play the server. some of them even went as far as thinking that it was just a crappy buggy server
<haha> :lol: lol'ed ....i can imagine XD

~~>i go through a lot of :crazy: & :roll: on stupidctf, trying to get a non-rail-camp-map voted ...which almost always gets voted away again, instantly, in favor of oasago2 or ctf4 :mrgreen: ...and upon inquiry it turns out people feel maps like q3wcp10, wcp18 or ct3ctf1 are TOO COMPLEX :geek: ...and rather just _never_ play 'em to _never_ learn 'em ^^


Ah, sorry to hear you already tried and it didn't work out. :~//
~well, i'll keep sending 'em to (...but there hasn't been a single player I know of who came here, ..yet : -)
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Re: ioq3v6-unfreeze-client-v20.5 >>enemy model config

Post by adminless »

I know there's a reason why my Open Arena server is just sago 24/7 after all as you can see. matter of fact, that community never really played anything beside sago ctf and random ffa games and even so, just casually this last. after more than a decade it's clear they aren't going to start playing anything else and/or change so be it.