Open Arena Server Technical Issues

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Open Arena Server Technical Issues

Post by adminless »

hey hi everybody

I start this topic here so you guys have a place where to report technical issues with the Open Arena ctf server (currently - if should ever be needed.

ok, first things first, let's start by reporting here that finally after almost a year of running this server I announce here first that thanks to the positive reception it will make it for another season (hurrahhh :D :D ) and second announce that it will be moved into a better (proper) host "soon" (I'm currently focus on fixing/improving the UnFreeZe server so when I finish, next will be this thing here, so let's say around the end this month, i.e. late september 2017).

the thing is that this server wasn't on the specifications when I built the servers it came later when I built the OaFreeZe server and realized that this would work better so basically I just picked up what was left of this very same server and built the server there. sure at the moment this was starting and technically it looked ok at the time however I didn't expected this server to become a top Open Arena server and with the time this setup while yes it did job (and as of now still does) with the time it showed it's limitations and that is not adequate to run such a server under a quality standard.

so that's it after I finish my job with the UnFreeZe server (a week/s or so) I'll move this server into a independent and proper host for better game quality. I'll leave new ip here and update the server page when done.

thanks a lot for your understanding and patience during this, see you later
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Re: Open Arena Server Technical Issues

Post by adminless »

ok, done I've just addressed this, I believe that after all I could take a short break at the UnFreeZe thing to promptly address this. finally I changed my mind and after think about it I decided that the best solution for everybody it's to leave this server where it is, it's already working and by the way it's the hell of a machine, so basically I just did a quick 24 tuning work of this machine that while it's nothing crazy over the top stuff should do the job by now.

PS: btw forgot to mention that in addition to the fix I also increased the players slots from 14 to 16 to better accommodate for those casual player loads spikes cause I feel like it would suit the server nicely.