UnFreeZe Servers vsp players stats/rank

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UnFreeZe Servers vsp players stats/rank

Post by adminless »

ok fuck that shit and fuck gametracker I'm done with all that bullshit. well I announce here that following the gametracker incident and knowing that there's no guarantee that anything will change and therefor that such "arbitrary" stats losses can happen at any random given time I found this so much disappointing and unfair for you that I've finally made a break today from the usual routine patching/maintenance of the servers to build a inside dedicated site for players stats at the unFreeZe servers. the site is still far being from being finished and there's still lot of job to do there but well for a casual day of job I can say that I'm satisfied so far with it. you can have a peek at it here at the moment:


those are the stats of the UnFreeZe2 server for yesterday, in the next days, this weekend I hope, I'll finish with that and "soon" I also hope I integrate UnFreeZe1 stats too. as always I'll go bumping this thread and keeping you updated of how this go.

check it out and have fun, overall I believe them to be the real deal, I mean I believe those stats totally dwarf those of gametracker.

well I'm tired, later
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Re: UnFreeZe Servers vsp players stats

Post by fernandinho1337 »

looks nice :-)

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Re: UnFreeZe Servers vsp players stats (RANK)

Post by adminless »

hehe yeh things looking good actually at the end :D I've just finished now :)

ok, finally this turned out to be more of a players ranking and game browser than really a "stats" site, so finally I believe that I'm going to do that with this, a players ranking for the most part. I think that is gonna work waaay better than having a megalithic "infinite" set of stats that for the most part won't end up meaning anything and that become "unmanageable". then from now I'll keep this simple and clean (on line with the general minimalist design I'm sooo fond of hehe :D ) and I'll keep track of the last 10 game sessions (i.e. days) and from there I'll build the rank. I also renamed the dns to make them more handy, so the rank sites goes as follow:

UnFreeZe1: vsp1.unfreeze.xyz
UnFreeZe2: vsp2.unfreeze.xyz

make sure to bookmark them!!! so you can keep track of how you doing compared to other players. at the moment I just manually built the rank for this evening to try the system but starting tomorrow rank will be updated once a day (around 6/7 in the morning) to keep the things in check. UnFreeZe2 being a bit smaller at the moment will take more time for the rank to build up. also expect changes/tweaks as usual from time to time but in short, it's finished and I'm not gonna be doing much with it any time soon, this definitively wasn't in the plans hehe

tomorrow I'll resume my usual job here. then as always check it out and report your issues, requests etc and most importantly have fun and enjoy :D
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Re: UnFreeZe Servers vsp players stats/rank

Post by fernandinho1337 »

fun fact:

n1yak is right now #1 on the server if you want to believe gametracker.

best thing is he has a score of 1337. it made me smile :-D

best regards


can you explain what KS DS K:G mean on vsp1.unfreeze.xyz?
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Re: UnFreeZe Servers vsp players stats/rank

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hehe I know that gametracker thing is more of a histogram of players than a rank or just anything at all, not really meaningful and definitively it didn't make much sense to have people there on top that wasn't significative anymore (may be the past year), people that got banned or simply people who changed their nick xD among many other things. that gametracker thing was never meant for that, only to have people's account associate their nicks in the servers to better keep track of where people was gaming, mainly, now I do believe this to be more of a significative rank and keep that's only with 24 hours data (I just set up the whole thing yesterday), can't wait to see the thing going over a 10 day cycle, overall it seems to be working great :D

now on-topic xD KS is Kill Streak (highest amount of kills without dying), DS is Death Streak (highest amount of deaths without a kill) and K:G is one my favorites, Kills per Game ratio (can see that as the equivalent to Score per Minute in gametracker).
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Re: UnFreeZe Servers vsp players stats/rank

Post by onlycape »

The new statistics are really complete and better by far than gametracker. Now I can measure in detail how bad I am :D .
I only miss to things: weapons accuracy and the unfreezes per game.

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Re: UnFreeZe Servers vsp players stats/rank

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you actually have number of unfreezes (named thaws here) and number of games at your profile and there you can get your average :P (which for you is 7.4 T:G) I know it's not the nice solution as have it there on the main page but well not everything can be added (only the most significative) so I believe that the rank try to focus more in the actual active skills that (unfreezing) is more of a passive/supportive skill. that being said, yes it can be cool, I'll think about integrate T:G somewhere there in future revisions, thanks for the suggestion.

hehe yes, I know, accuracy is probably the most notable thing missed there but to add that first i have to patch the current accuracy report at the servers (already planned for the "short term" anyways, this week but as you can see terms finally always depend on what's really going on) and then integrate them on the rank site. I think that first I'll finish with the actually pending unFreeZe v1.1 version release and then in the middle term (months) I'll check that out, definitively that's gonna be one of the first things that I'm going to be looking for the next time I work at this rank thing.

good feedback there, thanks, take care

PS: hey and btw your kills per game ratio is definitively not that bad at all may be you just got unlucky with your kills/enemies, I'm sure you'll go up some in next ranks updates
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Re: UnFreeZe Servers vsp players stats/rank

Post by tar »

Nice gadget, but those ranking systems show more or less 1) ping advantage 2) get-thawed luck 3) frag stealing ability 4) camping skill 5) hiding behind 2 mates etc. It is funny how you said fernandinho he should try to stop always playing like as he would be in a tournament and now he even does the complete opposite due to those ridiculous stats. Guess, names are significant ;-)

However, in the last days I noticed a big amount of ping variation, e.g. yesterday evening it was really laggy for me and therefore could whether hit shit nor dodge anything. The pings shown for me were 37 (scoreboard) and 25 (netgraph) but the reaction time was way higher than this. Simultaneously the scoreboard showed that lee and moun had a ping of 16 ms while I am sure they also had around 25-30 the last weeks. After some players left my ping normalized again and I felt the better feedback, could hit better and dodging again. Perhaps there is an issue with more than 18/20 players, don't know - or it's just me who is affected.
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Re: UnFreeZe Servers vsp players stats/rank

Post by fernandinho1337 »

1) we have unlagged mod but true, but no rating system has ever been able to compensate for pings except playing lan only ;-) btw. there are more things that cannot be measured...some players have more practise, are younger, different people have different computer systems which might be (dis)advantages so no need to complain about potential disadvantages of a ranking system. just dont look at it if you dont like it.
2) 3) will eventually compensate because sometimes u r lucky sometimes u r not. sometimes u get easy frags sometimes somebody else steals them.
4) 5) are "legal" tactics

about me getting criticized. i started quake again this summer and after a month started playing on unfreeze. since gametracker stats got deleted u cannnot tell anymore but my stats went gradually up and right now there as good as they have been for a few weeks. so i dont play for my stats but i like to look at them to see interesting stuff (e.g. what weapons do i actually use and who frags me a lot).and if i play i have my headphones on and im just focussed on the gaming not listening to music or doing other stuff. why should i let myself get fragged. there are players like hakeris who never share items and stuff and i do it when i dont need armor etc. (i have 2 binds #1 frozen #2 item available) so i guess im not an egoist or something but of course i try to win and have fun doing so. i have the feeling no matter what i do somebody critizes me anyways...i play too good: its because im cheating or im playing for stats only. i play bad: its prove that im cheating when i play good. and of course i know when people are spectating me and i always turn off my cheats when i know somebody is following me. if people are moving around and i can hear them and then i shoot at them around the corner...its not because i use headphones (and my brain ;-)) its because i got wallhack and can tell where everybody is. sorry bout the hate but seriously look for someone else to complain about - thank you ;-) (PS there could be some irony or sarcasm. im not actually cheating its called skill)

as fas as i know scoreboard ping has always been broken in q3. i think cpma mod has it sort of fixed but besides baseq3/ osp and other mods always show a broken ping. i know it because if i ping via dos console my ping is never below 30 but the scoreboard constantly gives me like 20 to 25.
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Re: UnFreeZe Servers vsp players stats/rank

Post by adminless »

@tar hehe yes that's right I also noticed some people going "overdrive" lately because of the new ranking (not just redirk), well I believe that is normal, it's new, it's on the head of the forum at the moment so I believe that is normal that some people get riled up but I think (well I hope) that in some time things should get more casual and back to normal as usual. as for the problems you're commenting me, yes, to me those looks like the usual network variances so I believe that should be fine, I mean, I haven't really changed anything and as for the rank system, well I know is not absolutely perfect but the truth is that no matter what you do is never going to be anyways so it just attempts at being reasonably good and I believe that it overall success at that (I mean if we look at the top guys is you, both, and some other new qlive/cpma veterans followed by the most notable regulars, and if we look at the bottom, same thing more or less) and is definitively a huge improvement over what we had (i.e. nothing).

PS: lol you just answered when I was writing this and I haven't read your answer yet hehe :P I'll have to read that now, read it now and overall agree with most you have said/similar to what i have said.
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Re: UnFreeZe Servers vsp players stats/rank

Post by adminless »

onlycape wrote: Mon Oct 30, 2017 13:59 The new statistics are really complete and better by far than gametracker. Now I can measure in detail how bad I am :D .
I only miss to things: weapons accuracy and the unfreezes per game.

Thanks and best regards.
well I finally took another day yesterday to really finish this off because at the end I believe that it would save me more time to do it now and get everything altogether rather than having to deal with this at a later time and have to get back at it. so I improved the overall design to make it look more clean and "modern" (quite obvious that one I think, better display in modern monitors, for a "alternative" aspect ratio in 16:9 try the cyber-wide skin) and added the requested thaw stats in the profiles page as you can see in the attached screenshot :P so now you have printed there the thaws per game stat (no need to calculate it hehe) and most importantly the thaw ratio which point in a percentage how "compromised" a player is with thawing (in your case a lot hehe) being 100% someone who never kills (only thaws) and 0% someone who never thaws (only kills) and then any value in between (i.e. 50% someone equally compromised between killing and thawing) typically ranging between 20-35 % (i.e. 25%).

additionally I also added display of times you were actually thawed not really meaningful from the point of view of the ranking (since that's hardly a skill, not even passive, of ours, though even that it's arguable, i.e. better teamplay/teamplay report/map coverage etc) but I believe that is some interesting stat to have there, consequently I also added display of what your actual average chance of being thawed based in the provided data is which mostly averages around 40% most of the times (and which show some decent UnFreeZe teamplay overall by the people here btw).

last but not least, omg, can't really believe that nobody actually "noticed" about that, this writes about ranking but the actual player rank didn't really appear anywhere else other than altogether in the full main page so I added display of the actual player rank in the player profile page as you can see in the attachment. a player rank of NR (Not Ranked) in a players profile means a player that while it played some games here didn't meet the minimum activity criteria over the last ten days needed to be ranked.

finally I also hand tested/fixed some broken functions and so overall this should be more than complete already :D the accuracy like I told I'll be back at server code soon and then I'll add that in the "short/middle" term (week/s) there.

that's all, have fun and enjoy and btw it looks like I was wrong and your rank didn't significantly went up hehe my bad, after being checking some stats here last days I believe that the problem with your stats is that you die and you do it a lot hehe so i believe that that's what's keeping you down, just saying.

take care
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Re: UnFreeZe Servers vsp players stats/rank

Post by tar »


I know it is frustrating to be blamed no matter how you play. Let me explain it as it has nothing to do with cheat accusations.

In the last weeks/months I noticed a huge change in playing style beginning with a) facehugger who just went from above average to over to the top tournament camping/zerging style within days/weeks and b) with sis(ter) who just always hides behind mates in order to steal a frag by rail. More and more other players adopt(ed) that styles. The changed respawn settings force that tendency as well. I have to admit, I hate to fight with mates as they most often block me, shoot on me or steal my frags after a more or less hard fight. Therefore, I mostly run to the opposite direction as the crowd does and am often alone trying to fight my way through the map instead of hiding on one particular spot - except when i wait for the RA or MH. But then there are those 2 or 3 other players permanently sitting on red armor spots (and those like Hakeris who just shoot their mates away). It is overdone when those are using shaft 90% of the time because they have the lowest ping. What is the result? More zerging, camping, frustration. Awesome.

Then, when I see someone only jumping/waiting on the pillars (esp. corner pillar) on DM6 shafting around with the lowest ping, playing experience becomes worse. I hated it already when Zealot did it months ago and used almost every other possible advantage (door "bug", portal "bug", self kill in front of mates or near the end of the round in order the get fresh health and armor stats) while already having the lowest ping. There is no huge skill needed for that. Skill is when you fight through the map and can beat or distract your enemies in order to thaw someone - without needing the help of the zerg. Zealot and you can also do that and that is what makes fun as it is more comprehensible but that skill cannot be shown in any statistics. It is something I would like to see more, esp. by low ping players.


Is it also possible to gather the damage and accuracy for each weapon in the statistics?
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Re: UnFreeZe Servers vsp players stats/rank

Post by fernandinho1337 »

to get the point:

what exactly do i do wrong or what do u expect me to do?

i just noticed sisters's skill now looks much worse than a few weeks ago. thats everything i noticed about him. he went down on the scoreboard for some reason.

i also decide on where to go by watching where my teammates go. they usually go in 3-4 person teams through one door and than its a massacre - often for them because they block each other away - so i avoid that and go by myself in a different direction. i dont even think shaft is overpowered because u only have 150 shots at spawn so you are forced at some point to go with rockets...i even shoot my plasma empty a lot of times when i try to substitute shaft...good shaft is usually not made by ping...theres a lot of technique required...so saying its ping is not the whole story. e.g. my shaft would be quite the same with ping 50 or 60 for sure...unlagged mod is so good.

issue of camping: it is common tactic to hold position on important items...since there is no quad or such it usually is red armor. i think it is okay to play defensively...it was commonly used in the earlier days...the game got more and more aggressive as aim improved but still defensive play was still key on many tdm games (well unfreeze is not quite the same). and if u know there is a shafter waiting at red armor on dm6 please rocket jump up or go from rocket launcher or just dont go there at all. when im low i always camp there for next armor...if i took it i leave quite soon but im not camping on a regular basis there btw
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Re: UnFreeZe Servers vsp players stats/rank

Post by tar »

What is unlagged mod? Google gives me an excessive mod and a strange article about C++ code.
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Re: UnFreeZe Servers vsp players stats/rank

Post by fernandinho1337 »

as far as i know adminless has included some unlagged functionality in his unfreeze mod. therefore, lag should feel less worse on unfreeze server than on others. havent you noticed a difference to other mods?

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