secondary server maintenance

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secondary server maintenance

Post by adminless »

just following the successful update of the main server and all the rest of the services I'm just reporting here that I'll schedule as well the secondary server either this afternoon, if there's no problems/delays, or if not tomorrow morning also for proper maintenance and update which obviously implies downtime and that such server will be unavailable during such time. as said, I already finished mirroring and updating/setting up everything else so it's time to also sync such changes for the secondary server. usually I leave such tasks for when there's a server migration/update/replacement (as it has just been the case with the main) since it's rare that any of these plans last and remain relevant for longer than a year approx but since this time it's not gonna be case and as I just wrote the secondary server it's still a top tier by today market offers obviously I'm not gonna just replace it (or let it be like this) only for the sake of updating it. as said, once again, I repeat there's various servers for a reason as can be seen so everything else, included the main server stats that now has also been allocated along the main servers in the primary server along with the web of course, will continue to operate during this time so probably those that frequent UnFreeZe2 I think that it might a good opportunity to give glacius some playing too along today or tomorrow. the expected duration of the maintenance it's probably around a few hours since I'm doing a full reinstalment which implies imaging and migrating a decent amount of data (in the order of hundred of gigabytes) that obviously takes some time beside setting everything up and testing it again. I could make a more limited maintenance but that's really the proper way to do it and as I said I think the server are setup (and therefor being paid accordingly) to allow for such procedures and not crappy "workarounds". as usual I'll post here if anything relevant and once everything is finished so stay tuned.
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Re: secondary server maintenance

Post by adminless »

finally since 22:00 more or less this night the secondary server is online again. I'll still continue to reboot it and do some more check ups tomorrow in the morning but for the most part that should be it. unfortunately due a misconfiguration I ended up losing all the inside rendered videos (they were synced to the secondary server that once I wipe them there it reproduced in the mirror, big mistake) so I guess that I'll also have to recover that tomorrow from the local physical backup that as usual is a few months old and if anything missing (the last UnFreeZe cup I think, that was mostly just a few matches long) I'll simply reproduce it from the demos again so I guess that it shouldn't be a big deal. for other than that the server crashed a few times while updating/setting up but nothing really serious, it just took some time to migrate and mirror all data as expected. as said, with this I think that finally all the maintenance for this year should be complete for the most part so this now should ensure that the servers continue to operate in good standing at least for another year.
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Re: secondary server maintenance

Post by adminless »

everything complete now the secondary server should function just as usual. all that is left is to recover the videos that were lost that I'll just go uploading and reproducing along the afternoon and the next days beside now backing up everything again for a good reason as can be seen.