UnFreeZe Super League 2023, First Leg

UnFreeZe Super League 2023, First Leg History - Immortal Clan First Place
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Re: UnFreeZe League 23/24

Post by ^Walnut* »

Hey admin

About the match against TC, we seem to have 4 people ready now, so waiting for the last person to confirm. TC also said that that is the best date for them at the moment. Will get back to you!
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Re: UnFreeZe League 23/24

Post by adminless »

@redrum great, thanks for that, noted now, then let's see what oKo says, if anything at all about that. otherwise I guess I'll just leave them the weekend to hear back from them and if not then I'll overrule that tomorrow night and that will go the Tuesday whether they show up or not (again) which in such case then just by connecting your team would take its first in-record win as ass did yesterday. I think it's clear it makes no sense to wait anymore than that already.

@walnut ok, great news, thanks for the update.

@everyone as said, for the first leg I'm not gonna disqualify them (oKo) just like that (as that doesn't really serve any purpose at this point) so they will still be allowed to show up/participate whether it finally gets played in or off record (or even at all) but to be allowed to enter the second leg they are gonna need to make at least some changes/adjustments to their roster and register/show a proper team of at least seven active and engaged players otherwise they will be cut from the second leg. speaking of which, as I said not trying to start any drama/bullshit here because of that but despite all the hate and controversies about all the norms and regulations about line-ups, number of players, activity, rotations, fair-play balance (etc etc) here this just comes to show for a fact not only exactly why they are there for but that they are indeed necessary for this to properly function.
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Re: UnFreeZe League 23/24

Post by adminless »

@walnut hey community just picked this morning nodm9a and phantq3dm1_rev and yes said they were in talks with you for the date so now waiting for you to block one of those as well as to hear your picks from first and third tier along with the order and the server within this weekend to leave that set.

ok, to make it clear this is the list of things still left pending to complete before tomorrow night:
  • Week 3
    • oKo Clan VS Diablo Team (Tuesday 24 of October of 2023 21:00 CEST)
      • status: diablo already confirmed such date and picked q3dm8 and charon3dm9 therefore just waiting for them to block one of those as well as to pick two from the first and third tiers each along with the order and server. after they (oKo) just incurred in a no showing loss, this will be a hard deadline for them, have no received concise word from them about this by tomorrow night I'll proceed to overrule and set that myself whether they later can meet it or not which in such case they will incur in another no showing loss.
    • ASS Clan VS Team Community (Wednesday 25 of October of 2023 21:00 CEST)
      • status: community already picked nodm9a and phantq3dm1_rev therefor just waiting for ass to pick the rest now (two from the first tier and two from the third tier) along with the order and server. additionally both say to be in talks about the date so waiting communication on that.
    • Immortal Clan VS ILM Clan (Thursday 26 of October of 2023 21:15 CEST)
      • status: I still haven't really received any concise communication from any of them about all of this. it's important to note that for example for this to happen let's say the Wednesday the hard deadline for ilm to announce their picks (two from the second tier) is just tomorrow.
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Re: UnFreeZe League 23/24

Post by Heero-2b »

nickaero wrote: Fri Oct 20, 2023 9:30Zoltaan
thx : )
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Re: UnFreeZe League 23/24

Post by ^Walnut* »

Admin, is it possible that the time of the match tommorow against DT is moved to 20:30 CEST instead of 21:00 CEST?
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Re: UnFreeZe League 23/24

Post by adminless »

sure if that works for diablo that's ok from my end.
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Re: UnFreeZe League 23/24

Post by ^Walnut* »

adminless wrote: Sat Oct 21, 2023 17:54 sure if that works for diablo that's ok from my end.
Okay, thanks! Asked them as well. Just wanted to make sure if that's a problem, because the fight card was already made :D
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Re: UnFreeZe League 23/24

Post by oKo*CTHULHU »

I've already talked to Walnut in a private message. We apologize for the absence of the entire team in yesterday's meeting. sometimes we have no influence on equal situations. This situation can happen to anyone. we are ready for the next game Tuesday 24 at 21:00 CEST vs Diablo Team
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Re: UnFreeZe League 23/24

Post by adminless »

@walnut no, typically moving the start time between 20:30/21:30 (approx) is generally not a big deal as long is properly communicated/agreed in time of course.

@cth as I wrote you in PM I'm glad that you're at least apologizing instead of coming back with any random bullshit/nonsense so that's ok. that being said that doesn't take away from the fact that if neither magi nor venum are gonna participate any more in light of this situation you should probably recruit a extra more player just to be safe for the second leg otherwise you might risk running in trouble again. such situation would probably have been prevented if your team would count with more active/engaged players which is the reason why the teams size and activity/rotation norms within this site exists (i.e. teams are six/eight players and must rotate its players or the inactive players will be kicked for a reason). ok, then noted that for the Tuesday and waiting for picks from your team as wrote on PM.

@everyone well following this just for fun (so I hope nobody gets crazy about it now) and to also give some visibility to those off-the-record games I added as well to the season results here a off-the-record list including all the sanctioned results played here. I assume then that now all the third or otherwise off-the-record games will be played under normal circumstances. needless to say, I repeat, that's just for fun nothing else, the official results that will be called and will count for the teams records are obviously the ones clearly established as such.
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Re: UnFreeZe League 23/24

Post by PacMan »

oKo*CTHULHU wrote: Sat Oct 21, 2023 18:07 I've already talked to Walnut in a private message. We apologize for the absence of the entire team in yesterday's meeting. sometimes we have no influence on equal situations. This situation can happen to anyone. we are ready for the next game Tuesday 24 at 21:00 CEST vs Diablo Team
I think q is available, ask him to play for your team :thumbup:
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Re: UnFreeZe League 23/24

Post by adminless »

I don't think so. those kind of top players are probably better off leading their own teams as written in the site or just by joining a entry level team (like diablo at the time for example) rather than the already top established ones. that would probably be overkill so I was just talking about some extra normally active reinforcement not a top one and that only given the case that neither magi nor venum are gonna be active/participate (as it seems) otherwise they should be fine I guess/hope.
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Re: UnFreeZe League 23/24

Post by PacMan »

adminless wrote: Sat Oct 21, 2023 20:14 I don't think so. those kind of top players are probably better off leading their own teams as written in the site or just by joining a entry level team (like diablo at the time for example) rather than the already top established ones. that would probably be overkill so I was just talking about some extra normally active reinforcement not a top one and that only given the case that neither magi nor venum are gonna be active/participate (as it seems) otherwise they should be fine I guess/hope.

Sorry I was kidding but I was pretty sure q was CTH hiding but maybe I am wrong
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Re: UnFreeZe League 23/24

Post by adminless »

hehe yes you're right, he actually was (I just checked it now).
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Re: UnFreeZe League 23/24

Post by ^Walnut* »

Hehe you should add .... to your team! Instant win :lol:

But seriously why not ask xan, Lubaka, Engle, Wilo or Ares? Some good players that are all pretty active!
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Re: UnFreeZe League 23/24

Post by adminless »

yes those there are some good examples for spare players to add for rotation and to have around to be safe when organizing fights in case magi and venum aren't gonna be active/participate of course.