player 'lame' disrupting games and insulting people

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not your mom

player 'lame' disrupting games and insulting people

Post by not your mom »

Mom's here (albeit not yours),
I'd like to report a player who goes by 'lame' for team pushing, insulting players on both teams, and generally being exactly what his nick stands for.

This is the first time I've observed him acting out today. Perhaps he's had a bad day, but that doesn't justify such behavior.

Just take a look at the matches he's played today - he barely even played, but tried very hard to ruin everyone's experience. And while I realize that most players don't care about insults in the language they don't understand, it still is pretty lame
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Re: player 'lame' disrupting games and insulting people

Post by onlycape »

I just left the game because this player "I ame" is ruining the game.
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Re: player 'lame' disrupting games and insulting people

Post by engle570 »

something happened to him, he was cool before. either drunk or hacked.
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Re: player 'lame' disrupting games and insulting people

Post by adminless »

the lame trouble maker is just a fake that showed today not the regular one. ok, ban just added now and I'll investigate further, thanks for report.