Slower weapon switching

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Slower weapon switching

Post by NoobKilla »

Hi everyone. I've noticed that my weapons switching is much slower than in original game. Originally I thought I did something wrong in configuration, but the configurations are exactly the same now and the switching of weapons is much slower in Inside the game, other players switch weapons much faster than me thus having advantage over me. Also not every bullet hits my target, sometimes it just passes through. Could be a bug of some sort.
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Re: Slower weapon switching

Post by adminless »

I don't think so and I'm definitively not aware of any such bugs.
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Re: Slower weapon switching

Post by NoobKilla »

I don't know how game works, you know, so is it possible that you made weapons switching depending on the network? I had issues with wifi due to bad weather and the storms and I've noticed delays of even 2-3 seconds between weapons switch, it's like the reaction to the input is delayed. I'm serious, I know how it may seem to you, but this is really happening.
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Re: Slower weapon switching

Post by adminless »

in case of extreme packet loss I assume your game could freeze however if it's only the weapon switching that it's failing I doubt it has something to do with the network. in any case what I can assure you is that it's not a cfg issue as there's no such as different switch time options in the server.
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Re: Slower weapon switching

Post by NoobKilla »

I went to test it and you're right there actually is some packet loss and I think the delay in weapon switching is because of late packets, that explains it and it's quite random, exactly as those late packets are random on screenshot:
wifi network.png
I'll have to wait for better weather to play with you all.

EDIT: bad weather was during entire day today, it's still bad
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