Is there a client side way to disable whatever is changed in rockets for unfreeze mod? It's so bad on high ping
If I delete the mod pk3 and just run my osp install out of baseq3, rockets feel SO much better. So something is changed in unfreeze for rockets and it isn't good and I'd rather just have vanilla lagged rockets.
I just want a cvar to disable whatever change it is so I can play with vanilla rockets. Just deleting the mod isn't an option because that makes LG and rail feel worse and they already feel bad with the mod.
It is actually harder to play on unfreeze than it would be to just play on 150 ping OSP because of the rocket changes.
Disable rocket changes?
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Re: Disable rocket changes?
I'm not really sure and to be honest it's the first time I hear such complain. matter of fact, the usual complain is actually the opposite, where people plays osp with the unfreeze mod at the masters (legacy) server and the projectiles feel "wrong" (lagged) as they aren't one engine frame compensated as in unlagged mods. that's really the only difference I initially can tell so I assume that most likely will be it and a matter of habit although that doesn't really explain your subjective impression that rockets feel worse with the mod than without it as it should be the opposite as you're noting for the rest of the weapons. it would probably be helpful for you to try all the different servers (not just the public UnFreeZe ones also the masters/ffa/private etc) and provided packages as-is (not just the mod) and see if you experience the same feeling in all of the cases. as for client side settings for that I think that there's none as I assume the difference there lies in the server and just incompatibilities with osp that produce a more familiar/better result for you. that being said, some client side settings you can probably try to debug (not really "fix") that beside testing the rest of the servers and the packages as-is (not even cfg, as-is) as I told you could be try to disable client prediction (\cg_nopredict 1), the unlagged code (\cg_delag 0) or play a little with the timenudge to add some osp alike lag (ex. \cl_timenudge 15 might be a option for you in this case). as I'm telling you any of those will mess up your game in one way or another (so beside you nobody should use any of that) but might be a option to debug/workaround/figure out your issue and see how it plays out.
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Re: Disable rocket changes?
Something is definitely changed with rockets in unfreeze when the unfreeze qvms exist in the mod folder. It isn't server side, because removing the unfreeze qvms and just using osp qvms the rockets work as expected in a vanilla way. Vanilla still isn't great, the delay is pretty harsh, but at least it is predictable and usable in more situations.
The rockets are NOT unlagged, but my guess is something in the client predict code or something is trying to make them appear that way and it's causing really weird issues. Like some times rockets go directions that my cursor was never facing. They are still delayed, but its like they are delayed then still try fire where my crosshair is pointing rather than firing where the crosshair was when the trigger was pulled. This makes it much more difficult to aim and rockets are basically impossible to use on a higher ping.
The rockets are delayed with or without the unfreeze qvms in the mod folder, but with them it is unpredictable and way worse. I understand that play testing the mod on higher ping is such a niche use case that it isn't something planned for, but being able to disable whatever is changed would certainly help.
I'll poke around with those settings, but it seems I may have to make per weapon settings binds in a config to implement some of these. Cg_nopredict seems the most promising, but cg_delag 0 might be necessary on a per weapon basis.
The rockets are NOT unlagged, but my guess is something in the client predict code or something is trying to make them appear that way and it's causing really weird issues. Like some times rockets go directions that my cursor was never facing. They are still delayed, but its like they are delayed then still try fire where my crosshair is pointing rather than firing where the crosshair was when the trigger was pulled. This makes it much more difficult to aim and rockets are basically impossible to use on a higher ping.
The rockets are delayed with or without the unfreeze qvms in the mod folder, but with them it is unpredictable and way worse. I understand that play testing the mod on higher ping is such a niche use case that it isn't something planned for, but being able to disable whatever is changed would certainly help.
I'll poke around with those settings, but it seems I may have to make per weapon settings binds in a config to implement some of these. Cg_nopredict seems the most promising, but cg_delag 0 might be necessary on a per weapon basis.
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Re: Disable rocket changes?
to be sure before coming to any conclusions first I would try to download and try that as-is (no cfg, no more paks etc) and see how it performs across the different servers (that is a five minute task and it won't interfere/break anything as much it just can play even shittier) rather than just throwing the UnFreeZe pk3 inside whatever installation you're using which is what I assume that you're doing. also try the different server routes as it could be net related (or it could at least potentially help). unfortunately as I told you I never experienced that myself while testing nor really have heard of any such complains so yes I assume that that's probably the best this can do for you.