Eslam's behavior with his teammates
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Eslam's behavior with his teammates
I have a problem with the player named Eslam,
when he is in my team from time to time he shoots me when I'm thawed a teammate in order to take a point in the score.
I've also seen him do the same behavior with other players ...
I'd like him to understand that his behavior is stupid and harmful for his team and that it is very unpleasant to grow for this reason especially if in addition we get killed because of that.
I leave it to you to define a sanction for his actions.
thank you in advance
I have a problem with the player named Eslam,
when he is in my team from time to time he shoots me when I'm thawed a teammate in order to take a point in the score.
I've also seen him do the same behavior with other players ...
I'd like him to understand that his behavior is stupid and harmful for his team and that it is very unpleasant to grow for this reason especially if in addition we get killed because of that.
I leave it to you to define a sanction for his actions.
thank you in advance
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Re: Eslam's behavior with his teammates
ok I understand, I'll ban him for a couple of days then. thanks for report.
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Re: Eslam's behavior with his teammates
hm i just had a crazy idea. what if you increase the score of each individual player after its team wins a round. this could encourage more team oriented behavior...?
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Re: Eslam's behavior with his teammates
well some mods or another to balance things there's plenty of them however overall I'm of the opinion that things are just fine the way they are. they are well proven and it's what people is used to and although there's always room to do something better or change some thing here and there as I've said other times, whoever is gonna go those lengths to exploit the game will keep doing it one way or another. anyways thanks for the suggestion mate.
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Re: Eslam's behavior with his teammates
yes you're probably right. adding more complexity to the score system can be confusing to people also. and the success of the servers speaks for itself.
- User lv4
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Re: Eslam's behavior with his teammates
Since months, the respawn settings are a mere joke and enforce zerging which leads to the same boring "teamplay" after 3 rounds: 3 to 8(!) players respawn around the exactly same spot and are circling or sometimes camping the map in a crowd. Even if you manage to kill 2 to 7 of them, the 3rd to 8th one in the crowd makes the whole pvp meaningless. Within the crowd, they just jump you in masses, regardless of receiving damage as it is meaningless when getting thawed within 5 seconds by the crowd. Besides that, you could as well kill yourself every 2nd round if either you are not surrounded by at least 2-3 mates or are not lucky enough to be not in the actual respawn area where you always find yourself surrounded by nearly the whole enemy team.
And you still think this is "just fine"

Considering that, the proposal that you should increase the single players scores when they win a round is just ridiculous. Instead, I still propose to fix the start of the next round. You could even prevent ultrafast or double/tripple thaws or make the whole gameplay otherwise more "interesting" by punishing coward behaviour. If you leave it as it is now, it will be more and more like that: move in crowd or move backwards, if alone. This is what you can observe. The worst are those moving back or hiding while they are in a crowd - some even seem to mistake Q3 for CS.
Another big issue is the network imbalance or server workload which became obvious to me in the beginning of this week after I finally switched my graphics card and monitor and got rid of the minor fps drops I had. I noticed, especially in night sessions, that I could not only move smoothly but also that the shoot response times were nearly instant - everything is fine. But on most day sessions it became some type of lottery - while the ping looks the same there is an obvious lag, especially on movement and shots and the thing is, that this does not affect all players in the same way. Isolated players were not affected, at all. You can test this yourself simply by trying to make rocketjumps without a script. If they suddenly regularly just fail within a match that must be due to network reasons, in my opinion.
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Re: Eslam's behavior with his teammates
well, like I said, things aren't perfect and they are never going to be btw, so of course there's always and there will always be some room to do some things better and I always look forward to it with the time (I think that is a matter of facts that this 2019 servers are way better than the 2016 servers). however, that being said, in my opinion, yes, as I see things they are actually reasonably good the way they already are.
I think that for the most part you're being overly critic and that overall you have unrealistic expectations for a online game engine and probably even for present time networks. people arranging themselves in groups is part of the game, some times it may work better, some times it may work worse, sure but this is not deathmatch or some sort of successive 1vs1 elimination encounters, it's a team based public server where teams change almost all the time, it's not that trivial. the current spawn system is proven to be better than just randomly spawn anywhere on the map that didn't lead to some "unlucky" spawns here and there, it lead to consistently bad spawns almost every time. you also have to understand that in the long run nobody is interested in play a game where they are consistently frozen for minutes, so of course, thawing can't be cheap as crap that games never end but you can't make it so difficult either that other than the top +2k elo players (i.e. you and other 10/15 players, this is a 5/10%) are consistently frozen half or even more of the time. current frozen time mean is in the order of 20 seconds and unfrozen time around 70%, above/bellow depending on each player, which are just about the right values, any significantly higher and the game would become "endless", any significantly lower and most people would get burned. also it's a matter of fact that the stats do make sense, and btw you don't even seem to be doing that bad there, any time you're consistently active you rank on the top and even so as of now you rank as the worst enemy of the currently ranked #1 player, so they do make some sense.
anyways thanks for the feedback.
I think that for the most part you're being overly critic and that overall you have unrealistic expectations for a online game engine and probably even for present time networks. people arranging themselves in groups is part of the game, some times it may work better, some times it may work worse, sure but this is not deathmatch or some sort of successive 1vs1 elimination encounters, it's a team based public server where teams change almost all the time, it's not that trivial. the current spawn system is proven to be better than just randomly spawn anywhere on the map that didn't lead to some "unlucky" spawns here and there, it lead to consistently bad spawns almost every time. you also have to understand that in the long run nobody is interested in play a game where they are consistently frozen for minutes, so of course, thawing can't be cheap as crap that games never end but you can't make it so difficult either that other than the top +2k elo players (i.e. you and other 10/15 players, this is a 5/10%) are consistently frozen half or even more of the time. current frozen time mean is in the order of 20 seconds and unfrozen time around 70%, above/bellow depending on each player, which are just about the right values, any significantly higher and the game would become "endless", any significantly lower and most people would get burned. also it's a matter of fact that the stats do make sense, and btw you don't even seem to be doing that bad there, any time you're consistently active you rank on the top and even so as of now you rank as the worst enemy of the currently ranked #1 player, so they do make some sense.
anyways thanks for the feedback.
- User lv4
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Re: Eslam's behavior with his teammates
Sure, it is totally unrealistic to change the server setting regarding the start of the next round or to prevent network bugs*. What an utopian I am.

They do not "arrange themselves" - instead you ENFORCE the "arrangement" by the respawn settings. This is something completely different. Furthermore, even with your enforcement for "teamplay", there is, in fact, none. Not a single bit. Instead there is a zerg spamming i-don't-give-a-shit-if-i-get-hit-cause-one-of-my-14-mates-behind-me-will-thaw-me-immedialy-behaviour where one does not care about constantly shooting and disturbing his mates. Guess, why I try to prevent having any mates around me and run in the opposite direction of the crowd? Because the crowd is not only slow and frag stealing but first and foremost disturbing.adminless wrote: ↑Fri May 31, 2019 22:06people arranging themselves in groups is part of the game, some times it may work better, some times it may work worse, sure but this is not deathmatch or some sort of successive 1vs1 elimination encounters, it's a team based public server where teams change almost all the time, it's not that trivial.
Proven? When by whom? "Here and there" is good. The zerg respawn settings are even so bad that regularly someone (guess who - but sure, I am not alone with this bullshit) respawns ALONE within the enemy zerg army while HIS WHOLE TEAM respawns together at the other side of the map where they begin to come together as a "big team" (HOORAY!), wondering why their camp tactics isn't magically attracting anyone and then starting to sneakzerg through the map. Tell me whats so good about that and tell me how that makes any sense regarding unneccessary frozen time.
Why should everyone be equally frustrated? In the old days, there was something we called "training" to prevent such frustration.adminless wrote: ↑Fri May 31, 2019 22:06you also have to understand that in the long run nobody is interested in play a game where they are consistently frozen for minutes, so of course, thawing can't be cheap as crap that games never end but you can't make it so difficult either that other than the top +2k elo players (i.e. you and other 10/15 players, this is a 5/10%) are consistently frozen half or even more of the time.

* E.g. if Unlag is responsible that I repeatetly got hit by a player with 55ms after I already have moved behind a wall with 25ms, then please remove Unlag as it is an exploit.
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Re: Eslam's behavior with his teammates
Agree, I do not like to move with group too, because many ppl just shooting rockets forward (where usualy I, spawning grenades an even railshots, in hope to hit something. Which actually works sometimes, of course, but it is a bit annoying. I do it often as well, but at least I trying to aim above teammates heads or along them if possible...
It happens to me very often. I am already behind the corner and suddenly got hit. Most funny on DM7, when I try to run out from RA place by the lateral corridor (where the stairs are). I am already behind the corner, got hit by rail and died and I am frozen at the top of the stairs....
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Re: Eslam's behavior with his teammates
Hi Adminless if it is possible to turn Unlagged OFF for some days? Then we know
Mvh/ Amdoro

Mvh/ Amdoro
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Re: Eslam's behavior with his teammates
tar, really, you're being unnecessary over argumentative. I pretty much already answered all your questions, if you have to spawn 11 players at the same time, they do not fit all in the same spot therefore some of those 11 players have to be spawned at other places that happens to be not so distant of the enemy as that of the pack. and as with that the rest so I'm not gonna waste more time in repeating over and over the same things. honestly, I'm not comparing you both, let's make that clear, but for the most part you sound to me like fellow Michael Schumacher in the 2000's complaining at every press conference how the new score system didn't actually reflect his performance and how every year new rules were only intended at hurt him/his team unable to acknowledge that such changes were only introduced to favor the competence and make the sport more exciting so it doesn't only revolve around the ferraris and the mclarens battling each other and a top driver making fatest lap after fatest lap while the rest are mere spectators as obviously beside those parts nobody is interested in take part of that, not even the public. nevertheless, despite all that, it didn't prevent Michael Schumacher to become a legend true to himself and set some records that even stand to this day.
so let me tell you something, I understand where you're coming from, and you can trust me that I'm on the same page. I'm totally not in for all that toxic and exploitative "equality" bullshit spam propaganda that is just everywhere nowadays, you sure can trust me on that. however although I believe that dominance is at the end what all is about at the same time I also acknowledge that over dominance is never good either and that's what I'm talking about here and like I said, when I look into the stats sites, you (as well as the rest of the top players) don't seem to be doing that bad. it's not that you're getting beaten or close to getting beaten by randoms, you all are topping the scores with +50/+60 points while the randoms struggle to make just a dozen of points.
as for the unlagged, it has also been already discussed, a bit of the same. on the same line, sure it does have some side effects but the benefits clearly far outweigh the defects. without unlagged anyone far from 1250/1500 kilometers of network wire length from the server would be at a clear technical disadvantage from those in this region thus in practice reducing the server scope only to that of Deutschland, Osterreich, Switzerland, Belgium, Letzebuerg, Nederland and the Ceska republika basically and even so provided that they are using modern cable networks because even on this region most dsl something networks wouldn't even be competitive against the cable ones. the server would become ("competitively") unplayable just on most parts of the Republique francaise or Polska for example let alone the North American East Coast or simply our dear Rossiya friends.
so let me tell you something, I understand where you're coming from, and you can trust me that I'm on the same page. I'm totally not in for all that toxic and exploitative "equality" bullshit spam propaganda that is just everywhere nowadays, you sure can trust me on that. however although I believe that dominance is at the end what all is about at the same time I also acknowledge that over dominance is never good either and that's what I'm talking about here and like I said, when I look into the stats sites, you (as well as the rest of the top players) don't seem to be doing that bad. it's not that you're getting beaten or close to getting beaten by randoms, you all are topping the scores with +50/+60 points while the randoms struggle to make just a dozen of points.
as for the unlagged, it has also been already discussed, a bit of the same. on the same line, sure it does have some side effects but the benefits clearly far outweigh the defects. without unlagged anyone far from 1250/1500 kilometers of network wire length from the server would be at a clear technical disadvantage from those in this region thus in practice reducing the server scope only to that of Deutschland, Osterreich, Switzerland, Belgium, Letzebuerg, Nederland and the Ceska republika basically and even so provided that they are using modern cable networks because even on this region most dsl something networks wouldn't even be competitive against the cable ones. the server would become ("competitively") unplayable just on most parts of the Republique francaise or Polska for example let alone the North American East Coast or simply our dear Rossiya friends.
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Re: Eslam's behavior with his teammates
Ok Adminless can it be tryed on Freefun servern then for a week or so? Then we can tryit out if it is unlagged or general net lag thats hinder us in gameplay.
Mvh/ Amdoro
Mvh/ Amdoro
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Re: Eslam's behavior with his teammates
hello amdoro
I'm sorry but I think that I made it very clear on my answer, I'm not gonna disable, the unlagged code is there for a reason and it does its job. besides it doesn't even make sense to me why precisely you, that are relatively far away from the server, asks for such a thing, I mean, you wouldn't definitively be hitting any better by disabling unlagged if not the contrary. anyways, not trying to convince you of anything, just saying.
I'm sorry but I think that I made it very clear on my answer, I'm not gonna disable, the unlagged code is there for a reason and it does its job. besides it doesn't even make sense to me why precisely you, that are relatively far away from the server, asks for such a thing, I mean, you wouldn't definitively be hitting any better by disabling unlagged if not the contrary. anyways, not trying to convince you of anything, just saying.
- User lv4
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Re: Eslam's behavior with his teammates
adminless wrote: ↑Tue Jun 11, 2019 1:34so let me tell you something, I understand where you're coming from, and you can trust me that I'm on the same page. I'm totally not in for all that toxic and exploitative "equality" bullshit spam propaganda that is just everywhere nowadays, you sure can trust me on that. however although I believe that dominance is at the end what all is about at the same time I also acknowledge that over dominance is never good either and that's what I'm talking about here.