Item respawn time

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Item respawn time

Post by fau »

Hi adminless

I've noticed that red armor spawns every 30 seconds now (didn't check other items). What's up with this? I spent years learning to add 25, are you telling me I need to learn 30 now?
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Re: Item respawn time

Post by adminless »

yes you right but it's nothing new I changed that like a year ago after the Moskva fight I think that they relied entirely just on sucking all the red armor. that way that undermine a little (just a little) that strategy (camping ra 24/7) and it gives a better chance to secondary/eventual yellow armor situations as well. as I said, it's not a change that has been introduced for this tournament edition, it's been like that for a year already (on all the UnFreeZe servers) and I think that it worked pretty good and produced a better balance and better games overall.
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Re: Item respawn time

Post by fau »

hmm ok. A little strange for quake 3, but I don't time items in unfreeze anyway. Some people time by feeling and this must be pretty hard for them. I think now with lava removing you the camping problem is largely solved. No matter what, people do more damage than you can recover with items and eventually each round comes to an end.

By the way, I started noticing bodies getting frozen in the air and staying there until you shoot them. I feel like that didn't happen before, but maybe I'm wrong? Example:

Not very often and not a game breaker, but I think I see it at least once every game?
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Re: Item respawn time

Post by adminless »

I know for ixsy/miroslav and the likes (i.e. as well for you probably). as I said it was introduced already like a year ago and as I saw it I think it has been a positive change, unlucky. yes, I noticed that too, I believe the body just got sandwiched/stopped there by the player/s against it collided. I guess that probably you can try that by shooting a body on top a team mate and if I'm not wrong the code should just leave it there on top of the player where it collided instead of pulling it. as stated other times the frozen bodies physics are clearly very basic/"tricky" (I mean just see shooting/moving them) but they has always been so (I really made no changes there over vanilla ftag). yeah I think I could at least review pulling them just like that at some point but probably now it's not the best time to do that (i.e. see potential changes on behavior/bugs etc). anyways thanks for the feedback and the next time (on the mid term) that I do some server coding I'll take a look at the frozen bodies physics and I'll see if I can come up with some sensible improvements.
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Re: Item respawn time

Post by fernandinho1337 »

i noticed the spawn time being changed a few months ago as well

@fau newb training for item timing: always do +30 and 2nd step do +-5 depending on armor/ mega. if you follow this rule and stop after step one you will be able to time the items correctly ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) :angel: :wave: :mrgreen:
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Re: Item respawn time

Post by fau »

fernandinho1337 wrote: Tue Feb 22, 2022 14:53 i noticed the spawn time being changed a few months ago as well

@fau newb training for item timing: always do +30 and 2nd step do +-5 depending on armor/ mega. if you follow this rule and stop after step one you will be able to time the items correctly ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) :angel: :wave: :mrgreen:
I learned adding 25/35 modulo 60 by heart years ago... but I remember it was a real struggle. I never learned multiplication table in school for example, memorization is not my strong suit. So I wasn't joking entirely :P
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Re: Item respawn time

Post by PacMan »

adminless wrote: Mon Feb 21, 2022 20:40 I know for ixsy/miroslav and the likes (i.e. as well for you probably). as I said it was introduced already like a year ago and as I saw it I think it has been a positive change, unlucky. yes, I noticed that too, I believe the body just got sandwiched/stopped there by the player/s against it collided. I guess that probably you can try that by shooting a body on top a team mate and if I'm not wrong the code should just leave it there on top of the player where it collided instead of pulling it. as stated other times the frozen bodies physics are clearly very basic/"tricky" (I mean just see shooting/moving them) but they has always been so (I really made no changes there over vanilla ftag). yeah I think I could at least review pulling them just like that at some point but probably now it's not the best time to do that (i.e. see potential changes on behavior/bugs etc). anyways thanks for the feedback and the next time (on the mid term) that I do some server coding I'll take a look at the frozen bodies physics and I'll see if I can come up with some sensible improvements.
Frozen bodies in air have been around along time , stuck to walls and all sorts , it makes game more interesting

I hope to much isn't changed

I disappointed the LG has changed used to be a tad more powerful
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Re: Item respawn time

Post by adminless »

I don't know what you talking about, the LG hasn't been changed in a long time and the last time it was changed (like more than a year ago I think) it was actually to boost it a little. I haven't changed anything about the frozen bodies either (at least yet).
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Re: Item respawn time

Post by PacMan »

adminless wrote: Sun Feb 27, 2022 11:26 I don't know what you talking about, the LG hasn't been changed in a long time and the last time it was changed (like more than a year ago I think) it was actually to boost it a little. I haven't changed anything about the frozen bodies either (at least yet).
Lol probably me noobing then ......
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Re: Item respawn time

Post by adminless »

ok, hopefully if nothing broke/glitched I just patched today those frozen bodies getting stuck mid-air so now the game should at least properly pull them down to the ground when possible. the patch is already active (and "tested" to my "ability", i.e. a few bot rounds) on the ranked server, for the pubs it should take effect tomorrow so please let me know if it broke and/or glitched something. for the rest absolutely nothing else has changed other than just specifically properly pulling down frozen mid-air bodies when possible.