OpenArena mature modelpack

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OpenArena mature modelpack

Post by adminless »

hey hello everybody

I come this time with a little surprise for you guys, this time I've been working a little with the client and to spice the things a bit I created a cute eye candy mature model pack ripped off from OpenArena for you. the download details are like this: usage it's pretty much straight forward as with any other q3 add-on just download, extract (unzip it) and place the provided pk3 file in your baseq3 folder and then enjoy, your new models should display on the game menus as can be seen on the screenshot. let's note here that these models are definitively not intended as serious competitive models to be used by hardcore players, they are just provided as extra content to bring a little fun here nothing more. consequently they won't be added into (or packaged along) the UnFreeZe client if not just provided as an additional download for whoever is interested in them. in addition they also come with the corresponding bots (angelyss, dark, murielle, nekoyss, tanisha, rai and neko) for whoever wanna give them a try on single player.

overall it's obvious that they don't even come close to that vicious Widowmaker (epicness), that psycho automata or those sporty bikini doa girls, of course those are produced by billionaire commercial studios and they have alone more polygons and lightning effects than many q3 maps together, but anyways I believe that the people at OpenArena did a great job with these models despite all those limitations so I think that you should definitively check them out, overall in my opinion they look good and I find them cute and fun :)

so, that's it with this post, enjoy and have fun.
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