timeout -> kick & team removal

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timeout -> kick & team removal

Post by tar »

Spaceman got a connection timeout and appeared as "ghost". After waiting for more than 3 minutes I disconnected. I assumed he get kicked off the team after not moving for more than 30 seconds but this did not happen. Also the "no movement timer" is set on the body position instead on an actual position change by self movement. Therefore a player who is afk got not removed from the team when he is moved by mate or opponent (rockets, e.g.)

Is it possible to fix this?
newb.zi (stats · system)
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Re: timeout -> kick & team removal

Post by adminless »

yes I know this seems to be the same bug reported here some time ago and that for some reasons or another I didn't end up reviewing yet hehe sorry about that, anyways on the 2018 server builds and code revision that I'm working on lately (82,75% complete) I'll make sure to patch (well or at least to try and then we'll see as usual) on the "next days" (week or like that). nevertheless so far is very very very ever unlikely hit (once a month so far?). thanks for report mate and sorry for the inconvenience.