Shuffle teams?

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Shuffle teams?

Post by pyron83 »


I recently read a post explaining why call-vote is not in the server for many options (kick, change map, etc) and I do mostly agree to that point of view.

Coming from QL I can definitely say that public vote often means playing again and again the same maps.

But what I do not understand is why there isn't some sort of shuffle.
Sometimes not being able to shuffle at match start means battling again the same unbalanced teams.
And sometimes, again and again (the strongest players do not switch...).

I know that random shuffle isn't the best solution out there, but it's better than nothing.
At least, it gives some change to the game.

The Quake Live solution to bring ELOs in the shuffle algorithm is optimal, but I know that this is far too complex to be integrated here.

But I do believe that a random shuffle before the match start would be a nice thing to add.

What do you think?
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Re: Shuffle teams?

Post by adminless »

hey you have some very good points there, that's right, well put, agree, so short answer, yes, I will, in fact that was meant to have been already added past month (I already added something like that in the openarena ctf server btw mostly to serve as a test for this) unfortunately as I believe that you can see I had lot of work to do lately so just give me some time I'm currently coding more (I believe more important) things then I'm not going to give here a precise date for that but let's hope somewhere between this week may be.

thanks for the suggestion

PS: note about callvote if people is lame enough as to "exploit" something as basic as the team members imagine what they would do with something as powerful as callvote (I can tell you that from experience hehe)
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Re: Shuffle teams?

Post by adminless »

hey hello again

ok I almost doesn't make it in time for this week hehe I finally didn't add the precise thing that you requested (shuffle teams at map start) but I added another basic team auto balancing of mine that should serve for the same purpose. like you said it's no optimal and is not "perfect" (it's not meant to be, it's meant to still have some room for some manual changes) but for the most part I believe it should do the job and keep most games basically balanced (well or better said not largely unbalanced).

check it out, I'm still polishing it a bit but overall that's it, and let me know how it's doing. about further improvement in the teams matter I could add more things in the future for now it will go some time like this. ok, with this I think that I finally finished with the server development for the most part :D
