well as it seems that there has been some interest on the ctf thing and as there's currently no other planned events in the mean time I decided to finally give a try to some small casual ctf event open to everybody and outside the usual competitive settings (i.e. no clans, no ranking, no stats, no tittles etc) just to see how it goes. basically I believe the card should be like this:
- event: 2022 small summer ctf event
- gamemode: ctf
- capturelimit: 7
- timelimit: 20
- format: 4vs4 minimum - 5vs5 maximum
- maps: q3ctf1 , mkbase , q3ctf4 , oasago2 , dc_map24
- settings: not competitive/casual/fun
- server: ctf.fpsclasico.de:27965 | ctf.fpsclasico.eu:27965
- password: to be established/distributed
- date: the Sunday 4 of September of 2022 21:15 CEST (UTC+02)
ok and I think that should be it. in case of overbooking, the order of preference would be strictly by date of sing up (i.e. last in first out) so if you're interested don't waste your time and join before it's all booked. if it happens once people sing up I'll manually (since this time there's no stats assists on this mode) balance the teams as best as I can possibly guess and as usual if by the next week or so it's not closed then it just won't happen (it will just be something else later on). no rescheduling or anything that will be the date. all the maps except for mkbase that I just dropped it now on the well known packages are/were included on the afford mentioned packages. in any case, if you sign up make at least completely sure to have at least those maps (exactly those versions) installed on your client before connecting to the server.
as noted, the current need for this would be between 8 and 12 people for this to happen, ok, so who's up to this?