Demos for Black Nastia

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Demos for Black Nastia

Post by matacristos »

Hi everybody!
I've been recently accused of hacking by Black Nastia, so here (s)he has some demos recorded today where both of us are playing playing together.
You can see in the demos my configuration, how I walk to hear enemies and having an advantage (no need of wallhacking), how my aim flicks (aimbotters have perfect aim), and how I use to camp a little in campgrounds (that's why the name :lol: )
Demo07 it's not big deal, just me losing the match, failing and missing rails and rockets. Demo08 is the first part I recorded of campgrounds until Nastia accuses me of cheating and rage quit. Demo09 is the second part, when (s)he returns and Laminek plays awesome. Hope you enjoy!
Finally, I'm not cheating and I have never did it, so I can all of the time proving it. If you have any doubt about the legitimacy of my gameplay, ask me for a proof and i will try to provide you one.
See you in the arena!
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Re: Demos for Black Nastia

Post by fernandinho1337 »

@mata you are clearly not cheating, therefore just ignore him/her.

what is funny: nast1a complains so much and when he/she is on a team with a "cheater". he/she then switches teams so he/she can play against that cheater. by switching teams manually nast1a throws off the game balance most of the times. so by complaining nast1a is worsening the game in two ways: 1. being toxic with accusation 2. disbalancing the game for gg nast1a good job complaining ;-)
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Re: Demos for Black Nastia

Post by cBs KRA7OS »

Siema, nie wiem jakie podejście ma nastia do was , ale mi się z nastia dobrze gra tak samo z newbie.zi, matacristos, Mirosław, No cela masz przejechanego tak jak Mirosław:) ale gra się dobrze lubię jak jest harcore;:) nastia dobrze gra tylko ma inny styl gry spaceruje i wyczekuje na strzał, ja zaś atakuje i pilnuje zamrożonych ale poważnie jak tak jest po kilku w drużynie dobrych gra się super nikt nikomu nie przeszkadza nie zawadza a tylko się pojawia pizdukasy i inni tego typu to już strzelają byle gdzie byle jak:) matacristos kiedy w championa duela zagramy? Mnie po tygodniu gry na champion od od chaterow wyzywaja

polskiSiema, I do not know what approach has to you, but I'm fine with the same game with newbie.zi, matacristos, Mirosław, No cell you have run like Mirosław :) but I like the game well as it is harcore; :) nastia good game only has a different style of the game is walking and waiting for a shot, I attack and watch frozen, but seriously as it is after a few in the team good play is great no one bothers anyone does not mind and only pizdukasy appears and others of this type are already shooting any where anyhow :) matacristos when we will play duel in champion? After a week of playing for a champion from the Chats, I am challenge
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Re: Demos for Black Nastia

Post by cBs KRA7OS »

Tutaj mam screena jak od chaterow mnie wyzywał:)

Here, I have a screen of how he called me from the chats.
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Re: Demos for Black Nastia

Post by cBs KRA7OS »

tutaj mój screen:)
zmieniam rozdzielczosci a wystepuje ciagle wykrzyknij że zły format rozdzielczości
oooo screen w formacie gif się załadował:)
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