server escalated

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server escalated

Post by adminless »

hey hi everybody

I come this time with awesome news for everybody, following these well know server incidents (see and more recently see) and seeing that this was no casual incident that it was going to end up going away (in fact it looked like the contrary, that each time it was getting worse and worse) after a failed escalation test past month (absurdly it performed worse than better) finally this month server escalation has been successful so starting this week finally I escalated the server so this now should address that nasty long standing issue, therefor such incidents will be ticked as solved now until know to have fail again (not expected).

overall I could say that I believe that the result couldn't be any better, I finally brought all the server pieces together and the escalation is really absorbing the load flawlessly, it does really make a improvement. in addition I also fully (not just "partially") deployed there that infamous 2k18 server image I talked about for so many time already and turned the server into some kind of small dev kit to ensure the integrity of the server even in case my own admin computer breaks (which is likely to happen at some point), so it doesn't depend on that, the server is pretty much fully autonomous now (even independent from this website). it's definitively not the solution I wanted as this effectively doubled the cost of the server for only a third more of the performance that's even questionably needed (probably it's not) but anyways at the end, time is money too and this was lagging me massively from carry on with this and also if you think about it, this didn't die already just because I was paying twice for a server "just in case" (i.e. expecting it to fail, deep down I knew there must be some catch with it) so I even think that at the end this do a better use of the infrastructure (there's no point to pay for a server which doesn't work).

thus this will also span the subsequent move of UnFreeZe2 "soon" (in the next weeks) into that dev/backup machine I also talked about some time here, which is not that premium but it should be a very close second and do the job quite fine and in addition it will also give us more coverage (is located a bit more to the north, not exactly the Netherlands but in the Netherlands area) and a solid backup infrastructure so even if the whole server data center crash again, catches fire, collapse or whatever it's this time, we'll be already covered and running on another location. I'll go posting more details as this complete here as usual.

so that's it for now this time, I hope that this time this addressed that issue (I mean it should but only time, i.e. years, will really tell) and this helps raise the standard. I also sincerely apologize once again for all that people that past month had their games abruptly ended at nights/late nights that should have never happened and I believe that finally with this that should never happen again, sorry about that and thank you for patience while I was shorting this out.