new online training servers

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new online training servers

Post by adminless »

hello everybody

ok, so finally to complete the new v20.5 features I deployed these last days those online training servers I was talking about. then now in addition to the local training (\exec training1 and \exec training2) you have their online versions (already available on the regular in-game browser as well as the other servers forum tab) to train with each other as well as just for pure fun and Rocket Arena 3 (alike) nostalgia. they are also handy to warm up before the battle, as well as, to test configurations I guess. overall, of course, I don't expect them to be top main servers as the rest but I think they are definitively worthy and interesting additions. then as usual make sure to at least check them out and feel free to leave your thoughts about them here.

the address for the servers is ( and the ports to connect are 30001 and 30002 for the training1 server and the training2 server respectively. obviously they are fully supported on the current official UnFreeZe client version v20.5 (download). people using other clients is gonna need the "training" maps, either the official ra3map1 and ra3map4 from the Rocket Arena 3 1.8, or just from the customized versions available to download here. though I remark people who just got the current official UnFreeZe client doesn't need to download or do anything else.
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Re: new online training servers

Post by Dr.GreenThumb »

Wow that "Dark" dude is really strong :shock: :D

Fun for training, good warmup as well.

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Re: new online training servers

Post by adminless »

hehe indeed those bots are quite strong, it's supposed to be challenging. btw imagine add one of those to balance the server as once suggested? quite a mess, pretty annoying and bear in mind that that's not even max level. anyways, I think it would be fun to add some video here of someone actually brutalizing the entire game for each of the servers. I think it can be a fun challenge to start with these servers.
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Re: new online training servers

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Dark kill my ass proper
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Re: new online training servers

Post by The Undead »

Holyshit! I have 16ms in this training server2, it's based in France ?
I really would like to see back some FRA servers like before (if possible) :D
Thanks for the new servers, I will try to connect sometimes into this server2 ^^
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Re: new online training servers

Post by adminless »

no, location of that server is the very same as the main one (just a few streets away from each other), Nuernberg, Freistaat Bayern, Deutschland as this location has been found the optimal when taken in consideration the entire population (i.e. the entire European region from Portugal all the way into Rossiya, 45 ms of average ping with 30 ms of standard deviation approx in whole round numbers and that's even counting some African and north american guys). just happens that as they are two completely different routes they may provide different latency and/or connection quality, in fact, that's exactly why two different routes are provided. if you get some better experience on the alternative nbg2 route, you can reach the mainstream servers through it, just do \connect on the console for example to get to the FreeFUn server through it. also you just have them marked (n1/n2, noting nbg1 or nbg2) at the in-game browser, so you can get an idea of what's best for you before connect. in addition you also even have ipv6 routes worth trying there. the former french (as well as Austrian) routes were nowhere near as good, they were clearly a sub-par solution/product (average congregated room ping was more in the 50 range than on the actual 45 which was an extraordinarily serious issue back then), so there's no any plans to get that back, this setup is way better on any possible metric.

in this regard the only change I'm currently looking forward is a new machine I just purchased this month at the very same exact location/network with even more resources and updated hardware thanks to all the funds that were raised during the corona outbreak. I hope I can make the switch and come up with all the details "soon" (hopefully this next week). at the moment, I'm working my best on that task as usual but it will still take some time, better not mess a definitive setup by rushing things.
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Re: new online training servers

Post by The Undead »

Thanks for your answer,
This is interesting because I have much better ping in this nbg2 server than anyting else within all your servers.

Strangely, I tried to make a ping with "" and "", here is the result :
Not sure why but I have even higher ping in :
Envoi d’une requête 'Ping' avec 32 octets de données :
Réponse de : octets=32 temps=30 ms TTL=52
Réponse de : octets=32 temps=30 ms TTL=52
Réponse de : octets=32 temps=30 ms TTL=52
Réponse de : octets=32 temps=30 ms TTL=52
In reality, I always have better ping in DE (~24) compared to EU (26ms)
But why such a difference with the nbg2 server ? as I ping ~16 once connected.
I tried nbg1 and I have ~28ms, like EU servers.

Any idea :?:

Definitely, if I could have nbg2 rooting like in all other servers that would be perfect but it look not to be the case for me :(
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Re: new online training servers

Post by adminless »

thanks for the valuable input. apparently that's a glitch, those servers (the training ones) run a different customized version (kinda experimental, not as stable and tested) than that of the mainstream ones (and it looks like for a good reason). by looking at your input is clear the training servers are miss reporting the ping for you. needless to say that when discrepancies among the operative system level ping and the in-game ping, the os level one is always the correct one at all times. I'll look forward to better adjust that on the future, thanks for feedback.

anyways, at least it seems that then on the mainstream ones you have the proper, right, ping displayed and also a 25 ms ping is a decent value for you. in addition there's no huge difference among both routes (just in the order of 1/2 msecs) so it all seems good to me.
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Re: new online training servers

Post by The Undead »

your welcome, many thanks to you for clarifying
Now I understand better :)
Yup, 25ms is already really nice!
thanks again for everything you do for us :clap: