Raytracing support for q3

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Raytracing support for q3

Post by fernandinho1337 »

Hi Adminless,

I have seen the raytracing demo of nvidia using Quake 2.

How about you integrate raytracing to your Quake 3 mod? That would really spice things up ^^

Best regards,

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Re: Raytracing support for q3

Post by adminless »

hello mate

I believe that some other user already talked me about this, well it would be a cool feature indeed however I don't think that at the moment I even have the hardware capable of running that thus I'm not really going to get into that. anyways there's already some opengl 2.x extensions support (hdr, light compensations and similar) for newer versions of ioQuake3 that also add some (lesser not to the extend of that ray tracing) visual improvements so at some point it could also be worth checking out. over the past season I worked around some of those ioQuake3 things and that's where I got lost on the "details" so let's see if on the future for a next release I manage to integrate here some of that or if not at least make a proper release of those recent ioQuake3 64 bits builds that I never really managed to release here. I'll definitively look forward to that for the next season and so, at the moment I'm busy already with maintaining/polishing the current servers as well as mainly back everything up (extremely important this last) and update/maintain my own computer that I haven't on some months.
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Re: Raytracing support for q3

Post by fernandinho1337 »

sounds fair. was just an idea ^^ i upgraded my computer so I am messing around with whats possible ^^ and as far as i know raytracing is now enabled for older (pascal nvidia) GPUs ^^

best regards and enjoy the summer