UnFreeZe client feedback/requests

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Re: UnFreeZe client feedback/requests

Post by tar »

While you are adjusting the ranking with the accuracy (hopefully) could you just use the actual playing time only - without spectating time, waiting till thawed time, 10 secs start time and waiting for next map time?

Btw. is it possible to customize the hud? I would like to have a more customizable crosshair (esp. color) and I think this is not possible for unfreeze, is it?
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Re: UnFreeZe client feedback/requests

Post by adminless »

hey hello guys

@onlycape hehe you're sharp, that would be epic eh well that's one of the ideas I also had in mind when I started with the rank site, that's good, that's good however as you can understand that's something that would require a design (re-design) of the services beyond the few weeks left for v1.1 and that it would even introduce some problems of it's own (different protocols and more things) and it's something that even has it's own limitations so that would be something more as for the long term if ever (and most likely ever 100%). so far, the server already actually does something like that but instead of take the whole rank it takes the previous game as "rank", little know fact is that the server actually already sort the teams at the end of the game based on their score (not based on "bots vs noobs" criterias or "randomly" by the way) this way even auto correcting (or to at least trying, nothing is perfect) itself and overall I believe that by scrambling the rank database the autobalance code does its job of keeping most games generally balanced.

mmmmm that's a good idea however I'm not so sure of how that could be integrated, by the way one hit sound? there's actually three in the mod :P (depending on enemy health before being hit, low, mid and high pitched hit sound respectively)

@tar time is actually not that important in vsp stats, in fact time is not even a variable in vsp stats, the "unit" of reference in vsp stats are mostly the deaths and/or the games that imo are even more significative than the "time". a so accurate time tracking as you're requesting will likely require heavy modding so that would be something more for the long term what i can do however (that I even thought about when added the accuracy xD) in the sort term (may be this weekend) is add "basic" time tracking (i.e. finished active game played time, the one you see in the scoreboard, that unfortunately also includes thawed time but hopefully none of the rest) and print a much more accurate score/min stat than that of gametracker (one stat that people seem to be used to btw) and may be in the future work around the thaw time, we'll see, I'm not making a promise here.

not so far, "drawing" mods are expected for v1.2 (if ever, I'm not a artist hehe sorry about that, I suck big time at "drawings") v1.1 is more of the core update and that I believe (it looks like) it's doing a good way however sure it's possible to polish some things about it :D the crosshair color is trivial, I just maid it magenta because is what provide the better contrast with the other mod colors (better than the standard red), but there's no problems about it I'll make its color configurable in a update tomorrow or so (I'll write here as usual). let me know if you still particularly miss something else.

later guys
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Re: UnFreeZe client feedback/requests

Post by tar »

alright, server is actually freezing (not only lagging) for 10-20 seconds regularly after some minutes btw. - it goes away but i think some players have a time out and other think their connection is lost and disconnect as it is displayed "connection interrupted".
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Re: UnFreeZe client feedback/requests

Post by adminless »

hey good morning

yes I know, I know viewtopic.php?f=17&t=44

server's company had some major incident past thursday (complete lost of electricity over the whole datacenter) and they are still recovering from that so I believe that things will take some time (not many) to stabilize and go as usual (if not even better than before), it has nothing to do with me or the server itself (I change nothing and the server is performing as usual) it has to do with the environment around it that is turbulent at the moment (think about that like if you would have another person in your house using your own internet with a broken computer trying desperately to fix, it's gonna affect you, he's gonna be downloading updates like crazy, switching cables, changing the wi-fi, resetting the router etc at other scale of course but here is not much different from that). anyways, thanks for report I wouldn't expect this problems to last more than today at most so let me know if the problem persists again and I'll leave them a notice so they can check it out and sort it in time, just in case I hard reset the server now (plugged/unplugged from the current).

see you and sorry for the inconvenience

PS: well just in case I just leave them a casual notice about this freezes now so they can also know if the problem persist I'll write them more seriously instead or just do something about it
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Re: UnFreeZe client feedback/requests

Post by adminless »

ok, I just pushed the usual file (unfreeze0-dev-client.pk3) with the requested updates so I added a cg_crosshairColor variable (default value 6, i.e. magenta) to change the crosshair color but note that here it just does take "standard" q3 color values (the ones you use in the chat for example, i.e. 1 = red) I believe that is what you was interested in not in alphas/gradients/blending etc etc so I believe that should do the job. by the way about this functionality note that it also requires cg_crosshairhealth set to 0 which by default is one to change depending on your health status.

in addition as a bonus I cleaned up also a bit the hud and removed all those I believe already unnecessary strings (I think that so far we all already know that a red armor is indeed a red armor or what that rocket launcher icon is so we don't need to be reminded of it all the time) and added ammo display overlayed on the weapon change window, in order to make this a bit more useful I also added the cg_weaponSelectTime variable (default vale 1.4 which was its default value, takes decimal values) to control how long to display this window in seconds (i.e. -1 = never, 86400 = "forever", my recommendation around 3.5).

well and basically I believe that that's it with the hud at least for now overall I found it a decent addition to the mod :) so as always redownload & replace and let me know if there's something you don't like or that you would prefer to be changed etc

as for the time stats tracking I'll work around that tomorrow (so it won't start tracking until monday, in short that's planned for this coming week more or less).

see you
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Re: UnFreeZe client feedback/requests

Post by tar »

Hi, you recommend using quake client v1.33 but within the last days I experienced a massive discrepancy between v1.33 and v1.36 again.


1) Advantage: Hearing enemies is more precise. As I already mentioned I can nearly hear them 1 mile away, but it is also confusing when you are surrounded by many players.

2) Disadvantage: Moving and shooting lags like hell except for Railgun (and Shotgun, I guess), which even hits when the enemy has moved away from the targeted spot. This lagging behaviour leads to a constant blocking/stuttering when other players are moving within the same path. It also leads to an immense struggle in overall movement, esp. Lighthning Gun is laggy and rocket jumps often just don't work as the actual rocket shoot recognition seems to be interpreted some milliseconds later as the jump command. This lagging/stuttering makes it nearly impossible to shoot an enemy with rocket even with around 30ms.


1) Disadvantage: The sounds are more clearer but often you first recognize an enemy when he is already 2 meters behind you.

2) Advantage: Overall movement is smoother. Lags are compensated somehow and weapons (esp. rocket jumps) work much better (but still not perfect). The rail recognition also is different from v1.33 - it seems slightly harder to hit.

I tested both with the unfreeze-pk3s.
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Re: UnFreeZe client feedback/requests

Post by fernandinho1337 »

Hi tar,

what I notice. Whenever I connect certain net settings reset to a value I dislike. E. G. it automatically jumps back to maxpackets 100. I use 125 and then it feels much better (use bindings ^^).

I use 1.33 but I will check out 1.36, too.

best regards
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Re: UnFreeZe client feedback/requests

Post by adminless »

@tar mmmmmm ok don't know weird never really happened to me like that (I mean that bad) nor I had knowledge of that, may be is a particular problem with your particular build/cpu combo, perhaps you could give a try to the other builds (specially the "fail-safe" generic build) and check if it does better for your pc, I mean just saying, I know 1.36 has some patches in that aspect and I still definitively had to do some job there for that UnFreeZe v1.1 release unfortunately due clearly overwhelming issues I finally missed the november date for the release so I preferred to do a break on that and this month I've been working some server code and related things and I'll still continue till finish it this month/next one or so, that final package I hope I can make this winter. anyways don't expect any ground breaking changes (it's basically the same just packaged) besides the usual slight adjustments I don't really see something like that going away but thank you for testing and feedback.

@dirk that's a server behavior, 100 is the recommended value, nevertheless you can just manually override it if you want as you do.

see you guys