Where is team overlay?

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Where is team overlay?

Post by k1mst3r »

Dear Mr.Adminless,there is a thing that really bothers me,and its team overlay.In my settings it says that team overlay is turned on but when i play there is no team overlay.Only thing that really works is team chat and it says our location but it doesnt indicate our hp/ap ,only our location.So is there any chance for you to fix that up?Or is it because of q3 im using?Thanks for your attention!
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Re: Where is team overlay?

Post by adminless »


that's answered at the faq on main forum here (check the "good, I'm not using your game client, is there some way to get the teamoverlay working?" part). in addition, yes, using the inside UnFreeZe mod here will get rid of that nuisance. let me know if you require further assistance.