real time servers monitoring site

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Post by adminless »

hey hello guys

I'm still here with another nice update for this UnFreeZe project, this time I decided to make a small master site for real time tracking of the servers, now you can quickly view what's going on at the servers at:

although is nothing really special and it's definitively ages far from that up-to-date all-in-one integrated social/monitoring site I had wished for I think it's definitively another worthy addition to the project, finally rendering that old gametracker thing totally obsolete altogether. all that is somehow "missing" from there are load/maps stats/graphs that well, even so are more suited for a admin than are for players and that anyways can be easily asset at the the game stats of any of the rank sites. in addition this is also noticeably important as this will ensure (and improve) the visibility and total independence (who says that gt can not go down or ban the servers as they already did at some point in the future) and will make diagnosing eventual issues and following the servers much easier altogether. then with this I believe that we finally made it trough all the stones on the way to ensure that the servers will keep running for the long run, so with these 2018 updates I think that until the whole pc architecture gets obsolete we cached up for now.

so check it out and make sure to bookmark!

see you for now, I go rest to keep moving/deploying services for the new thing the next week and so, I'll go keeping you informed as usual.

ah and btw that I almost forgot besides the web interface also started a small master server, ipv6 capable too, at for our servers just in case some one want to use it on his browser tools.
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Re: real time servers monitoring site

Post by adminless »

ok just reporting another nice update here about this master site, then to finish off with all these UnFreeZe web related things (following the important rank site update) so they don't get in the way later on, I patched yesterday at night server teams and score/time report so now you can even watch almost as if you were in-game the scoreboard at the master site as can be seen on the attached screen. in addition I also polished a couple of minor details at the site and added a just very basic rough linear interpolation for the the ping calculation in order to make the server side ping report a bit more accurate. this last it's interesting as it's not the same value as in-game since the in-game value it's more of a client-side value while this one it's more of a server-side value so it's interesting to see the difference, probably the most accurate value would be a median of both values so it's definitively worth checking too.

although it's probably not the right place but since the ping topic came up know that ping values in-game are "always" (usually/most of the times) different from operative system level ping values, like I'm saying this is normal as the methods to calculate the ping in-game are not meant to be as precise as the operative system level methods therefore that difference is the product of the different approximations (rounding) and time steps (aka the "tickrate") used to calculate such value. this has always been so if you ever played (or try to start now) any local server you'll can see that even if your lan ping is obviously 0/0.something in-game it prints out 8-12 almost all of the time. I could obviously just mask that value (as probably some other mods have already done) if I would like too but I prefer to not go that route as that could lead to fake and false values (yeah and I could also mask them to 0 ping too you know) so I think that it's better to just stick to the old good school values that we are always used too for consistence and credibility. needless to say that the actual real ping is the one you get at your operative system level tool.

so that's it, this should finally complete this master site, after all I believe that it turned out very handy and definitively a remarkable addition to the project. enjoy.
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Re: real time servers monitoring site

Post by adminless »

ok guys I'm back with a another little addition here. this time I added a couple of small mobile oriented text-only based monitoring sites for the servers just for convenience. the links for them are as follow:
they are just ideal to make your server lookups when you're away from home and you are low on your data plan or from your text based browser or similar low-end connection point just to put a couple of examples. with less than a kilobyte per lookup, you could look them up dozens of times a day and you wouldn't even have consumed a single megabyte a month plus at that size even at reduced speeds the page would always load in less than a single second anyways. no need to waste your time and money with unnecessary/redundant information, on those pages you just have what it's necessary. additionally those sites will even properly work out on old-school 2(X)G gen 90's handheld mobile phones and similar, this is, those early wap phones (although for convenience the site it's just a regular website not a wapsite, it should work the same anyways).

I know they aren't nothing special but overall I'm quite happy with them, I believe that they contain just all that is actually needed and I find them very useful and efficient for those quick lookups. it's still possible that I tune them a bit here and there (as with everything here at some point) but for the most part that's it, I think they are pretty much finished. unfortunately I didn't make it to colored nicks (looked much like a waste of time/effort) so nicks are cleaned (ala gametracker) which to be honest for some nicks it's even welcomed.

for reference you have attached a couple of screens from different devices so you can get a idea of what to expect from this. that's it, check them out and let me know if someone got some issues or requests with them. have fun.
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