Is there any chance to include q3dm9 in the rotation maybe only on the second unfreeze server?
I think it used to be popular on the ffa server for a while (like q3dm15) and had a bug that got patched eventually.
It seems like it has a good size to accomodate 12-18 players which is probably the average outside of peak times and could follow the fate of q3dm15 adding some more variety to the rotation?
as with that oxodm1, yes, dm9 used to run on spacius for quite some time (years probably) and beside all the bugs it didn't even really play any good. dm9 is probably one of the campiest/worst standard maps for this mode. yes, on the ffa server it loads from time to time and it works ok but as it loads and does pretty much anything else there. they are different setups so if people is already struggling (hard btw) with q3dm1, q3dm10, q3dm16 and q3dm15 that were added (per unanimous request btw) to the main servers as the best options from the second tier, I don't really see dropping anything else there. as usual, in my opinion, I believe that rather than start dropping maps "at random" just for the sake of it to the main servers people should just start going more to glacius which does run 24/7 as well and loads a proven solid +20 maps rotation already.
ok understood, just to clarify though, i wasn't promoting to drop/replace any existing map but to test the addition of this one to the secondary server for a while
adminless wrote: ↑Wed Feb 08, 2023 12:02
as with that oxodm1, yes, dm9 used to run on spacius for quite some time (years probably) and beside all the bugs it didn't even really play any good. dm9 is probably one of the campiest/worst standard maps for this mode.
yeah, pretty much so I think that should tel you all you need to know about it as I said. yes, q3dm9 is very similar to q3dm15 only that probably some worse, overall is just like a smaller version of it for smaller games so if people is already hating and struggling hard with q3dm15 (despite "everyone" around here had requested/approved it) there's clearly no need add any more maps that "people" (i.e. a significant group) is gonna hate/skip as well. again I believe that people should just go more into glacius or even the ffa server which is hot now for more variety beyond the main servers.
q3dm15 is not too bad. issue is there are two big rooms and only three(/ four, depending on how you count) entries that connect those yet it often is fun anyways. q3dm9 actually has only one (maybe two depending on how you count) entries that connect those rooms so it is really made for camping as it is very easy even for beginners and non aligned teams. entries on both maps are sort of easy to protect as you dont even have to turn your mouse for it ^^
adminless fun request: activate friendly fire but the person giving the damage also takes the damage. spamming will be dead in no time
hehe I know I had also considered more changes and other (similar) options but I think that by now I've already introduced enough changes and it's not like to ruin the servers. maybe in the future I can try something else and/or add more changes.
adminless wrote: ↑Fri Feb 10, 2023 21:08
hehe I know I had also considered more changes and other (similar) options but I think that by now I've already introduced enough changes and it's not like to ruin the servers. maybe in the future I can try something else and/or add more changes.
The items more varied are great
Now can we have a grenade pack in the middle of the park , you know everyone will fight for it ?
by being more accurate and not missing, each grenade you hit gives you back a grenade now so basically the number of grenades with you spawn is the number of grenades you can miss (spam) now instead of you can hit which could be higher depending on how you really use them (good or just at random). anyways, from statistical data on average it will probably just result on one more extra grenade per spawn so again it's just another minor change/improvement that hopefully will result in better play/more fun, no big deal/dramatic change.