Turn on lg and rg buzz

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Turn on lg and rg buzz

Post by Bojito »

Playing with unfreeze pack (nice one btw), exec hardcore...
How do I turn on again the lg and rg buzz again? I cannot hear my enemies buzzing but they can hear me. Understand I hate that situation...
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Re: Turn on lg and rg buzz

Post by fernandinho1337 »


if you are using unfreeze mod it is generally removed. if an opponent is able to hear you, he/she must be using baseq3/ a different mod.

i know adminless had removed it at some point consciously. it should make the game more fast passed and is actually good thing.

best regards
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Re: Turn on lg and rg buzz

Post by adminless »

yes, that's right, thanks for have answered this fer. ok, this finally has been added to the new release, ioq3v6-unfreeze-client-v19.2.zip, for whoever wants it with the "/cg_noweaponsounds 0" command (still enabled by default), so check it out and let me know if you have any other issue. btw notice that for the change to take effect it still requires some sort of "restart" like a "/snd_restart" for example.