new servers alternative ip

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new servers alternative ip

Post by adminless »

ok, so finally today I just ended up deploying that new alternative ip to replace the old legacy currently outdated former low-latency routes to bring a better technical solution as well as performance and even to save some overall costs at the end of the month on bills. contrarie to my initial intention of let them run and first go to migrate the web services as I started to work things out I realized that first migrate all the web services it's gonna be a very long long term task (if ever) and secondly that it wasn't even all that "necessary". however in the other hand this new alternative was something much more relevant and for the most part it was almost ready, so I just deployed it today (after it successfully run for a couple of weeks at the new glacius server) and I'll deal with all the secondary web services more slowly (i.e. months).

ok, so the former low-latency routes will still run for some days but after these days they will disappear so please make sure to update your favorites before you end up believing that the server went offline. to make things simpler the server will have now just two routes, the "first" route will stick as ([2a01:4f8:a0:5363:85:10:197:106] / and this "second" route will be ([2a03:4000:3f:1f4:37:120:182:194] / remember that's on default 27960 port on 27961 (same dns/ips) you get the second server. also overall just as generic advice probably ipv6 if available should be preferred, but like I said, that's just a generic statement (i.e. that's like say nothing in particular), so you better just open a command prompt at your operative system and run some pings there to see which one does better for you in particular. remember that literal ipv6 addresses must be put between square brackets or its dns prefixed with a -6 (ex. \connect -6 if you happen to have ipv6 connectivity already.

overall after just deploy them now for a couple of hours I must say this new alternative route did surprisingly good with some major +10 ms ping cuts for some people over the first route so I would strongly suggest anybody here to give them a try. anyways one thing is clear it's a way better solution than the former low-latency alternative routes in almost every single possible way I could think of and at half its cost. in addition as I'm finally integrating a bit more the masters server I hope in next days (shouldn't take too long) I also migrate that server into this "definitive" infrastructure. anyways that's a topic more for another thread, I'll let you know.

then that's it by now, as usual check it out and if anybody got some issues or anything feel free to leave answer this.
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Re: new servers alternative ip

Post by adminless »

ok, former south-east route shutdown now and I hope that tomorrow I move the masters server and then the former south-west route will follow the same procedure (I will also close the already out-dated ages old no longer necessary domain that was parked there). initial launch day for this new alternative ip has been very positive, I still spotted some guys worsening their ping (particularly from Rossiya/Ukrayina) and some blakan pings could be still a bit better (I'll look forward into that), but overall servers ran better and made some significant numbers. make sure to update your faves/server lists.
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Re: new servers alternative ip

Post by adminless »

ok, job complete today. today I just moved the masters server (the server I run for the inside "tournaments") that lived at the former south-west route and finished to decommission both old servers as well as pretty much updated/reviewed what was left. then this should be some kind of "definitive" setup at least for the mid/long term (i.e. years). overall I believe the result has been excellent, looks like most people already picked up this new route and there haven't any major issues/losses at all (in fact load even increased). as basic data, note that this new route is generating close to half the total traffic while the combined traffic from both former routes rarely peaked at just a third of the total. that being said while keeping the average room ping consistently bellow 50 ms and virtually any continental euro gamer on two digits in addition to significantly cut the economical costs of running this close to 10 euro a month less (i.e. 20% off approx). important pings cuts (i.e. in the order of ten) has been observed from several locations, even from some unexpected ones, and this setup now has the major advantage that there's really not "wrong" route for anybody, in the absence of issues in one of them, both should be at least comparable for most people. that makes them both mainstream and of general interest rather than "region targeted". now there's definitively virtually no way people can mess it up with the ips. bottom line here, definitively a big step up in the right direction for the project.

I ended up by doing everything else but migrating the web services as I had planned but well at the end of the day this is what is going to be end up really mattering and while that migration has some benefits, they are literally marginal and it comes at a absurd (work) cost (hundred of hours). I'll deal with all that stuff at its time, there's definitively no issues at all with the web services by now. for the rest all that is left is just deploy the new alternative route for the masters server, which I'll look forward into it along tomorrow, and that's it. see you.
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Re: new servers alternative ip

Post by adminless »

ok, as a small report about the performance of this new infrastructure here note that the current server side in-game ping of these first two weeks has been as follow:

Code: Select all

| avgPing | stdPing |
|    45.8 |    30.4 |
or in whole rounded numbers the average server side in-game ping has been around 45 ms with a standard deviation of 30 ms on this new setup. or in other words, more than 65% of the people have a ping (i.e. the typical ping value is) between 15 ms and 75 ms with the average being of 45 ms. this is a significant improvement over the previous setup that was probably a couple of ms higher (high forties, most likely due people picking up wrong routes for them, something this setup finally addressed) and this now set this in the range of the highest latency standards of the top tier commercial game infrastructure providers but only at a fraction of the public cost of them. bottom line excellent results since day one, no downtime, no losses, no issues, no anything. definitively a significant adjustment to run this in the long term.

finally particularly note that these results come in the exceptional context that Europe is living at the moment and that they still include a significant amount of players (probably a 15% or even more) from other regions like north america, Africa or remote parts of Europe/Eurasia/the middle east. taking that into account, I haven't measure it, but just simple regular observation can tell that probably the results would be close to 20/60 (typical min/max) with a average of 40 for the mainland European region (i.e. from Portugal all the way to Ukrayina and from Suomi all the way to Ellada).

about the actual situation mention that I noticed some clients experiencing issues in last days (since this past weekend). I triple checked everything up and monitored it closely over the last days and I can tell that there's no issues whatsoever with the servers (as a matter of fact, the servers could easily handle +34 slots 24/7 each and the host companies can easily serve +6 tbps and +300 gbps at all times each). unfortunately the saturation for these clients is happening on their end due the actual exceptional circumstances exceeding the "lazy" traffic estimations their companies did (the traffic on their end probably have increased ten fold due these circumstances). anyways, let's also say that apparently between yesterday/today the situation seemed to have improved somehow.

ok, I think that this finally settles this task and as a bonus in addition I think that the changes gave a much better position to the quasi official masters server which was a good plus overall as a alternative server since unfortunately despite people's unanimous request the glacius server failed miserably just exactly as I had foreseen (i.e. it just peaks at barely a dozen of connections per day). let's see if after the initial overwhelming turn of events I focus a bit more beyond "mechanical" tasks and I can accompany this new season changes with its corresponding new proper official UnFreeZe package. I'll still mess a bit more with the servers but I hope i can look forward into that in the next weeks or so by now i won't mess with the web services as i had initially planned (it's clearly not worth at the moment).