Overkill map - can we add it?

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Overkill map - can we add it?

Post by manager »

Hello guys, sorry in advance for my bad English and my possibly dumb question (i am new here), but i cannot find an answer in FAQ. Could you tell me please, is it possible to include the famous "overkill" map to rotation? It's especially good for a large amount of players. Maybe it's illegal for some reasons, and we have to buy this map to place it to the server? If yes, how about a crowdfunding? :)
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Re: Overkill map - can we add it?

Post by adminless »

that map is largely played at the events/competitive games on this site where it's a much better choice than on the pubs. if you want you can play the entire tier of competitive maps (and even more) on the "third" UnFreeZe server, glacius, 24/7 on same IP's just on port 27963 instead though in such case make sure to have installed one of the well known full client packages otherwise it will be you the one missing the maps not the server. please be welcome to the forum as well.
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Re: Overkill map - can we add it?

Post by manager »

Aha, understood, thank you very much for the answer!